Synapse Reference - cmdr Commands

The Synapse CLI (cmdr) contains a set of built-in commands that can be used to interact with a Synapse Cortex. This section details the usage for each built-in Synapse command.

See Synapse Tools - cmdr for background on using cmdr and interacting with the Synapse CLI.

The following Synapse commands are currently supported:


The help command displays the list of available built-in commands and a brief message describing each command. Help on individual commands is available via help <command>.


cli> help
at      - Adds a non-recurring cron job.
cron    - Manages cron jobs in a cortex.
help    - List commands and display help output.
hive    - Manipulates values in a cell's Hive.
kill    - Kill a running task/query within the cortex.
locs    - List the current locals for a given CLI object.
log     - Add a storm log to the local command session.
ps      - List running tasks in the cortex.
quit    - Quit the current command line interpreter.
storm   - Execute a storm query.
trigger - Manipulate triggers in a cortex.



The cmdr at command is being deprecated in favor of the Storm cron.* commands (e.g., cron.add, cron.list, etc.). Users are stronlgy encouraged to use the Storm-based equivalents instead. See the cron section of the Storm Reference - Storm Commands document for details.

The at command allows you to schedule a storm query to execute within a Cortex at one or more specified times. Once created, tasks / queries scheduled with at are managed using the cron command. At jobs, like cron jobs, remain in a Cortex until explicitly removed.


cli> at --help
usage: at [-h] args [args ...]

Adds a non-recurring cron job.

It will execute a Storm query at one or more specified times.

List/details/deleting cron jobs created with 'at' use the same commands as
other cron jobs:  cron list/stat/del respectively.

    at (time|+time delta)+ {query}

    This command accepts one or more time specifications followed by exactly
    one storm query in curly braces.  Each time specification may be in synapse
    time delta format (e.g + 1 day) or synapse time format (e.g.
    20501217030432101).  Seconds will be ignored, as cron jobs' granularity is
    limited to minutes.

    All times are interpreted as UTC.

    The other option for time specification is a relative time from now.  This
    consists of a plus sign, a positive integer, then one of 'minutes, hours,

    Note that the record for a cron job is stored until explicitly deleted via
    "cron del".

    # Run a storm query in 5 minutes
    at +5 minutes {[inet:ipv4=1]}

    # Run a storm query tomorrow and in a week
    at +1 day +7 days {[inet:ipv4=1]}

    # Run a query at the end of the year Zulu
    at 20181231Z2359 {[inet:ipv4=1]}

positional arguments:
  args        date | delta| {query})

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit



The cmdr cron command is being deprecated in favor of the equivalent Storm cron.* commands (e.g., cron.add, cron.list, etc.). Users are stronlgy encouraged to use the Storm-based equivalents instead. See the cron section of the Storm Reference - Storm Commands document for details.

The cron command allows you to schedule a storm query to execute within a Cortex on a recurring basis. cron has multiple subcommands, including:


cli> help cron
=== cron

Manages cron jobs in a cortex.

Cron jobs are rules persistently stored in a cortex such that storm queries
automatically run on a time schedule.

Cron jobs may be be recurring or one-time.  Use the 'at' command to add
one-time jobs.

A subcommand is required.  Use 'cron -h' for more detailed help.

cron help

cron includes detailed help describing its individual subcommands.


cli> cron -h
usage: cron [-h] {list,ls,add,del,rm,stat,mod,edit,enable,disable} ...

Manages cron jobs in a cortex.

Cron jobs are rules persistently stored in a cortex such that storm queries
automatically run on a time schedule.

Cron jobs may be be recurring or one-time.  Use the 'at' command to add
one-time jobs.

A subcommand is required.  Use 'cron -h' for more detailed help.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    list (ls)           List cron jobs you're allowed to manipulate
    add                 add a cron job
    del (rm)            delete a cron job
    stat                details a cron job
    mod (edit)          change an existing cron job
    enable              enable an existing cron job
    disable             disable an existing cron job

cron add

cron add adds a cron job to a Cortex.


cli> cron add -h
Add a recurring cron job to a cortex.

    cron add [optional arguments] {query}

    --minute, -M int[,int...][=]
    --hour, -H
    --day, -d
    --month, -m
    --year, -y


    [--hourly <min> |
     --daily <hour>:<min> |
     --monthly <day>:<hour>:<min> |
     --yearly <month>:<day>:<hour>:<min>]

    All times are interpreted as UTC.

    All arguments are interpreted as the job period, unless the value ends in
    an equals sign, in which case the argument is interpreted as the recurrence
    period.  Only one recurrence period parameter may be specified.

    Currently, a fixed unit must not be larger than a specified recurrence
    period.  i.e. '--hour 7 --minute +15' (every 15 minutes from 7-8am?) is not

    Value values for fixed hours are 0-23 on a 24-hour clock where midnight is 0.

