Source code for synapse.telepath

An RMI framework for synapse.

import os
import time
import asyncio
import logging
import collections

import aiohttp

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.glob as s_glob
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import as s_link
import synapse.lib.queue as s_queue
import synapse.lib.certdir as s_certdir
import synapse.lib.threads as s_threads
import synapse.lib.urlhelp as s_urlhelp
import synapse.lib.hashitem as s_hashitem

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

televers = (3, 0)

aha_clients = {}

[docs]async def addAhaUrl(url): ''' Add (incref) an aha registry URL. NOTE: You may also add a list of redundant URLs. ''' hkey = s_hashitem.normitem(url) info = aha_clients.get(hkey) if info is None: info = aha_clients[hkey] = {'refs': 0, 'client': None, 'url': url} info['refs'] += 1 return info
[docs]async def delAhaUrl(url): ''' Remove (decref) an aha registry URL. NOTE: You may also remove a list of redundant URLs. ''' hkey = s_hashitem.normitem(url) info = aha_clients.get(hkey) if info is None: return 0 info['refs'] -= 1 refs = info['refs'] if refs == 0: client = info.get('client') if client is not None: await client.fini() aha_clients.pop(hkey, None) return refs
[docs]def zipurl(info): ''' Reconstruct a URL string from a parsed telepath info dict. ''' # copy to prevent mutation info = dict(info) host = info.pop('host', None) port = info.pop('port', None) path = info.pop('path', None) user = info.pop('user', None) passwd = info.pop('passwd', None) scheme = info.pop('scheme', None) url = f'{scheme}://' if user: url += user if passwd: url += f':{passwd}' url += '@' if host: url += host if port is not None: url += f':{port}' if path: url += f'{path}' if info: params = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for (k, v) in info.items()]) url += f'?{params}' return url
[docs]def mergeAhaInfo(info0, info1): # copy both to prevent mutation info0 = dict(info0) info1 = dict(info1) # local path wins info1.pop('path', None) # upstream wins everything else info0.update(info1) return info0
[docs]async def getAhaProxy(urlinfo): ''' Return a telepath proxy by looking up a host from an aha registry. ''' host = urlinfo.get('host') if host is None: mesg = f'getAhaProxy urlinfo has no host: {urlinfo}' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg) if not aha_clients: mesg = f'No aha servers registered to lookup {host}' raise s_exc.NotReady(mesg=mesg) laste = None for ahaurl, cnfo in list(aha_clients.items()): client = cnfo.get('client') if client is None: client = await Client.anit(cnfo.get('url')) client._fini_atexit = True cnfo['client'] = client try: proxy = await client.proxy(timeout=5) ahasvc = await asyncio.wait_for(proxy.getAhaSvc(host), timeout=5) if ahasvc is None: continue svcinfo = ahasvc.get('svcinfo', {}) if not svcinfo.get('online'): continue info = mergeAhaInfo(urlinfo, svcinfo.get('urlinfo', {})) return await openinfo(info) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception as e: if isinstance(ahaurl, str): surl = s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(ahaurl) else: surl = tuple([s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(u) for u in ahaurl]) logger.exception(f'Unable to get aha client ({surl})') laste = e if laste is not None: raise laste mesg = f'aha lookup failed: {host}' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg)
[docs]async def loadTeleEnv(path): if not os.path.isfile(path): return conf = s_common.yamlload(path) vers = conf.get('version') if vers != 1: logger.warning(f'telepath.yaml unknown version: {vers}') return ahas = conf.get('aha:servers', ()) cdirs = conf.get('certdirs', ()) for a in ahas: await addAhaUrl(a) for p in cdirs: s_certdir.addCertPath(p) async def fini(): for a in ahas: await delAhaUrl(a) for p in cdirs: s_certdir.delCertPath(p) return fini
[docs]class Aware: ''' The telepath.Aware mixin allows shared objects to handle individual links managed by the Daemon. '''
[docs] async def getTeleApi(self, link, mesg, path): ''' Return a shared object for this link. Args: link ( A network link. mesg ((str,dict)): The tele:syn handshake message. ''' return self
