Source code for synapse.cortex

import os
import copy
import regex
import asyncio
import logging
import contextlib
import collections

from import Mapping

import synapse
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.axon as s_axon
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath
import synapse.datamodel as s_datamodel

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.cell as s_cell
import synapse.lib.chop as s_chop
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import synapse.lib.hive as s_hive
import synapse.lib.view as s_view
import synapse.lib.cache as s_cache
import synapse.lib.layer as s_layer
import as s_nexus
import synapse.lib.queue as s_queue
import synapse.lib.storm as s_storm
import synapse.lib.agenda as s_agenda
import synapse.lib.config as s_config
import synapse.lib.parser as s_parser
import synapse.lib.dyndeps as s_dyndeps
import synapse.lib.grammar as s_grammar
import synapse.lib.httpapi as s_httpapi
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.modules as s_modules
import synapse.lib.spooled as s_spooled
import synapse.lib.version as s_version
import synapse.lib.urlhelp as s_urlhelp
import synapse.lib.jsonstor as s_jsonstor
import synapse.lib.modelrev as s_modelrev
import synapse.lib.stormsvc as s_stormsvc
import synapse.lib.lmdbslab as s_lmdbslab

# Importing these registers their commands
import synapse.lib.stormhttp as s_stormhttp  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormwhois as s_stormwhois  # NOQA

import synapse.lib.provenance as s_provenance
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes

import synapse.lib.stormlib.hex as s_stormlib_hex  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.log as s_stormlib_log  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.xml as s_stormlib_xml  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.auth as s_stormlib_auth  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.cell as s_stormlib_cell  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.imap as s_stormlib_imap  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.ipv6 as s_stormlib_ipv6  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.json as s_stormlib_json  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.smtp as s_stormlib_smtp  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.stix as s_stormlib_stix  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.yaml as s_stormlib_yaml  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.macro as s_stormlib_macro
import synapse.lib.stormlib.model as s_stormlib_model
import synapse.lib.stormlib.oauth as s_stormlib_oauth  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.storm as s_stormlib_storm  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.backup as s_stormlib_backup  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.scrape as s_stormlib_scrape  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.infosec as s_stormlib_infosec  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.project as s_stormlib_project  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.version as s_stormlib_version  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.ethereum as s_stormlib_ethereum  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.modelext as s_stormlib_modelext  # NOQA
import synapse.lib.stormlib.notifications as s_stormlib_notifications  # NOQA

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
stormlogger = logging.getLogger('synapse.storm')

A Cortex implements the synapse hypergraph object.

reqver = '>=0.2.0,<3.0.0'

# Constants returned in results from syncLayersEvents and syncIndexEvents
SYNC_NODEEDITS = 0  # A nodeedits: (<offs>, 0, <etyp>, (<etype args>), {<meta>})
SYNC_NODEEDIT = 1   # A nodeedit:  (<offs>, 0, <etyp>, (<etype args>))
SYNC_LAYR_ADD = 3   # A layer was added
SYNC_LAYR_DEL = 4   # A layer was deleted

# push/pull def
reqValidPush = s_config.getJsValidator({
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'url': {'type': 'string'},
        'time': {'type': 'number'},
        'iden': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': s_config.re_iden},
        'user': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': s_config.re_iden},
    'additionalProperties': True,
    'required': ['iden', 'url', 'user', 'time'],
reqValidPull = reqValidPush

reqValidTagModel = s_config.getJsValidator({
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'prune': {'type': 'number', 'minimum': 1},
        'regex': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': ['string', 'null']}},
    'additionalProperties': False,
    'required': [],

[docs]def cmprkey_indx(x): return x[1]
[docs]def cmprkey_buid(x): return x[1][1]
[docs]async def wrap_liftgenr(iden, genr): async for indx, buid, sode in genr: yield iden, (indx, buid), sode
[docs]class CoreApi(s_cell.CellApi): ''' The CoreApi is exposed when connecting to a Cortex over Telepath. Many CoreApi methods operate on packed nodes consisting of primitive data structures which can be serialized with msgpack/json. An example of a packaged Node:: ( (<form>, <valu>), { "props": { <name>: <valu>, ... }, "tags": { "foo": <time>, "": <time>, }, }) '''
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() def getCoreMods(self): return self.cell.getCoreMods()
[docs] def stat(self): self.user.confirm(('status',)) s_common.deprecated('stat') return self.cell.stat()
[docs] async def getModelDict(self): ''' Return a dictionary which describes the data model. Returns: (dict): A model description dictionary. ''' return await self.cell.getModelDict()
[docs] async def getModelDefs(self): return await self.cell.getModelDefs()
[docs] def getCoreInfo(self): ''' Return static generic information about the cortex including model definition ''' return self.cell.getCoreInfo()