    If the --day parameter value does not start with in '+' and is an integer, it is
    interpreted as a fixed day of the month.  A negative integer may be
    specified to count from the end of the month with -1 meaning the last day
    of the month.  All fixed day values are clamped to valid days, so for
    example '-d 31' will run on February 28.

    If the fixed day parameter is a value in ([Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
    Sun] if locale is set to English) it is interpreted as a fixed day of the

    Otherwise, if the parameter value starts with a '+', then it is interpreted
    as an recurrence interval of that many days.

    If no plus-sign-starting parameter is specified, the recurrence period
    defaults to the unit larger than all the fixed parameters.   e.g. '-M 5'
    means every hour at 5 minutes past, and -H 3, -M 1 means 3:01 every day.

    At least one optional parameter must be provided.

    All parameters accept multiple comma-separated values.  If multiple
    parameters have multiple values, all combinations of those values are used.

    All fixed units not specified lower than the recurrence period default to
    the lowest valid value, e.g. -m +2 will be scheduled at 12:00am the first of
    every other month.  One exception is the largest fixed value is day of the
    week, then the default period is set to be a week.

    A month period with a day of week fixed value is not currently supported.

    Fixed-value year (i.e. --year 2019) is not supported.  See the 'at'
    command for one-time cron jobs.

    As an alternative to the above options, one may use exactly one of
    --hourly, --daily, --monthly, --yearly with a colon-separated list of
    fixed parameters for the value.  It is an error to use both the individual
    options and these aliases at the same time.

    Run a query every last day of the month at 3 am
    cron add -H 3 -d-1 {#foo}

    Run a query every 8 hours
    cron add -H +8 {#foo}

    Run a query every Wednesday and Sunday at midnight and noon
    cron add -H 0,12 -d Wed,Sun {#foo}

    Run a query every other day at 3:57pm
    cron add -d +2 -M 57 -H 15 {#foo}

positional arguments:
  query                 Storm query in curly braces

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --minute MINUTE, -M MINUTE
  --hour HOUR, -H HOUR
  --day DAY, -d DAY     day of week, day of month or number of days
  --month MONTH, -m MONTH
  --year YEAR, -y YEAR
  --hourly HOURLY
  --daily DAILY
  --monthly MONTHLY
  --yearly YEARLY

cron list

cron list lists existing cron jobs in a Cortex that the current user can view / modify based on their permissions.


cli> cron list -h
List existing cron jobs in a cortex.

    cron list|ls

    user       iden       en? rpt? now? err? # start last start       last end         query
    root       029ce7bd.. Y   Y    N           17863 2019-06-11T21:47 2019-06-11T21:47 exec foo
    root       06b46533.. Y   Y    N           18140 2019-06-11T21:48 2019-06-11T21:48 exec bar

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cron stat

cron stat displays statistics about a cron job. cron stat requires the iden (ID, identifier) prefix of the cron job to be displayed, which can be obtained with the cron list command.


cli> cron stat -h
Gives detailed information about a single cron job.

    cron stat <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid cron job iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Cron job iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cron mod

cron mod allows you to modify the storm query executed by a cron job. cron mod requires the iden (ID, identifier) prefix of the cron job to be modified, which can be obtained with the cron list command.

Once created, a cron job’s schedule (including jobs created with at ) cannot be modified. A new job must be added and the old job removed.


cli> cron mod -h
Changes an existing cron job's query.

    cron mod|edit <iden prefix> <new query>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid cron iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Cron job iden prefix
  query       New Storm query in curly braces

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cron disable

cron disable deactivates a cron job without deleting it from the system.

cli> cron disable -h
Disable an existing cron job.

    cron disable <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid cron iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Cron job iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cron enable

cron enable activates a cron job so it can execute. Cron jobs are enabled by default.

cli> cron enable -h
Enable an existing cron job.

    cron enable <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid cron iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Cron job iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cron del

cron del deletes the specified cron job. Cron jobs remain in a Cortex until explicitly removed. cron del requires the iden (ID, identifier) prefix of the cron job to be removed, which can be obtained with the cron list command.


cli> cron del -h
Deletes a single cron job.

    cron del|rm <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid cron job iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Cron job iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


The hive command allows you to view, create, edit, and remove data stored in a Cell’s Hive. hive has multiple subcommands, including:

The cron command allows you to schedule a storm query to execute within a Cortex on a recurring basis. cron has multiple subcommands, including:


cli> help hive
=== hive

Manipulates values in a cell's Hive.

A Hive is a hierarchy persistent storage mechanism typically used for configuration data.

hive help

hive includes detailed help describing its individual subcommands.


cli> hive --help
usage: hive [-h] {list,ls,get,del,rm,edit,mod} ...