[docs] def onTeleShare(self, dmon, name): pass
[docs]class Task: ''' A telepath Task is used to internally track calls/responses. ''' def __init__(self): self.retn = None self.iden = s_common.guid() self.done = asyncio.Event()
[docs] async def result(self): await self.done.wait() return self.retn
[docs] def reply(self, retn): self.retn = retn self.done.set()
[docs]class Share(s_base.Base): ''' The telepath client side of a dynamically shared object. ''' async def __anit__(self, proxy, iden, sharinfo=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.iden = iden self.proxy = proxy if sharinfo is None: sharinfo = {} self.sharinfo = sharinfo self.methinfo = sharinfo.get('meths', {}) self.proxy.shares[iden] = self self.txfini = True self.onfini(self._txShareFini) async def _txShareFini(self): self.proxy.shares.pop(self.iden, None) if not self.txfini: return mesg = ('share:fini', {'share': self.iden}) if not await def __getattr__(self, name): info = self.methinfo.get(name) if info is not None and info.get('genr'): meth = GenrMethod(self.proxy, name, share=self.iden) setattr(self, name, meth) return meth meth = Method(self.proxy, name, share=self.iden) setattr(self, name, meth) return meth def __enter__(self): ''' Convenience function to enable using Proxy objects as synchronous context managers. Note: This should never be used by synapse core code. This is for sync client code convenience only. ''' if s_threads.iden() == self.tid: raise s_exc.SynErr('Use of synchronous context manager in async code') self._ctxobj = self.schedCoroSafePend(self.__aenter__()) return self def __exit__(self, *args): ''' This should never be used by synapse core code. This is for sync client code convenience only. ''' return self.schedCoroSafePend(self._ctxobj.__aexit__(*args))
[docs]class Genr(Share): async def __anit__(self, proxy, iden): await Share.__anit__(self, proxy, iden, sharinfo={}) self.queue = await s_queue.AQueue.anit() self.onfini(self.queue.fini) async def _onShareData(self, data): self.queue.put(data) async def __aiter__(self): try: while not self.isfini: for retn in await self.queue.slice(): if retn is None: return yield s_common.result(retn) raise s_exc.LinkShutDown(mesg='Remote peer disconnected') finally: await self.fini() def __iter__(self): try: while not self.isfini: for retn in s_glob.sync(self.queue.slice()): if retn is None: return yield s_common.result(retn) finally: s_glob.sync(self.fini())
sharetypes = { 'share': Share, 'genr': Genr, }
[docs]class Method: ''' The telepath Method is used to provide proxy method calls. ''' def __init__(self, proxy, name, share=None): = name self.share = share self.proxy = proxy # act as much like a bound method as possible... self.__name__ = name self.__self__ = proxy @s_glob.synchelp async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): todo = (, args, kwargs) return await self.proxy.task(todo, name=self.share)
[docs]class GenrIter: ''' An object to help delay a telepath call until iteration. ''' def __init__(self, proxy, todo, share): self.todo = todo self.proxy = proxy self.share = share
[docs] async def list(self): return [x async for x in self]
async def __aiter__(self): genr = await self.proxy.task(self.todo, name=self.share) if genr is None: return async for item in genr: yield item await asyncio.sleep(0) def __iter__(self): genr = s_glob.sync(self.proxy.task(self.todo, name=self.share)) for item in genr: yield item
[docs]class GenrMethod(Method): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): todo = (, args, kwargs) return GenrIter(self.proxy, todo, self.share)
