Contributing to Synapse

Project Style Guide

The following items should be considered when contributing to Synapse:

  • The project is not currently strictly PEP8 compliant. Compliant sections include the following:

  • Please keep line lengths under 120 characters.

  • Use single quotes for string constants (including docstrings) unless double quotes are required.

    # Do this
    foo = '1234'
    # NOT this
    foo = "1234"
  • Use a single line break between top level functions and class definitions, and class methods. This helps conserve vertical space.

    • Do this

      import foo
      import duck
      def bar():
          return True
      def baz():
          return False
      class Obj(object):
          def __init__(self, a):
              self.a = a
          def gimmeA(self):
              return self.a
      • NOT this

      import foo
      import duck
      def bar():
          return True
      def baz():
          return False
      class Obj(object):
          def __init__(self, a):
              self.a = a
          def gimmeA(self):
              return self.a
  • Use Google style Python docstrings. This format is very readable and will allow type hinting for IDE users. See the following notes below about our slight twist on this convention.

    • Use ‘’’ quotes instead of “”” for starting/stoping doc strings.

    • Google Style typically has the summary line after the opening ‘’’ marker. Place this summary value on the new line following the opening ‘’’ marker.

    • More information about Google Style docstrings (and examples) can be found at the examples here.

    • We use Napoleon for parsing these doc strings. More info here.

    • Synapse as a project is not written using the Napoleon format currently but all new modules should audhere to that format.

    • Synapse acceptable example:

      def fooTheBar(param1, param2, **kwargs):
          Summary line goes first.
          Longer description lives here. It can be a bunch of stuff across
          multiple blocks if necessary.
              Examples should be given using either the ``Example`` section.
              Sections support any reStructuredText formatting, including
              literal blocks::
                  woah = fooTheBar('a', 'b', duck='quacker')
          Section breaks are created by resuming unindented text. Section breaks
          are also implicitly created anytime a new section starts.
          `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and
          return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be
          included in the docstring:
              param1 (int): The first parameter.
              param2 (str): The second parameter.
          Keyword Arguments:
              duck (str): Optional keyword args which come in via **kwargs call conventions,
                          which modify function behavior, should be documented under the
                          Keyword Args section.
              bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise.
                    The ``Returns`` section supports any reStructuredText formatting,
                    including literal blocks::
                            'param1': param1,
                            'param2': param2
              AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions
                  that are relevant to the interface.
              ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`.
          .. _PEP 484:
          # Do stuff the with args...
  • Imports should first be sorted in order of shortest to longest import, then by alphabetical order (when lengths match). Imports should be ordered starting from the Python standard library first, then any third party packages, then any Synapse specific imports. The following example shows the recommended styling for imports:

    # Stdlib
    import logging
    import collections
    # Third Party Code
    import as b_duck
    import foolib.thing as f_thing
    # Synapse Code
    import synapse.common as s_common
    import synapse.cortex as s_cortex
    import synapse.lib.config as s_config
  • Previously we used * imports in the Synapse codebase (especially around synapse.exc and synapse.common). If common functions or exceptions are needed, import synapse.common as noted above, and both the common functions and the entirety of synapse.exc exceptions will be available. This provides a consistent manner for referencing common functions and Synapse specific exception classes. New code should generally not use * imports. Here is an example:

    # Do this
    import synapse.common as s_common
    tick =
    if tick < 1000000000:
       raise s_common.HitMaxTime(mesg='We have gone too far!')
    # NOT this
    from synapse.common import *
    tick = now()
    if tick < 1000000000:
       raise HitMaxTime(mesg='We have gone too far!')
  • Function names should follow the mixedCase format for anything which is exposed as a externally facing API on a object or module.

    # Do this
    # NOT this
  • Private methods should be marked as such with a proceeding underscore.

    # Do this
    # NOT this
    • The corollary to this is that any function which is not private may be called arbitrarily at any time, so avoid public API functions which are tightly bound to instance state. For example, if a processing routine is broken into smaller subroutines for readability or testability, these routines are likely private and should not be exposed to outside callers.

  • Function calls with mandatory arguments should be called with positional arguments. Do not use keyword arguments unless necessary.

    def foo(a, b, duck=None):
       print(a, b, duck)
    # Do this
    foo('a', 'b', duck='quacker')
    # Not this
    foo(a='a', b='b', duck='quacker')
  • Avoid the use of @property decorators. They do not reliably work over the telepath RMI.

  • Logging should be setup on a per-module basis, with loggers created using calls to logging.getLogger(__name__). This allows for module level control of loggers as neccesary.

    • Logger calls should use logging string interpolation, instead of using % or .format() methods. See Python Logging module docs for reference.

    • Example:

    # Get the module level logger
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    # Do this - it only forms the final string if the message is
    # actually going to be logged'I am a message from %s about %s', 'bob', 'a duck')
    # NOT this - it performs the string format() call regardless of
    # whether or not the message is going to be logged.'I am a message from {} about {}'.format('bob', 'a duck'))
  • Convenience methods are available for unit tests, primarily through the SynTest class. This is a subclass of unittest.TestCase and provides many short aliases for the assert* functions that TestCase provides.

    • Ensure you are closing resources which may be open with test cases. Many Synapse objects may be used as content managers which make this easy for test authors.

  • Avoid the use of the built-in re module. Instead use the third-party regex module. regex is preferred due to known bugs with unicode in the re module. Additionally, regex does provide some performance benefits over re, especially when using pre-compiled regular expression statements.

  • Whenever possible, regular expressions should be pre-compiled. String matches/comparisons should be performed against the pre-compiled regex instance.