Manipulates values in a cell's Hive.

A Hive is a hierarchy persistent storage mechanism typically used for configuration data.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    list (ls)           List entries in the hive
    get                 Get any entry in the hive
    del (rm)            Delete a key in the hive
    edit (mod)          Sets/creates a key

hive ls

hive ls lists the current entries in a specified Hive path.


cli> hive ls -h
Lists all the keys underneath a particular key in the hive.

    hive ls|list [path]

    If path is not specified, the root is listed.

positional arguments:
  path        Hive path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

hive get

hive get retrieves the contents of a specified Hive key and either displays them at the CLI or saves them to the specified file.


cli> hive get -h
Display or save to file the contents of a key in the hive.

    hive get [--file] [--json] {path}

positional arguments:
  path                  Hive path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Save the data to a file.
  --json                Emit output as json

hive edit

hive edit allows you to create or modify key in the Hive. The key contents can be viewed and modified in a text editor or uploaded from a file.


cli> hive edit -h
Edits or creates a key in the cell's hive.

    hive edit|mod {path} [--string] ({value} | --editor | -f {filename})

    One may specify the value directly on the command line, from a file, or use an editor.  For the --editor option,
    the environment variable VISUAL or EDITOR must be set.

positional arguments:
  path                  Hive path
  value                 Value to set

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --string              Edit value as a single string
  --editor              Opens an editor to set the value
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Copies the contents of the file to the path

hive rm

hive rm deletes the specified key (or directory) from a Hive.


cli> hive rm -h
Deletes a key in the cell's hive.

    hive rm|del {path}

    Delete will recursively delete all subkeys underneath path if they exist.

positional arguments:
  path        Hive path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit



The cmdr kill command is being deprecated in favor of the equivalent Storm ps.kill command. Users are stronlgy encouraged to use the Storm-based equivalent instead. See the ps section of the Storm Reference - Storm Commands document for details.

The kill command terminates a task/query executing within a Cortex. kill requires the iden (ID, identifier) or iden prefix of the task to be terminated, which can be obtained with the ps command.


cli> help kill
=== kill

    Kill a running task/query within the cortex.

        kill <iden>

    Users may specify a partial iden GUID in order to kill
    exactly one matching process based on the partial guid.


The locs command prints a json-compatible dictionary of local CLI variables where the value is a repr of the object. This includes the local Synapse version, as well as the remote Synapse version.


cli> help locs
=== locs

    List the current locals for a given CLI object.


  • List the current local CLI variables.

cli> locs
  "storm:hide-unknown": true,
  "syn:local:version": "2.57.0",
  "syn:remote:version": "2.57.0"


The log command creates a local log of storm commands executed during your current session.


cli> help log
=== log
Add a storm log to the local command session.

    By default, the log file contains all messages received from the execution of
    a Storm query by the current CLI. By default, these messages are saved to a
    file located in ~/.syn/stormlogs/storm_(date).(format).

    # Enable logging all messages to mpk files (default)
    log --on

    # Disable logging and close the current file
    log --off

    # Enable logging, but only log edits. Log them as jsonl instead of mpk.
    log --on --edits-only --format jsonl

    # Enable logging, but log to a custom path:
    log --on --path /my/aweome/log/directory/storm20010203.mpk

    # Log only the node messages which come back from a storm cmd execution.
    log --on --nodes-only --path /my/awesome/log/directory/stormnodes20010203.mpk



The cmdr ps command is being deprecated in favor of the equivalent Storm ps.list command. Users are stronlgy encouraged to use the Storm-based equivalent instead. See the ps section of the Storm Reference - Storm Commands document for details.

The ps command displays the tasks/queries currently running in a Cortex.


cli> help ps
=== ps

    List running tasks in the cortex.


The quit command terminates the current Synapse session and exits from the command line interpreter.


cli> help quit
=== quit

    Quit the current command line interpreter.




The storm command executes a Synapse Storm query. Storm is the native Synapse query language used to lift, modify, model and analyze data in a Cortex and execute any loaded Synapse modules. The Storm query language is covered in detail starting with the Storm Reference - Introduction section of the Synapse User Guide.


cli> help storm
=== storm

    Execute a storm query.

