
Hashicorp’s Nomad and Consul can be used to run Synapse ecosystem components. We provide a few different examples that can be used to help get an operations team up off the ground with using that platform for orchestration purposes.


Nomad is traditionally used as a job and scheduler, but it may also be used to execute longer running services. The use of Nomad for running Synapse ecosystem components is fairly straightforward. The main consideration is in making sure that jobs have persistent storage available to them as necessary.

The following example for running a Cortex has a few items of note.

  • The use of a constraint directive to tie this job to a specific host. In this case, the constraint directive is using an AWS instance-id field in order to identify which host the job is supposed to be executed on.

  • The docker configuration section maps in the local volume /data/vertex/synapse_core0 to /vertex/storage. This is the persistent storage for the Cortex.

  • The docker port map names telepath and https ports.

  • The Cortex service has several boot time configuration options by environment variables, including the default root password.

  • The service blocks will be used to do registration with Consul, which will make the Cortex discoverable inside of the Nomad cluster, without needing to know hostname/IP or port information for accessing the service.

job "synapse-core01" {
  datacenters = ["us-east-1a"]

  # Use a constraint mechanism to force the scheduling of the job
  # on a host where the storage for the Cortex will be present.
  constraint {
    attribute = "${attr.unique.platform.aws.instance-id}"
    operator = "="
    value = "i-031c0dc19de2fb70c"

  group "service" {
    task "svc" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = "vertexproject/synapse-cortex:v2.x.x"

        # This assumes that persistent data is stored at
        # /data/vertex on the host node
        volumes = [

        # Assign names to the telepath and https API ports
        # for later use.
        port_map {
          telepath = 27492
          https = 4443
        force_pull = true

      env {
        SYN_CORTEX_AUTH_PASSWD = "secret"
        SYN_CORTEX_STORM_LOG = "true"

      # Setup services for later use with consul
      service {
        name = "synapse-core01"
        port = "telepath"
        tags = [

      service {
        name = "synapse-core01"
        port = "https"
        tags = [

      resources {
        cpu    = 1024
        memory = 1024

        network {
          mbits = 100

          port "telepath" {}
          port "https" {}

A second example is shown below, this time for the Synapse Shodan Connector, a Storm Service. This example differs mainly in that it shows how to use a cell.yaml file to do some boot time configuration.

  • First, a template directive is used to push a YAML file to ./local/cell.yaml when the job is deployed.

  • Second, the Docker entrypoint has been replaced with shell script one-liner. This copies the data from ./local/cell.yaml and over to /vertex/storage/cell.yaml. This location would be the mapped in persistent storage location for the service.

  • Last, after copying the file, the shell script launches the service process.

  • In addition, this example also shows a place where an authentication username for Docker Hub (our container image repository) would be placed into the job file, so that the Docker daemon can retrieve the image.

job "synapse-shodan" {
  datacenters = ["us-east-1a"]

  constraint {
    attribute = "${attr.unique.platform.aws.instance-id}"
    operator = "="
    value = "i-00d8bff789a736b75"

  group "service" {
    task "shodan" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = "vertexproject/synapse-shodan:v2.0.0"
        auth = [
            username = "username"
            password = "secret"
        entrypoint = ["sh"]
        command = "-c"
        args = ["cp local/cell.yaml /vertex/storage/ && exec python3 -O -m synapse.servers.cell synmods.shodan.service.Shodan /vertex/storage"]
        volumes = [
        port_map {
          telepath = 27492
        force_pull = true

      env {

      service {
        name = "synapse-shodan"
        port = "telepath"
        tags = [

      # Example of loading in a cell.yaml file. This is copied to ./local,
      # and in the entrypoint, we copy this file over to the /vertex/storage location.
      # Once that is complete, we launch the service.
      template {
        destination = "local/cell.yaml"
        data = <<EOH
auth:passwd: secret
api:key: anotherSecret

      resources {
        cpu    = 1024
        memory = 1024

        network {
          mbits = 10

          port "telepath" {}

Consul and Telepath

The Telepath client is aware of being able to resolve remote service locations via a Consul server. The Telepath connection string must be formed like the following:

tcp+consul://<user>:<password>@<service name>/<sharename>?consul=<url_consul_server>&consul_tag=telepath

For example, to connect to the Cortex (assuming the Consul server was available at consul.vpc.lan) you could use the following example:


# Invoking command from the command line
python -m synapse.tools.cmdr "tcp+consul://root:secret@synapse-core01/*?consul=http://consul.vpc.lan:8500&consul_tag=telepath"

From this, the Telepath Proxy looks up the synapse-core01 service in the Consul catalog, and retrieves the first entry from that service which matches the tag telepath. It then uses the IP and Port from the catalog entry in order to connect to the cortex. Another example would be using this to connect the Shodan service to the cortex:

# Our Shodan Consul URL
# tcp+consul://root:secret@synapse-shodan/*?consul=http://consul.vpc.lan:8500&consul_tag=telepath

# Add the service
cli> storm service.add shodan "tcp+consul://root:secret@synapse-shodan/*?consul=http://consul.vpc.lan:8500&consul_tag=telepath"
Executing query at 2020/06/30 15:14:04.446
added 39fc7c15165291e58a62978ee79e9329 (shodan): tcp+consul://root:secret@synapse-shodan/*?consul=http://consul.vpc.lan:8500&consul_tag=telepath
complete. 0 nodes in 1 ms (0/sec).

# List the service
cli> storm service.list
Executing query at 2020/06/30 15:14:06.502

Storm service list (iden, ready, name, url):
    39fc7c15165291e58a62978ee79e9329 True (shodan): tcp+consul://root:secret@synapse-shodan/*?consul=http://consul.vpc.lan:8500&consul_tag=telepath

1 services
complete. 0 nodes in 1 ms (0/sec).