[docs]class Pipeline(s_base.Base): async def __anit__(self, proxy, genr, name=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.genr = genr = name self.proxy = proxy self.count = 0 = await proxy.getPoolLink() self.task = self.schedCoro(self._runGenrLoop()) self.taskexc = None async def _runGenrLoop(self): try: async for todo in self.genr: mesg = ('t2:init', { 'todo': todo, 'name':, 'sess': self.proxy.sess}) await self.count += 1 except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: self.taskexc = e await raise async def __aiter__(self): taskdone = False while not self.isfini: if not taskdone and self.task.done(): taskdone = True self.task.result() if taskdone and self.count == 0: if not await self.proxy._putPoolLink( await self.fini() return mesg = await if self.taskexc: raise self.taskexc if mesg is None: raise s_exc.LinkShutDown(mesg='Remote peer disconnected') if mesg[0] == 't2:fini': self.count -= 1 yield mesg[1].get('retn') continue logger.warning(f'Pipeline got unhandled message: {mesg!r}.') # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Proxy(s_base.Base): ''' A telepath Proxy is used to call remote APIs on a shared object. Example: import synapse.telepath as s_telepath # open the "foo" object shared in a dmon on localhost:3344 async def doFooThing(): proxy = await s_telepath.openurl('tcp://') valu = await proxy.getFooValu(x, y) The proxy (and openurl function) may also be used from sync code: proxy = s_telepath.openurl('tcp://') valu = proxy.getFooValu(x, y) ''' async def __anit__(self, link, name): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.tid = s_threads.iden() = link = name self.tasks = {} self.shares = {} self.sharinfo = {} self.methinfo = {} self.sess = None self.links = collections.deque() self._link_poolsize = 4 self.synack = None self.syndone = asyncio.Event() self.handlers = { 'task:fini': self._onTaskFini, 'share:data': self._onShareData, 'share:fini': self._onShareFini, } async def fini(): for item in list(self.shares.values()): await item.fini() mesg = ('task:fini', {'retn': (False, ('IsFini', {}))}) for name, task in list(self.tasks.items()): task.reply(mesg) del self.tasks[name] for link in self.links: await link.fini() del self.syndone await self.onfini(fini) def _getSynVers(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the remote Synapse version from Proxy. Notes: This will return None if the synapse version was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: tuple: A tuple of major, minor, patch information as integers. ''' version = self.sharinfo.get('syn:version') return version def _getSynCommit(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the remote Synapse commit hash from Proxy. Notes: This will return None if the synapse commit hash was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: str: A string containing the commit hash. This may be a empty string. ''' return self.sharinfo.get('syn:commit') def _getClasses(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the classes that comprise the remote object. Notes: This will return None if the class version was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: tuple: A tuple of strings containing the class paths for the remote object. ''' classes = self.sharinfo.get('classes') return classes
[docs] async def getPipeline(self, genr, name=None): ''' Construct a proxy API call pipeline in order to make multiple telepath API calls while minimizing round trips. Args: genr (async generator): An async generator that yields todo tuples. name (str): The name of the shared object on the daemon. Example: def genr(): yield s_common.todo('getFooByBar', 10) yield s_common.todo('getFooByBar', 20) for retn in proxy.getPipeline(genr()): valu = s_common.result(retn) ''' async with await Pipeline.anit(self, genr, name=name) as pipe: async for retn in pipe: yield retn
async def _initPoolLink(self): # TODO loop / backoff if'unix'): path ='path') link = await s_link.unixconnect(path) else: ssl ='ssl') host ='host') port ='port') link = await s_link.connect(host, port, ssl=ssl) self.onfini(link) return link async def _putPoolLink(self, link): if link.isfini: return # If we've exceeded our poolsize, discard the current link. if len(self.links) >= self._link_poolsize: return await link.fini() self.links.append(link) def __enter__(self): ''' Convenience function to enable using Proxy objects as synchronous context managers. Note: This must not be used from async code, and it should never be used in core synapse code. ''' if s_threads.iden() == self.tid: raise s_exc.SynErr('Use of synchronous context manager in async code') self._ctxobj = self.schedCoroSafePend(self.__aenter__()) return self def __exit__(self, *args): ''' Note: This should never be used by core synapse code. ''' return self.schedCoroSafePend(self._ctxobj.__aexit__(*args)) async def _onShareFini(self, mesg): iden = mesg[1].get('share') share = self.shares.get(iden) if share is None: return share.txfini = False await share.fini() async def _onShareData(self, mesg): data = mesg[1].get('data') iden = mesg[1].get('share') share = self.shares.get(iden) if share is None: return await share._onShareData(data)