        storm <query>

        query: The storm query

    Optional Arguments:
        --hide-tags: Do not print tags.
        --hide-props: Do not print secondary properties.
        --hide-unknown: Do not print messages which do not have known handlers.
        --show-nodeedits:  Show full nodeedits (otherwise printed as a single . per edit).
        --editformat <format>: What format of edits the server shall emit.
                Options are
                   * nodeedits (default),
                   * splices (similar to < 2.0.0),
                   * count (just counts of nodeedits), or
                   * none (no such messages emitted).
        --show-prov:  Show provenance messages.
        --raw: Print the nodes in their raw format. This overrides --hide-tags and --hide-props.
        --debug: Display cmd debug information along with nodes in raw format. This overrides other display arguments.
        --path: Get path information about returned nodes.
        --show <names>: Limit storm events (server-side) to the comma-separated list.
        --file <path>: Run the storm query specified in the given file path.
        --optsfile <path>: Run the query with the given options from a JSON/YAML file.

        storm inet:ipv4=
        storm --debug inet:ipv4=



The cmdr trigger command is being deprecated in favor of the equivalent Storm trigger.* commands (e.g., trigger.add, trigger.list, etc.). Users are stronlgy encouraged to use the Storm-based equivalents instead. See the trigger section of the Storm Reference - Storm Commands document for details.

The trigger command manipulates triggers in a Cortex. A trigger is a rule stored in a Cortex that enables the automatic execution of a Storm query when a particular event occurs (e.g., an IP address node being added to the Cortex).

trigger has multiple subcommands, including:


cli> help trigger
=== trigger

Manipulate triggers in a cortex.

Triggers are rules persistently stored in a cortex such that storm queries
automatically run when a particular event happens.

A subcommand is required.  Use trigger -h for more detailed help.

trigger help

trigger includes detailed help describing its individual subcommands.


cli> trigger -h
usage: trigger [-h] [--view VIEW] {list,add,del,mod,enable,disable} ...

Manipulate triggers in a cortex.

Triggers are rules persistently stored in a cortex such that storm queries
automatically run when a particular event happens.

A subcommand is required.  Use trigger -h for more detailed help.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --view VIEW           The iden of the view where the trigger is/will be
                        applied. Defaults to the cortex default view.

    list                List triggers you're allowed to manipulate
    add                 add a trigger
    del                 delete a trigger
    mod                 change an existing trigger query
    enable              enable an existing trigger
    disable             disable an existing trigger

trigger add

trigger add adds a new trigger to a Cortex.


cli> trigger add -h
Add triggers in a cortex.

Syntax: trigger add condition <object> [#tag] query

    Valid values for condition are:
        * tag:add
        * tag:del
        * node:add
        * node:del
        * prop:set

When condition is tag:add or tag:del, you may optionally provide a form name
to restrict the trigger to fire only on tags added or deleted from nodes of
those forms.

Tag names must start with #.

The added tag is provided to the query as an embedded variable '$tag'.

Simple one level tag globbing is supported, only at the end after a period,
that is aka.* matches and but not  aka* is not

    # Adds a tag to every inet:ipv4 added
    trigger add node:add inet:ipv4 {[ +#mytag ]}

    # Adds a tag #todo to every node as it is tagged #aka
    trigger add tag:add #aka {[ +#todo ]}

    # Adds a tag #todo to every inet:ipv4 as it is tagged #aka
    trigger add tag:add inet:ipv4 #aka {[ +#todo ]}

positional arguments:
                        Condition on which to trigger
  arguments             [form] [#tag] [prop] {query}

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disabled            Create the trigger in disabled state

trigger list

trigger list lists the current triggers in a Cortex.


cli> trigger list -h
List existing triggers in a cortex.

    trigger list

    cli> trigger list
    user       iden         en? cond      object                    storm query
    root       607e9d97..   Y   prop:set  test:type10.intprop            [test:int=6]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

trigger mod

trigger mod allows you to modify the storm query associated with a given trigger. trigger mod requires the iden (ID, identifier) prefix of the cron job to be modified, which can be obtained with the trigger list command.

Once created, a trigger’s condition, object, and tag parameters cannot be modified. To change these parameters, a new trigger must be added and the old trigger removed.


cli> trigger mod -h
Changes an existing trigger's query.

    trigger mod <iden prefix> <new query>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid trigger iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Trigger iden prefix
  query       Storm query in curly braces

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

trigger disable

trigger disable allows you to deactivate a trigger without removing it from the Cortex.

cli> trigger disable -h
Disable an existing trigger.

    trigger disable <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid trigger is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      trigger iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

trigger enable

trigger enable allows you to activate a trigger so it is available for execution. Triggers are enabled by default.

cli> trigger enable -h
Enable an existing trigger.

    trigger enable <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid trigger iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      trigger iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

trigger del

trigger del removes the specified trigger from a Cortex. trigger del requires the iden (ID, identifier) prefix of the cron job to be modified, which can be obtained with the trigger list command.


cli> trigger del -h
Delete an existing trigger.

    trigger del <iden prefix>

    Any prefix that matches exactly one valid trigger iden is accepted.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Trigger iden prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit