Synapse Tools - storm

The Synapse Storm tool (commonly referred to as the Storm CLI) is a text-based interpreter that leverages the Storm query language (see Storm Reference - Introduction). The Storm CLI replaces the Synapse cmdr tool (see Synapse Tools - cmdr) as the preferred means for users to interact with a Synapse Cortex. Because the Storm CLI is a native Storm interpreter, users do not need to use the storm command before entering and executing Storm queries or Storm commands.

Connecting to a Cortex with the Storm CLI

To access the Storm CLI you must use the storm module to connect to a local or remote Synapse Cortex.


If you’re just getting started with Synapse, you can use the Synapse Quickstart to quickly set up and connect to a local Cortex using the Storm CLI.

To connect to a local or remote Synapse Cortex using the Storm CLI, simply run the Synapse storm module by executing the following Python command from a terminal window, where the <url> parameter is the URL path to the Synapse Cortex.

python -m <url>

The URL has the following format:




if authentication is used.

Example URL paths:

  • cell://vertex/storage (default if using Synapse Quickstart)

  • tcp://

  • ssl://

Once connected, you will be presented with the following Storm CLI command prompt:


Storm CLI Basics

Once connected to a Synapse Cortex with the Storm CLI, you can execute any Storm queries or Storm commands directly (i.e., without needing to precede them with the storm command). Detailed information on using the Storm query language to interact with data in a Synapse Cortex can be found in the Storm Reference.

To view a list of available Storm commands, type help from the Storm CLI prompt:

storm> help

  • Detailed help for any command can be viewed by entering -h or --help after the individual command.

  • For additional detail on Storm commands, see Storm Reference - Storm Commands.

To exit the Storm CLI, enter !quit:

storm> !quit

  • The !quit command is technically an “external” (to Storm) command, so must be preceded by the bang (exclamation point) symbol.

Accessing External Commands

You can access a subset of external Synapse tools and commands from within the Storm CLI. External commands differ from native Storm commands in that they are preceded by a bang / exclamation point ( ! ) symbol.

You can view the available external commands by typing !help from the Storm CLI prompt:

storm> !help
!export   - Export the results of a storm query into a nodes file.
!help     - List interpreter extended commands and display help output.
!pullfile - Download a file by sha256 and store it locally.
!pushfile - Upload a file and create a file:bytes node.
!quit     - Quit the current command line interpreter.
!runfile  - Run a local storm file.

Notably, the Synapse pushfile and pullfile tools (used to upload and download files from a Synapse storage Axon) are accessible from the Storm CLI:

storm> !pushfile

storm> !pullfile

See Synapse Tools - pushfile and Synapse Tools - pullfile for additional detail on these tools.

Help for any external command can be viewed by entering -h or --help after the command:

storm> !export -h

storm> !export --help