[docs] async def getCoreInfoV2(self): ''' Return static generic information about the cortex including model definition ''' return await self.cell.getCoreInfoV2()
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def saveLayerNodeEdits(self, layriden, edits, meta): return await self.cell.saveLayerNodeEdits(layriden, edits, meta)
def _reqValidStormOpts(self, opts): if opts is None: opts = {} opts.setdefault('user', self.user.iden) if opts.get('user') != self.user.iden: self.user.confirm(('impersonate',)) return opts
[docs] async def callStorm(self, text, opts=None): ''' Return the value expressed in a return() statement within storm. ''' opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) return await self.cell.callStorm(text, opts=opts)
[docs] async def exportStorm(self, text, opts=None): ''' Execute a storm query and package nodes for export/import. NOTE: This API yields nodes after an initial complete lift in order to limit exported edges. ''' opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) async for pode in self.cell.exportStorm(text, opts=opts): yield pode
[docs] async def feedFromAxon(self, sha256, opts=None): ''' Import a msgpack .nodes file from the axon. ''' opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) return await self.cell.feedFromAxon(sha256, opts=opts)
[docs] async def addCronJob(self, cdef): ''' Add a cron job to the cortex A cron job is a persistently-stored item that causes storm queries to be run in the future. The specification for the times that the queries run can be one-shot or recurring. Args: query (str): The storm query to execute in the future reqs (Union[Dict[str, Union[int, List[int]]], List[Dict[...]]]): Either a dict of the fixed time fields or a list of such dicts. The keys are in the set ('year', 'month', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'hour', 'minute'. The values must be positive integers, except for the key of 'dayofmonth' in which it may also be a negative integer which represents the number of days from the end of the month with -1 representing the last day of the month. All values may also be lists of valid values. incunit (Optional[str]): A member of the same set as above, with an additional member 'day'. If is None (default), then the appointment is one-shot and will not recur. incvals (Union[int, List[int]): A integer or a list of integers of the number of units Returns (bytes): An iden that can be used to later modify, query, and delete the job. Notes: reqs must have fields present or incunit must not be None (or both) The incunit if not None it must be larger in unit size than all the keys in all reqs elements. ''' cdef['creator'] = self.user.iden s_common.deprecated('addCronJob') self.user.confirm(('cron', 'add'), gateiden='cortex') return await self.cell.addCronJob(cdef)
[docs] async def delCronJob(self, iden): ''' Delete a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be deleted ''' s_common.deprecated('delCronJob') self.user.confirm(('cron', 'del'), gateiden=iden) await self.cell.delCronJob(iden)
[docs] async def updateCronJob(self, iden, query): ''' Change an existing cron job's query Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' s_common.deprecated('updateCronJob') self.user.confirm(('cron', 'set'), gateiden=iden) await self.cell.updateCronJob(iden, query)
[docs] async def enableCronJob(self, iden): ''' Enable a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' s_common.deprecated('enableCronJob') self.user.confirm(('cron', 'set'), gateiden=iden) await self.cell.enableCronJob(iden)
[docs] async def disableCronJob(self, iden): ''' Enable a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' s_common.deprecated('disableCronJob') self.user.confirm(('cron', 'set'), gateiden=iden) await self.cell.disableCronJob(iden)
[docs] async def listCronJobs(self): ''' Get information about all the cron jobs accessible to the current user ''' s_common.deprecated('listCronJobs') crons = [] for cron in await self.cell.listCronJobs(): if not self.user.allowed(('cron', 'get'), gateiden=cron.get('iden')): continue crons.append(cron) return crons
[docs] async def editCronJob(self, iden, name, valu): ''' Update a value in a cron definition. ''' iden = str(iden) name = str(name) self.user.confirm(('cron', 'set', name), gateiden=iden) return await self.cell.editCronJob(iden, name, valu)
[docs] async def setStormCmd(self, cdef): ''' Set the definition of a pure storm command in the cortex. ''' self.user.confirm(('admin', 'cmds')) return await self.cell.setStormCmd(cdef)
[docs] async def delStormCmd(self, name): ''' Remove a pure storm command from the cortex. ''' self.user.confirm(('admin', 'cmds')) return await self.cell.delStormCmd(name)
async def _reqDefLayerAllowed(self, perms): view = self.cell.getView() wlyr = view.layers[0] self.user.confirm(perms, gateiden=wlyr.iden)
[docs] async def addNodeTag(self, iden, tag, valu=(None, None)): ''' Add a tag to a node specified by iden. Args: iden (str): A hex encoded node BUID. tag (str): A tag string. valu (tuple): A time interval tuple or (None, None). ''' s_common.deprecated('addNodeTag') await self._reqDefLayerAllowed(('node', 'tag', 'add', *tag.split('.'))) return await self.cell.addNodeTag(self.user, iden, tag, valu)
[docs] async def delNodeTag(self, iden, tag): ''' Delete a tag from the node specified by iden. Deprecated in 2.0.0. Args: iden (str): A hex encoded node BUID. tag (str): A tag string. ''' s_common.deprecated('delNodeTag') await self._reqDefLayerAllowed(('node', 'tag', 'del', *tag.split('.'))) return await self.cell.delNodeTag(self.user, iden, tag)