[docs] async def call(self, methname, *args, **kwargs): ''' Call a remote method by name. Args: methname (str): The name of the remote method. *args: Arguments to the method call. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to the method call. Most use cases will likely use the proxy methods directly: The following two are effectively the same: valu = proxy.getFooBar(x, y) valu ='getFooBar', x, y) ''' todo = (methname, args, kwargs) return await self.task(todo)
[docs] async def taskv2(self, todo, name=None): mesg = ('t2:init', { 'todo': todo, 'name': name, 'sess': self.sess}) link = await self.getPoolLink() await link.tx(mesg) mesg = await link.rx() if mesg is None: raise s_exc.LinkShutDown(mesg='Remote peer disconnected') if mesg[0] == 't2:fini': await self._putPoolLink(link) retn = mesg[1].get('retn') return s_common.result(retn) if mesg[0] == 't2:genr': async def genrloop(): try: while True: mesg = await link.rx() if mesg is None: raise s_exc.LinkShutDown(mesg=mesg) if mesg[0] != 't2:yield': # pragma: no cover info = 'Telepath protocol violation: unexpected message received' raise s_exc.BadMesgFormat(mesg=info) retn = mesg[1].get('retn') if retn is None: await self._putPoolLink(link) return # if this is an exception, it's the end... if not retn[0]: await self._putPoolLink(link) yield s_common.result(retn) except GeneratorExit: # if they bail early on the genr, fini the link await link.fini() return s_coro.GenrHelp(genrloop()) if mesg[0] == 't2:share': iden = mesg[1].get('iden') sharinfo = mesg[1].get('sharinfo') await self._putPoolLink(link) return await Share.anit(self, iden, sharinfo)
[docs] async def task(self, todo, name=None): if self.isfini: raise s_exc.IsFini(mesg='Telepath Proxy isfini') if self.sess is not None: return await self.taskv2(todo, name=name) task = Task() mesg = ('task:init', { 'task': task.iden, 'todo': todo, 'name': name, }) self.tasks[task.iden] = task try: await retn = await task.result() return s_common.result(retn) finally: self.tasks.pop(task.iden, None)
[docs] async def handshake(self, auth=None): mesg = ('tele:syn', { 'auth': auth, 'vers': televers, 'name':, }) await self.synack = await if self.synack is None: mesg = 'socket closed by server before handshake' raise s_exc.LinkShutDown(mesg=mesg) self.sess = self.synack[1].get('sess') self.sharinfo = self.synack[1].get('sharinfo', {}) self.methinfo = self.sharinfo.get('meths', {}) vers = self.synack[1].get('vers') if vers[0] != televers[0]: raise s_exc.BadMesgVers(myver=televers, hisver=vers) async def rxloop(): while not mesg = await if mesg is None: return try: func = self.handlers.get(mesg[0]) if func is None: logger.warning('Proxy.rxloop: Invalid Message: %r' % (mesg,)) return await func(mesg) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception('Proxy.rxloop for %r' % (mesg,)) retn = self.synack[1].get('retn') valu = s_common.result(retn) self.schedCoro(rxloop()) return valu
async def _txShareExc(self, iden): # send a share:fini for an unhandled share. await ('share:fini', {'share': iden, 'isexc': True}) ) async def _onTaskFini(self, mesg): # handle task:fini message iden = mesg[1].get('task') task = self.tasks.pop(iden, None) if task is None: logger.warning('task:fini for invalid task: %r' % (iden,)) return retn = mesg[1].get('retn') type = mesg[1].get('type') if type is None: return task.reply(retn) ctor = sharetypes.get(type, Share) item = await ctor.anit(self, retn[1]) return task.reply((True, item)) def __getattr__(self, name): info = self.methinfo.get(name) if info is not None and info.get('genr'): meth = GenrMethod(self, name) setattr(self, name, meth) return meth meth = Method(self, name) setattr(self, name, meth) return meth