    # Do this
    fqdnre = regex.compile(r'^[\w._-]+$', regex.U)
    def checkValue(valu):
        if not fqdnre.match(valu):
    # NOT this
    def checkValue(valu):
        if not regex.match(r'^[\w._-]+$', valu, regex.U)
  • Return values should be preferred over raising exceptions. Functions/methods that return a value should return None (or a default value) in the case of an error. The logic behind this is that it is much easier, cleaner, faster to check a return value than to handle an exception.

    Raising exceptions is reserved for “exceptional circumstances” and should not be used for normal program flow.

    # Do this
    def getWidgetById(self, wid):
        widget_hash = self._index.get(wid)
        if widget_hash is None:
            return None
        widget = self._widgets.get(widget_hash)
        return widget
    # NOT this
    def getWidgetById(self, wid):
        widget_hash = self._index.get(wid)
        if widget_hash is None:
            raise NotFoundError
        widget = self._widgets.get(widget_hash)
        if widget is None:
            raise NotFoundError
        return widget

Contributions to Synapse which do not follow the project style guidelines may not be accepted.

Git Hook & Syntax Checking

A set of helper scripts are available for doing python syntax checking. Basic syntax checking can be run with the pycodestyle tool; while a a git pre-commit hook; and a script to run autopep8 on staged git files also exist to make life easier.

The pre-commit hook does syntax checking on .py files which contain invalid syntax. The hook will ALSO run nbstripout on .ipynb files to remove output data from cells. This results in cleaner diffs for .ipynb files over time.

  1. An example of running the generic syntax check script is seen below:

    ~/git/synapse$ python -m pycodestyle
    ./synapse/tests/ [E226] missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
    ./synapse/tests/ [E226] missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
  2. Installing the git hook is easy:

    cp scripts/githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
    chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
  3. After installing the hook, attempting a commit with a syntax error will fail

    ~/git/synapse$ git commit -m "Demo commit"
    PEP8 style violations have been detected.  Please fix them
    or force the commit with "git commit --no-verify".
    ./synapse/tests/ [E226] missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
    ./synapse/tests/ [E226] missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
  4. This may be automatically fixed for you using the script. Note that most, but not all syntax errors may be fixed with the helper script.

    # Run the script
    ~/git/synapse$ ./scripts/
    # Check the diff
    ~/git/synapse$ git diff synapse/tests/
    diff --git a/synapse/tests/ b/synapse/tests/
    index 0e3a7498..b81575ef 100644
    --- a/synapse/tests/
    +++ b/synapse/tests/
     class TypesTest(s_t_utils.SynTest):
         def test_type(self):
    @@ -397,8 +395,8 @@ class TypesTest(s_t_utils.SynTest):
                 self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'m'})
                 nodes = await alist(core.eval('testcomp +testcomp*range=((1024, grinch), (4096, zemeanone))'))
                 self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {(2048, 'horton'), (4096, 'whoville')})
    -            guid0 = 'B'*32
    -            guid1 = 'D'*32
    +            guid0 = 'B' * 32
    +            guid1 = 'D' * 32
                 nodes = await alist(core.eval(f'testguid +testguid*range=({guid0}, {guid1})'))
                 self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'c' * 32})
                 nodes = await alist(core.eval('testint | noderefs | +testcomp*range=((1000, grinch), (4000, whoville))'))
    # Add the file and commit
    ~/git/synapse$ git add synapse/tests/
    ~/git/synapse$ git commit -m "Demo commit"
    [some-branch f254f5bf] Demo commit
     1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Contribution Process

The Vertex Project welcomes contributions to the Synapse Hypergraph framework in order to continue its growth!

In order to contribute to the project, do the following:

  1. Fork the Synapse repository from the Vertex Project. Make a new branch in git with a descriptive name for your change. For example:

    git checkout -b foohuman_new_widget
  2. Make your changes. Changes should include the following information:

    • Clear documentation for new features or changed behavior

    • Unit tests for new features or changed behaviors

    • If possible, unit tests should also show minimal use examples of new features.

  3. Ensure that both your tests and existing Synapse tests successfully run. You can do that manually via the python unittest module, or you can set up CircleCI to run tests for your fork (this is a exercise for the reader). The following examples shows manual test runs:

    pytest -v
    pytest -v synapse/tests/

    If test coverage is desired, you can use the provided shell script to run a test. This script will generate HTML coverage reports and attempt to open those reports using xdg-open. This requires the pytest, pytest-cov, pytest-xdist packages to be installed.

    ./scripts/ synapse/tests/
    ./scripts/ synapse/tests/
    ./scripts/ synapse/tests/
  4. Rebase your feature branch on top of the latest master branch of the Vertex Project Synapse repository. This may require you to add the Vertex Project repository to your git remotes. The following example of rebasing can be followed:

    # Add the Vertex project repository as a remote named "upstream".
    git remote add upstream
    # Grab data from the upstream repository
    git fetch --all
    # Change to your local git master branch
    git checkout master
    # Merge changes from upstream/master to your local master
    git merge upstream/master
    # Move back to your feature branch
    git checkout foohuman_new_feature
    # Rebase your feature branch ontop of master.
    # This may require resolving merge conflicts.
    git rebase master
    # Push your branch up to to your fork - this may require a --force
    # flag if you had previously pushed the branch prior to the rebase.
    git push
  5. Ensure your tests still pass with the rebased feature branch.

  6. If your changes require extensive documentation, please very your API documentation builds properly and any additional user or devops docs are created as needed. See Synapse Doc Mastering for documentation mastering notes.

  7. Create the Pull Request in Github, from your fork’s feature branch to the master branch of the Vertex Project Synapse repository. Include a description and a reference to any open issues related to the PR.