[docs] async def setNodeProp(self, iden, name, valu): ''' Set a property on a single node. Deprecated in 2.0.0. ''' s_common.deprecated('setNodeProp') buid = s_common.uhex(iden) async with await self.cell.snap(user=self.user) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='prop:set', user=snap.user.iden): node = await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden) prop = node.form.props.get(name) self.user.confirm(('node', 'prop', 'set', prop.full), gateiden=snap.wlyr.iden) await node.set(name, valu) return node.pack()
[docs] async def delNodeProp(self, iden, name): ''' Delete a property from a single node. Deprecated in 2.0.0. ''' s_common.deprecated('delNodeProp') buid = s_common.uhex(iden) async with await self.cell.snap(user=self.user) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='prop:del', user=snap.user.iden): node = await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden) prop = node.form.props.get(name) self.user.confirm(('node', 'prop', 'del', prop.full), gateiden=snap.wlyr.iden) await node.pop(name) return node.pack()
[docs] async def addNode(self, form, valu, props=None): ''' Deprecated in 2.0.0. ''' s_common.deprecated('addNode') async with await self.cell.snap(user=self.user) as snap: self.user.confirm(('node', 'add', form), gateiden=snap.wlyr.iden) with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='node:add', user=snap.user.iden): node = await snap.addNode(form, valu, props=props) return node.pack()
[docs] async def addNodes(self, nodes): ''' Add a list of packed nodes to the cortex. Args: nodes (list): [ ( (form, valu), {'props':{}, 'tags':{}}), ... ] Yields: (tuple): Packed node tuples ((form,valu), {'props': {}, 'tags':{}}) Deprecated in 2.0.0 ''' s_common.deprecated('addNodes') # First check that that user may add each form done = {} for node in nodes: formname = node[0][0] if done.get(formname): continue await self._reqDefLayerAllowed(('node', 'add', formname)) done[formname] = True async with await self.cell.snap(user=self.user) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='node:add', user=snap.user.iden): snap.strict = False async for node in snap.addNodes(nodes): if node is not None: node = node.pack() yield node
[docs] async def getFeedFuncs(self): ''' Get a list of Cortex feed functions. Notes: Each feed dictionary has the name of the feed function, the full docstring for the feed function, and the first line of the docstring broken out in their own keys for easy use. Returns: tuple: A tuple of dictionaries. ''' return await self.cell.getFeedFuncs()
[docs] async def addFeedData(self, name, items, *, viewiden=None): view = self.cell.getView(viewiden, user=self.user) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=viewiden) wlyr = view.layers[0] parts = name.split('.') self.user.confirm(('feed:data', *parts), gateiden=wlyr.iden) await self.cell.boss.promote('feeddata', user=self.user, info={'name': name, 'view': view.iden, 'nitems': len(items), }) async with await self.cell.snap(user=self.user, view=view) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('feed:data', name=name, user=snap.user.iden): snap.strict = False await snap.addFeedData(name, items)
[docs] async def count(self, text, opts=None): ''' Count the number of nodes which result from a storm query. Args: text (str): Storm query text. opts (dict): Storm query options. Returns: (int): The number of nodes resulting from the query. ''' opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) return await self.cell.count(text, opts=opts)
[docs] async def eval(self, text, opts=None): ''' Evaluate a storm query and yield packed nodes. NOTE: This API is deprecated as of 2.0.0 and will be removed in 3.0.0 ''' s_common.deprecated('eval') opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) view = self.cell._viewFromOpts(opts) async for pode in view.iterStormPodes(text, opts=opts): yield pode
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None): ''' Evaluate a storm query and yield result messages. Yields: ((str,dict)): Storm messages. ''' opts = self._reqValidStormOpts(opts) async for mesg in self.cell.storm(text, opts=opts): yield mesg
[docs] async def reqValidStorm(self, text, opts=None): ''' Parse a Storm query to validate it. Args: text (str): The text of the Storm query to parse. opts (dict): A Storm options dictionary. Returns: True: If the query is valid. Raises: BadSyntaxError: If the query is invalid. ''' return await self.cell.reqValidStorm(text, opts)
[docs] async def watch(self, wdef): ''' Hook cortex/view/layer watch points based on a specified watch definition. Example: wdef = { 'tags': [ '', 'baz.*' ] } async for mesg in dostuff(mesg) ''' s_common.deprecated('watch') iden = wdef.get('view', self.cell.view.iden) self.user.confirm(('watch',), gateiden=iden) async for mesg in yield mesg
[docs] async def syncLayerNodeEdits(self, offs, layriden=None, wait=True): ''' Yield (indx, mesg) nodeedit sets for the given layer beginning at offset. Once caught up, this API will begin yielding nodeedits in real-time. The generator will only terminate on network disconnect or if the consumer falls behind the max window size of 10,000 nodeedit messages. ''' layr = self.cell.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) self.user.confirm(('sync',), gateiden=layr.iden) async for item in self.cell.syncLayerNodeEdits(layr.iden, offs, wait=wait): yield item
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def splices(self, offs=None, size=None, layriden=None): ''' Return the list of splices at the given offset. ''' s_common.deprecated('splices') layr = self.cell.getLayer(layriden) count = 0 async for mesg in layr.splices(offs=offs, size=size): count += 1 if not count % 1000: await asyncio.sleep(0) yield mesg
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def splicesBack(self, offs=None, size=None): ''' Return the list of splices backwards from the given offset. ''' s_common.deprecated('splicesBack') count = 0 async for mesg in self.cell.view.layers[0].splicesBack(offs=offs, size=size): count += 1 if not count % 1000: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) yield mesg
[docs] async def spliceHistory(self): ''' Yield splices backwards from the end of the splice log. Will only return the user's own splices unless they are an admin. ''' s_common.deprecated('spliceHistory') async for splice in self.cell.spliceHistory(self.user): yield splice
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def provStacks(self, offs, size): ''' Return stream of (iden, provenance stack) tuples at the given offset. ''' count = 0 for iden, stack in self.cell.provstor.provStacks(offs, size): count += 1 if not count % 1000: await asyncio.sleep(0) yield s_common.ehex(iden), stack
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getProvStack(self, iden: str): ''' Return the provenance stack associated with the given iden. Args: iden (str): the iden of the provenance stack Note: the iden appears on each splice entry as the 'prov' property ''' if iden is None: return None return self.cell.provstor.getProvStack(s_common.uhex(iden))
[docs] async def getPropNorm(self, prop, valu): ''' Get the normalized property value based on the Cortex data model. Args: prop (str): The property to normalize. valu: The value to normalize. Returns: (tuple): A two item tuple, containing the normed value and the info dictionary. Raises: s_exc.NoSuchProp: If the prop does not exist. s_exc.BadTypeValu: If the value fails to normalize. ''' return await self.cell.getPropNorm(prop, valu)
[docs] async def getTypeNorm(self, name, valu): ''' Get the normalized type value based on the Cortex data model. Args: name (str): The type to normalize. valu: The value to normalize. Returns: (tuple): A two item tuple, containing the normed value and the info dictionary. Raises: s_exc.NoSuchType: If the type does not exist. s_exc.BadTypeValu: If the value fails to normalize. ''' return await self.cell.getTypeNorm(name, valu)
[docs] async def addForm(self, formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo): ''' Add an extended form to the data model. Extended forms *must* begin with _ ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'form', 'add', formname)) return await self.cell.addForm(formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo)
[docs] async def delForm(self, formname): ''' Remove an extended form from the data model. ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'form', 'del', formname)) return await self.cell.delForm(formname)
[docs] async def addFormProp(self, form, prop, tdef, info): ''' Add an extended property to the given form. Extended properties *must* begin with _ ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'prop', 'add', form)) if not s_grammar.isBasePropNoPivprop(prop): mesg = f'Invalid prop name {prop}' raise s_exc.BadPropDef(prop=prop, mesg=mesg) return await self.cell.addFormProp(form, prop, tdef, info)
[docs] async def delFormProp(self, form, name): ''' Remove an extended property from the given form. ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'prop', 'del', form)) return await self.cell.delFormProp(form, name)
[docs] async def addUnivProp(self, name, tdef, info): ''' Add an extended universal property. Extended properties *must* begin with _ ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'univ', 'add')) if not s_grammar.isBasePropNoPivprop(name): mesg = f'Invalid prop name {name}' raise s_exc.BadPropDef(name=name, mesg=mesg) return await self.cell.addUnivProp(name, tdef, info)
[docs] async def delUnivProp(self, name): ''' Remove an extended universal property. ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'univ', 'del')) return await self.cell.delUnivProp(name)
[docs] async def addTagProp(self, name, tdef, info): ''' Add a tag property to record data about tags on nodes. ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'tagprop', 'add')) if not s_grammar.isBasePropNoPivprop(name): mesg = f'Invalid prop name {name}' raise s_exc.BadPropDef(name=name, mesg=mesg) return await self.cell.addTagProp(name, tdef, info)
[docs] async def delTagProp(self, name): ''' Remove a previously added tag property. ''' self.user.confirm(('model', 'tagprop', 'del')) return await self.cell.delTagProp(name)
[docs] async def addStormPkg(self, pkgdef): self.user.confirm(('pkg', 'add')) return await self.cell.addStormPkg(pkgdef)
[docs] async def delStormPkg(self, iden): self.user.confirm(('pkg', 'del')) return await self.cell.delStormPkg(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getStormPkgs(self): return await self.cell.getStormPkgs()
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getStormPkg(self, name): return await self.cell.getStormPkg(name)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def addStormDmon(self, ddef): return await self.cell.addStormDmon(ddef)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getStormDmons(self): return await self.cell.getStormDmons()
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getStormDmonLog(self, iden): return await self.cell.getStormDmonLog(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getStormDmon(self, iden): return await self.cell.getStormDmon(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def bumpStormDmon(self, iden): return await self.cell.bumpStormDmon(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def disableStormDmon(self, iden): return await self.cell.disableStormDmon(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def enableStormDmon(self, iden): return await self.cell.enableStormDmon(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def delStormDmon(self, iden): return await self.cell.delStormDmon(iden)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi(log=True) async def enableMigrationMode(self): await self.cell._enableMigrationMode()
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi(log=True) async def disableMigrationMode(self): await self.cell._disableMigrationMode()
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def cloneLayer(self, iden, ldef=None): ldef = ldef or {} ldef['creator'] = self.user.iden return await self.cell.cloneLayer(iden, ldef)
[docs] async def getStormVar(self, name, default=None): self.user.confirm(('globals', 'get', name)) return await self.cell.getStormVar(name, default=default)
[docs] async def popStormVar(self, name, default=None): self.user.confirm(('globals', 'pop', name)) return await self.cell.popStormVar(name, default=default)
[docs] async def setStormVar(self, name, valu): self.user.confirm(('globals', 'set', name)) return await self.cell.setStormVar(name, valu)
[docs] async def syncLayersEvents(self, offsdict=None, wait=True): self.user.confirm(('sync',)) async for item in self.cell.syncLayersEvents(offsdict=offsdict, wait=wait): yield item
[docs] async def syncIndexEvents(self, matchdef, offsdict=None, wait=True): self.user.confirm(('sync',)) async for item in self.cell.syncIndexEvents(matchdef, offsdict=offsdict, wait=wait): yield item
[docs] async def iterFormRows(self, layriden, form, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes of a single form, optionally (re)starting at startvalue Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes form(str): A form name stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' self.user.confirm(('layer', 'lift', layriden)) async for item in self.cell.iterFormRows(layriden, form, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterPropRows(self, layriden, form, prop, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes with a particular secondary property, optionally (re)starting at startvalue Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes form(str): A form name. prop (str): A secondary property name. stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' self.user.confirm(('layer', 'lift', layriden)) async for item in self.cell.iterPropRows(layriden, form, prop, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterUnivRows(self, layriden, prop, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes with a particular universal property, optionally (re)starting at startvalue Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes prop (str): A universal property name. stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' self.user.confirm(('layer', 'lift', layriden)) async for item in self.cell.iterUnivRows(layriden, prop, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterTagRows(self, layriden, tag, form=None, starttupl=None): ''' Yields (buid, (valu, form)) values that match a tag and optional form, optionally (re)starting at starttupl. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes tag (str): the tag to match form (Optional[str]): if present, only yields buids of nodes that match the form. starttupl (Optional[Tuple[buid, form]]): if present, (re)starts the stream of values there. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, (valu, form))] Note: This yields (buid, (tagvalu, form)) instead of just buid, valu in order to allow resuming an interrupted call by feeding the last value retrieved into starttupl ''' self.user.confirm(('layer', 'lift', layriden)) async for item in self.cell.iterTagRows(layriden, tag, form=form, starttupl=starttupl): yield item
[docs] async def iterTagPropRows(self, layriden, tag, prop, form=None, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields (buid, valu) that match a tag:prop, optionally (re)starting at startvalu. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes tag (str): tag name prop (str): prop name form (Optional[str]): optional form name stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' self.user.confirm(('layer', 'lift', layriden)) async for item in self.cell.iterTagPropRows(layriden, tag, prop, form=form, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def getPermDef(self, perm): ''' Return a perm definition if it is present in getPermDefs() output. ''' return await self.cell.getPermDef(perm)
[docs] async def getPermDefs(self): ''' Return a non-comprehensive list of perm definitions. ''' return await self.cell.getPermDefs()
[docs] async def getAxonUpload(self): self.user.confirm(('axon', 'upload')) await self.cell.axready.wait() upload = await self.cell.axon.upload() return await s_axon.UpLoadProxy.anit(, upload)
[docs] async def getAxonBytes(self, sha256): self.user.confirm(('axon', 'get')) await self.cell.axready.wait() async for byts in self.cell.axon.get(s_common.uhex(sha256)): yield byts
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def getUserNotif(self, indx): return await self.cell.getUserNotif(indx)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def delUserNotif(self, indx): return await self.cell.delUserNotif(indx)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def addUserNotif(self, useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=None): return await self.cell.addUserNotif(useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=mesgdata)
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def iterUserNotifs(self, useriden, size=None): async for item in self.cell.iterUserNotifs(useriden, size=size): yield item
[docs] @s_cell.adminapi() async def watchAllUserNotifs(self, offs=None): async for item in self.cell.watchAllUserNotifs(offs=offs): yield item
[docs]class Cortex(s_cell.Cell): # type: ignore ''' A Cortex implements the synapse hypergraph. The bulk of the Cortex API lives on the Snap() object which can be obtained by calling Cortex.snap() in a with block. This allows callers to manage transaction boundaries explicitly and dramatically increases performance. ''' # For the cortex, nexslog:en defaults to True confbase = copy.deepcopy(s_cell.Cell.confbase) confbase['nexslog:en']['default'] = True # type: ignore confbase['mirror']['hidedocs'] = False # type: ignore confbase['mirror']['hidecmdl'] = False # type: ignore confdefs = { 'axon': { 'description': 'A telepath URL for a remote axon.', 'type': 'string' }, 'jsonstor': { 'description': 'A telepath URL for a remote jsonstor.', 'type': 'string' }, 'cron:enable': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Enable cron jobs running.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'trigger:enable': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Enable triggers running.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'layer:lmdb:map_async': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Set the default lmdb:map_async value in LMDB layers.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'layer:lmdb:max_replay_log': { 'default': 10000, 'description': 'Set the max size of the replay log for all layers.', 'type': 'integer' }, 'layers:lockmemory': { 'default': False, 'description': 'Should new layers lock memory for performance by default.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'layers:logedits': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Whether nodeedits are logged in each layer.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'provenance:en': { 'default': False, 'description': 'Enable provenance tracking for all writes.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'max:nodes': { 'description': 'Maximum number of nodes which are allowed to be stored in a Cortex.', 'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1, 'hidecmdl': True, }, 'modules': { 'default': [], 'description': 'A list of module classes to load.', 'type': 'array' }, 'storm:log': { 'default': False, 'description': 'Log storm queries via system logger.', 'type': 'boolean' }, 'storm:log:level': { 'default': 'INFO', 'description': 'Logging log level to emit storm logs at.', 'type': [ 'integer', 'string', ], }, 'storm:interface:search': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Enable Storm search interfaces for lookup mode.', 'type': 'boolean', }, 'storm:interface:scrape': { 'default': True, 'description': 'Enable Storm scrape interfaces when using $lib.scrape APIs.', 'type': 'boolean', }, 'http:proxy': { 'description': 'An aiohttp-socks compatible proxy URL to use storm HTTP API.', 'type': 'string', }, 'tls:ca:dir': { 'description': 'An optional directory of CAs which are added to the TLS CA chain for Storm HTTP API calls.', 'type': 'string', }, } cellapi = CoreApi viewapi = s_view.ViewApi layerapi = s_layer.LayerApi hiveapi = s_hive.HiveApi viewctor = s_view.View.anit layrctor = s_layer.Layer.anit # phase 2 - service storage
[docs] async def initServiceStorage(self): # NOTE: we may not make *any* nexus actions in this method if self.inaugural: await self.cellinfo.set('cortex:version', s_version.version) corevers = self.cellinfo.get('cortex:version') s_version.reqVersion(corevers, reqver, exc=s_exc.BadStorageVersion, mesg='cortex version in storage is incompatible with running software') self.views = {} self.layers = {} self.viewsbylayer = collections.defaultdict(list) self.modules = {} self.splicers = {} self.feedfuncs = {} self.stormcmds = {} self.maxnodes = self.conf.get('max:nodes') self.nodecount = 0 self.stormmods = {} # name: mdef self.stormpkgs = {} # name: pkgdef self.stormvars = None # type: s_hive.HiveDict self.svcsbyiden = {} self.svcsbyname = {} self.svcsbysvcname = {} # remote name, not local name self._propSetHooks = {} self._runtLiftFuncs = {} self._runtPropSetFuncs = {} self._runtPropDelFuncs = {} self.ontagadds = collections.defaultdict(list) self.ontagdels = collections.defaultdict(list) self.ontagaddglobs = s_cache.TagGlobs() self.ontagdelglobs = s_cache.TagGlobs() self.tagvalid = s_cache.FixedCache(self._isTagValid, size=1000) self.tagprune = s_cache.FixedCache(self._getTagPrune, size=1000) self.permdefs = None self.permlook = None self.querycache = s_cache.FixedCache(self._getStormQuery, size=10000) self.libroot = (None, {}, {}) self.bldgbuids = {} # buid -> (Node, Event) Nodes under construction self.axon = None # type: s_axon.AxonApi self.axready = asyncio.Event() self.view = None # The default/main view proven = self.conf.get('provenance:en') self.provstor = await s_provenance.ProvStor.anit(self.dirn, proven=proven) self.onfini(self.provstor.fini) # Reset the storm:log:level from the config value to an int for internal use. self.conf['storm:log:level'] = s_common.normLogLevel(self.conf.get('storm:log:level')) self.stormlog = self.conf.get('storm:log') self.stormloglvl = self.conf.get('storm:log:level') # generic fini handler for the Cortex self.onfini(self._onCoreFini) await self._initCoreHive() self._initSplicers() self._initStormLibs() self._initFeedFuncs() self.modsbyiface = {} self.stormiface_search = self.conf.get('storm:interface:search') self.stormiface_scrape = self.conf.get('storm:interface:scrape') self._initCortexHttpApi() self.model = s_datamodel.Model() # Perform module loading await self._loadCoreMods() await self._loadExtModel() await self._initStormCmds() # Initialize our storage and views await self._initCoreAxon() await self._initCoreLayers() await self._initCoreViews() self.onfini(self._finiStor) await self._initCoreQueues() self.addHealthFunc(self._cortexHealth) self.stormdmons = await s_storm.DmonManager.anit(self) self.onfini(self.stormdmons) self.agenda = await s_agenda.Agenda.anit(self) self.onfini(self.agenda) await self._initStormDmons() self.trigson = self.conf.get('trigger:enable') await self._initRuntFuncs() taghive = await'cortex', 'tagmeta')) cmdhive = await'cortex', 'storm', 'cmds')) pkghive = await'cortex', 'storm', 'packages')) svchive = await'cortex', 'storm', 'services')) self.taghive = await taghive.dict() self.cmdhive = await cmdhive.dict() self.pkghive = await pkghive.dict() self.svchive = await svchive.dict() await self._initDeprLocks() # Finalize coremodule loading & give svchive a shot to load await self._initPureStormCmds() self.dynitems.update({ 'cron': self.agenda, 'cortex': self, 'multiqueue': self.multiqueue, }) await self.auth.addAuthGate('cortex', 'cortex')
[docs] async def getStormIfaces(self, name): mods = self.modsbyiface.get(name) if mods is not None: return mods mods = [] for moddef in self.stormmods.values(): ifaces = moddef.get('interfaces') if ifaces is None: continue if name not in ifaces: continue mods.append(moddef) self.modsbyiface[name] = tuple(mods) return mods
[docs] async def getPermDef(self, perm): if self.permlook is None: permdefs = await self.getPermDefs() self.permlook = {p['perm']: p for p in permdefs} return self.permlook.get(tuple(perm))
[docs] async def getPermDefs(self): if self.permdefs is None: self.permdefs = await self._getPermDefs() return self.permdefs
async def _getPermDefs(self): permdefs = [ {'perm': ('node',), 'gate': 'layer', 'desc': 'Controls all node edits in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'add'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls adding any form of node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'del'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls removing any form of node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'tag'), 'gate': 'layer', 'desc': 'Controls editing any tag on any node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'tag', 'add'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls adding any tag on any node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'tag', 'del'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls removing any tag on any node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'prop'), 'gate': 'layer', 'desc': 'Controls editing any prop on any node in the layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'prop', 'set'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls setting any prop on any node in a layer.'}, {'perm': ('node', 'prop', 'del'), 'gate': 'layer', 'expand': True, 'desc': 'Controls removing any prop on any node in a layer.'}, ] for spkg in await self.getStormPkgs(): permdefs.extend(spkg.get('perms', ())) return tuple(permdefs) def _setPropSetHook(self, name, hook): self._propSetHooks[name] = hook async def _callPropSetHook(self, node, prop, norm): hook = self._propSetHooks.get(prop.full) if hook is None: return await hook(node, prop, norm) async def _execCellUpdates(self): await self._bumpCellVers('cortex:defaults', ( (1, self._addAllLayrRead), )) async def _addAllLayrRead(self): layriden = self.getView().layers[0].iden role = await self.auth.getRoleByName('all') await role.addRule((True, ('layer', 'read')), gateiden=layriden)
[docs] async def initServiceRuntime(self): # do any post-nexus initialization here... await self._initJsonStor() if self.isactive: await self._checkNexsIndx() await self._initCoreMods() if self.isactive: await self._checkLayerModels() await self._initStormSvcs() # share ourself via the cell dmon as "cortex" # for potential default remote use self.dmon.share('cortex', self)
[docs] async def initServiceActive(self): if self.conf.get('cron:enable'): await self.agenda.start() await self.stormdmons.start() for view in self.views.values(): await view.initTrigTask() for layer in self.layers.values(): await layer.initLayerActive()
[docs] async def initServicePassive(self): await self.agenda.stop() await self.stormdmons.stop() for view in self.views.values(): await view.finiTrigTask() for layer in self.layers.values(): await layer.initLayerPassive()
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('model:depr:lock') async def setDeprLock(self, name, locked): todo = [] prop = self.model.prop(name) if prop is not None and prop.deprecated: todo.append(prop) _type = self.model.type(name) if _type is not None and _type.deprecated: todo.append(_type) if not todo: mesg = 'setDeprLock() called on non-existant or non-deprecated form, property, or type.' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(name=name, mesg=mesg) self.deprlocks[name] = locked await self.hive.set(('cortex', 'model', 'deprlocks'), self.deprlocks) for elem in todo: elem.locked = locked
[docs] async def getDeprLocks(self): ''' Return a dictionary of deprecated properties and their lock status. ''' retn = {} for prop in self.model.props.values(): if not prop.deprecated: continue retn[prop.full] = prop.locked return retn
[docs] async def addCoreQueue(self, name, info): if self.multiqueue.exists(name): mesg = f'Queue named {name} already exists!' raise s_exc.DupName(mesg=mesg) await self._push('queue:add', name, info)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('queue:add') async def _addCoreQueue(self, name, info): if self.multiqueue.exists(name): return await self.auth.addAuthGate(f'queue:{name}', 'queue') creator = info.get('creator') if creator is not None: user = await self.auth.reqUser(creator) await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=f'queue:{name}', logged=False) await self.multiqueue.add(name, info)
[docs] async def listCoreQueues(self): return self.multiqueue.list()
[docs] async def getCoreQueue(self, name): return self.multiqueue.status(name)
[docs] async def delCoreQueue(self, name): if not self.multiqueue.exists(name): mesg = f'No queue named {name} exists!' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg) await self._push('queue:del', name) await self.auth.delAuthGate(f'queue:{name}')
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('queue:del') async def _delCoreQueue(self, name): if not self.multiqueue.exists(name): return await self.multiqueue.rem(name)