[docs]class Client(s_base.Base): ''' A Telepath client object which reconnects and allows waiting for link up. Notes: The conf data allows changing parameters such as timeouts, retry period, and link pool size. The default conf data can be seen below:: conf = { 'timeout': 10, 'retrysleep': 0.2, 'link_poolsize': 4, } ''' async def __anit__(self, url, opts=None, conf=None, onlink=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) if conf is None: conf = {} if opts is None: opts = {} self._t_url = url self._t_urls = collections.deque() self._t_opts = opts self._t_conf = conf self._t_proxy = None self._t_ready = asyncio.Event() self._t_onlinks = [] self._t_methinfo = None self._t_named_meths = set() if onlink is not None: self._t_onlinks.append(onlink) async def fini(): if self._t_proxy is not None: await self._t_proxy.fini() # Wake any waiters which may be waiting on waitready() calls so those # without timeouts specified are not waiting forever. self._t_ready.set() self.onfini(fini) await self._fireLinkLoop() def _initUrlDeque(self): self._t_urls.clear() if isinstance(self._t_url, str): self._t_urls.append(self._t_url) return self._t_urls.extend(self._t_url) def _getNextUrl(self): # TODO url list in deque if not self._t_urls: self._initUrlDeque() return self._t_urls.popleft() def _setNextUrl(self, url): self._t_urls.appendleft(url) async def _fireLinkLoop(self): self._t_proxy = None self._t_ready.clear() self.schedCoro(self._teleLinkLoop()) async def _teleLinkLoop(self): lastlog = 0.0 while not self.isfini: url = self._getNextUrl() try: await self._initTeleLink(url) self._t_ready.set() return except s_exc.TeleRedir as e: self._setNextUrl(e.errinfo.get('url')) continue except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: now = time.monotonic() if now > lastlog + 60.0: # don't logspam the disconnect message more than 1/min logger.exception(f'telepath client ({s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url)}) encountered an error: {e}') lastlog = now await self.waitfini(timeout=self._t_conf.get('retrysleep', 0.2))
[docs] async def proxy(self, timeout=10): await self.waitready(timeout=timeout) ret = self._t_proxy if ret is None or ret.isfini is True: raise s_exc.IsFini(mesg='Telepath Client Proxy is not available.') return ret
async def _initTeleLink(self, url): self._t_proxy = await openurl(url, **self._t_opts) self._t_methinfo = self._t_proxy.methinfo self._t_proxy._link_poolsize = self._t_conf.get('link_poolsize', 4) async def fini(): if self._t_named_meths: for name in self._t_named_meths: delattr(self, name) self._t_named_meths.clear() if not self.isfini: await self._fireLinkLoop() self._t_proxy.onfini(fini) for onlink in self._t_onlinks: try: await onlink(self._t_proxy) # in case the callback fini()s the proxy if self._t_proxy is None: break except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'onlink: {onlink}')
[docs] async def task(self, todo, name=None): # implement the main workhorse method for a proxy to allow Method # objects to use us as the proxy. while not self.isfini: try: await self.waitready() # there is a small race where the daemon may fini the proxy # account for that here... if self._t_proxy is None or self._t_proxy.isfini: self._t_ready.clear() continue return await self._t_proxy.task(todo, name=name) except s_exc.TeleRedir as e: url = e.errinfo.get('url') self._setNextUrl(url) logger.warning(f'telepath task redirected: ({s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url)})') await self._t_proxy.fini() raise s_exc.IsFini(mesg='Telepath Client isfini')
[docs] async def waitready(self, timeout=10): await asyncio.wait_for(self._t_ready.wait(), self._t_conf.get('timeout', timeout))
def __getattr__(self, name): if self._t_methinfo is None: raise s_exc.NotReady(mesg='Must call waitready() on Client before first method call') info = self._t_methinfo.get(name) if info is not None and info.get('genr'): meth = GenrMethod(self, name) setattr(self, name, meth) self._t_named_meths.add(name) return meth meth = Method(self, name) self._t_named_meths.add(name) setattr(self, name, meth) return meth def _getSynVers(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the remote Synapse version from Client for the currently connected Proxy. Notes: This will return None if the synapse version was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: tuple: A tuple of major, minor, patch information as integers. ''' return self._t_proxy._getSynVers() def _getSynCommit(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the remote Synapse commit hash from Proxy. Notes: This will return None if the synapse commit hash was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: str: A string containing the commit hash. This may be a empty string. ''' return self._t_proxy._getSynCommit() def _getClasses(self): ''' Helper method to retrieve the classes that comprise the remote object for the currently connected Proxy. Notes: This will return None if the class version was not supplied during the Telepath handshake. Returns: tuple: A tuple of strings containing the class paths for the remote object. ''' return self._t_proxy._getClasses()
[docs]async def disc_consul(info): ''' Support for updating a URL info dictionary which came from a protocol+consul:// URL. Notes: This updates the info-dictionary in place, placing the ``host`` value into an ``original_host`` key, and updating ``host`` and ``port``. By default we pull the ``host`` value from the catalog ``Address`` value, and the ``port`` from the ``ServicePort`` value. The following HTTP parameters are supported: - consul: This is the consul host (schema, fqdn and port) to connect to. - consul_tag: If set, iterate through the catalog results until a result is found which matches the tag value. This is a case sensitive match. - consul_tag_address: If set, prefer the ``TaggedAddresses`` from the catalog. - consul_service_tag_address: If set, prefer the associated value from the ``ServiceTaggedAddresses`` field. - consul_nosslverify: If set, disables SSL verification. ''' info.setdefault('original_host', info.get('host')) service = info.get('original_host') host = info.get('consul') tag = info.get('consul_tag') # iterate through entries until a match for tag is present. ctag_addr = info.get('consul_tag_address') # Prefer a taggedAddress if set csvc_tag_addr = info.get('consul_service_tag_address') # Prefer a serviceTaggedAddress if set gkwargs = {'raise_for_status': True} if info.get('consul_nosslverify'): gkwargs['ssl'] = False if ctag_addr and csvc_tag_addr: mesg = 'Cannot resolve consul values with both consul_tag_address and consul_service_tag_address' raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=mesg, consul_tag_address=ctag_addr, consul_service_tag_address=csvc_tag_addr) url = f'{host}/v1/catalog/service/{service}' try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, **gkwargs) as resp: if resp.status == 200: found = await resp.json() for entry in found: # If the consul_tag parameter is passed, we will iterate over # the Consul results until we find the service which matches # our requested tag. Otherwise, we will grab data from the # first record from the service catalog. if tag and tag not in entry.get('ServiceTags'): continue if csvc_tag_addr: # Use the ServiceTaggedAddresses info['host'] = entry['ServiceTaggedAddresses'][csvc_tag_addr]['address'] info['port'] = entry['ServiceTaggedAddresses'][csvc_tag_addr]['port'] elif ctag_addr: # Use the TaggedAddresses values. info['host'] = entry['TaggedAddresses'][ctag_addr] info['port'] = entry['ServicePort'] else: # Use the generic service address/port info['host'] = entry['Address'] info['port'] = entry['ServicePort'] return except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=f'Unknown error while resolving service name [{service}] via consul [{str(e)}].', name=service, consul=host) from e raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=f'Unable to resolve service information from consul for [{service}].', name=service, consul=host, tag=tag)
[docs]def alias(name): ''' Resolve a telepath alias via ~/.syn/aliases.yaml Args: name (str): Name of the alias to resolve. Notes: An exact match against the aliases will always be returned first. If no exact match is found and the name contains a '/' in it, the value before the slash is looked up and the remainder of the path is joined to any result. This is done to support dynamic Telepath share names. Returns: str: The url string, if present in the alias. None will be returned if there are no matches. ''' path = s_common.getSynPath('aliases.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(path): return None conf = s_common.yamlload(path) # Is there an exact match - if so, return it. url = conf.get(name) if url: return url # Since telepath supports dynamic shared object access, # slice a name at the first '/', look up using that value # and then append the second value to it. dynname = None if '/' in name: name, dynname = name.split('/', 1) url = conf.get(name) if url and dynname: url = '/'.join([url, dynname]) return url
@s_glob.synchelp async def openurl(url, **opts): ''' Open a URL to a remote telepath object. Args: url (str): A telepath URL. **opts (dict): Telepath connect options. Returns: (synapse.telepath.Proxy): A telepath proxy object. The telepath proxy may then be used for sync or async calls: proxy = openurl(url) value = proxy.getFooThing() ... or ... proxy = await openurl(url) valu = await proxy.getFooThing() ... or ... async with await openurl(url) as proxy: valu = await proxy.getFooThing() ''' info = chopurl(url, **opts) return await openinfo(info)
[docs]def chopurl(url, **opts): if isinstance(url, str): if url.find('://') == -1: newurl = alias(url) if newurl is None: raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=f':// not found in [{url}] and no alias found!', url=url) url = newurl info = s_urlhelp.chopurl(url) # flatten query params into info query = info.pop('query', None) if query is not None: info.update(query) elif isinstance(url, dict): info = dict(url) else: mesg = 'telepath.chopurl() requires a str or dict.' raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg) info.update(opts) return info
[docs]async def openinfo(info): scheme = info.get('scheme') if scheme == 'aha': return await getAhaProxy(info) if '+' in scheme: scheme, disc = scheme.split('+', 1) # Discovery protocols modify info dict inband? if disc == 'consul': await disc_consul(info) else: raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=f'Unknown discovery protocol [{disc}].', disc=disc) host = info.get('host') port = info.get('port') auth = None user = info.get('user') if user is not None: passwd = info.get('passwd') auth = (user, {'passwd': passwd}) if scheme == 'cell': # cell:///path/to/celldir:share # cell://rel/path/to/celldir:share path = info.get('path') name = info.get('name', '*') # support cell://<relpath>/<to>/<cell> # by detecting host... host = info.get('host') if host: path = path.strip('/') path = os.path.join(host, path) if ':' in path: path, name = path.split(':') full = os.path.join(path, 'sock') link = await s_link.unixconnect(full) elif scheme == 'unix': # unix:///path/to/sock:share name = '*' path = info.get('path') if ':' in path: path, name = path.split(':') link = await s_link.unixconnect(path) else: path = info.get('path') name = info.get('name', path[1:]) hostname = None sslctx = None if scheme == 'ssl': certdir = info.get('certdir') certname = info.get('certname') hostname = info.get('hostname', host) if certdir is None: certdir = s_certdir.getCertDir() # if a TLS connection specifies a user with no password # attempt to auto-resolve a user certificate for the given # host/network. if certname is None and user is not None and passwd is None: certname = f'{user}@{hostname}' sslctx = certdir.getClientSSLContext(certname=certname) # do hostname checking manually to avoid DNS lookups # ( to support dynamic IP addresses on services ) sslctx.check_hostname = False link = await s_link.connect(host, port, ssl=sslctx, hostname=hostname) prox = await Proxy.anit(link, name) prox.onfini(link) try: await prox.handshake(auth=auth) except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception): await prox.fini() raise return prox