[docs] async def coreQueueGet(self, name, offs=0, cull=True, wait=False): if offs and cull: await self.coreQueueCull(name, offs - 1) async for item in self.multiqueue.gets(name, offs, cull=False, wait=wait): return item
[docs] async def coreQueueGets(self, name, offs=0, cull=True, wait=False, size=None): if offs and cull: await self.coreQueueCull(name, offs - 1) count = 0 async for item in self.multiqueue.gets(name, offs, cull=False, wait=wait): yield item count += 1 if size is not None and count >= size: return
[docs] async def coreQueuePuts(self, name, items): await self._push('queue:puts', name, items)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('queue:puts', passitem=True) async def _coreQueuePuts(self, name, items, nexsitem): nexsoff, nexsmesg = nexsitem await self.multiqueue.puts(name, items, reqid=nexsoff)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('queue:cull') async def coreQueueCull(self, name, offs): await self.multiqueue.cull(name, offs)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('queue:pop') async def coreQueuePop(self, name, offs): return await self.multiqueue.pop(name, offs)
[docs] async def coreQueueSize(self, name): return self.multiqueue.size(name)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('tag:model:set') async def setTagModel(self, tagname, name, valu): ''' Set a model specification property for a tag. Arguments: tagname (str): The name of the tag. name (str): The name of the property. valu (object): The value of the property. Tag Model Properties: regex - A list of None or regular expression strings to match each tag level. prune - A number that determines how many levels of pruning are desired. Examples: await core.setTagModel("cno.cve", "regex", (None, None, "[0-9]{4}", "[0-9]{5}")) ''' meta = self.taghive.get(tagname) if meta is None: meta = {} meta[name] = valu reqValidTagModel(meta) await self.taghive.set(tagname, meta) # clear cached entries if name == 'regex': self.tagvalid.clear() elif name == 'prune': self.tagprune.clear()
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('tag:model:del') async def delTagModel(self, tagname): ''' Delete all the model specification properties for a tag. Arguments: tagname (str): The name of the tag. ''' await self.taghive.pop(tagname) self.tagvalid.clear() self.tagprune.clear()
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('tag:model:pop') async def popTagModel(self, tagname, name): ''' Pop a property from the model specification of a tag. Arguments: tagname (str): The name of the tag. name (str): The name of the specification property. Returns: (object): The current value of the property. ''' meta = self.taghive.get(tagname) if meta is None: return None retn = meta.pop(name, None) await self.taghive.set(name, meta) if name == 'regex': self.tagvalid.clear() elif name == 'prune': self.tagprune.clear() return retn
[docs] def isTagValid(self, tagname): ''' Check if a tag name is valid according to tag model regular expressions. Returns: (bool): True if the tag is valid. ''' return self.tagvalid.get(tagname)
def _isTagValid(self, tagname): parts = s_chop.tagpath(tagname) for tag in s_chop.tags(tagname): meta = self.taghive.get(tag) if meta is None: continue regx = meta.get('regex') if regx is None: continue for i in range(min(len(regx), len(parts))): if regx[i] is None: continue if not regex.fullmatch(regx[i], parts[i]): return False return True
[docs] async def getTagPrune(self, tagname): return self.tagprune.get(tagname)
def _getTagPrune(self, tagname): prune = [] pruning = 0 for tag in s_chop.tags(tagname): if pruning: pruning -= 1 prune.append(tag) continue meta = self.taghive.get(tag) if meta is None: continue pruning = meta.get('prune', 0) if pruning: pruning -= 1 prune.append(tag) # if we dont reach the final tag for pruning, skip it. if prune and not prune[-1] == tagname: return () return tuple(prune)
[docs] async def getTagModel(self, tagname): ''' Retrieve the tag model specification for a tag. Returns: (dict): The tag model specification or None. ''' retn = self.taghive.get(tagname) if retn is not None: return dict(retn)
[docs] async def listTagModel(self): ''' Retrieve a list of the tag model specifications. Returns: ([(str, dict), ...]): A list of tag model specification tuples. ''' return list(self.taghive.items())
async def _finiStor(self): await asyncio.gather(*[view.fini() for view in self.views.values()]) await asyncio.gather(*[layr.fini() for layr in self.layers.values()]) async def _initRuntFuncs(self): async def onSetTrigDoc(node, prop, valu): valu = str(valu) iden = node.ndef[1] trig = node.snap.view.triggers.get(iden) node.snap.user.confirm(('trigger', 'set', 'doc'), gateiden=iden) await trig.set('doc', valu) node.props[] = valu async def onSetTrigName(node, prop, valu): valu = str(valu) iden = node.ndef[1] trig = node.snap.view.triggers.get(iden) node.snap.user.confirm(('trigger', 'set', 'name'), gateiden=iden) await trig.set('name', valu) node.props[] = valu async def onSetCronDoc(node, prop, valu): valu = str(valu) iden = node.ndef[1] appt = await self.agenda.get(iden) node.snap.user.confirm(('cron', 'set', 'doc'), gateiden=iden) await appt.setDoc(valu, nexs=True) node.props[] = valu async def onSetCronName(node, prop, valu): valu = str(valu) iden = node.ndef[1] appt = await self.agenda.get(iden) node.snap.user.confirm(('cron', 'set', 'name'), gateiden=iden) await appt.setName(valu, nexs=True) node.props[] = valu self.addRuntPropSet('syn:cron:doc', onSetCronDoc) self.addRuntPropSet('syn:cron:name', onSetCronName) self.addRuntPropSet('syn:trigger:doc', onSetTrigDoc) self.addRuntPropSet('syn:trigger:name', onSetTrigName) async def _initStormDmons(self): node = await'cortex', 'storm', 'dmons')) self.stormdmonhive = await node.dict() for iden, ddef in self.stormdmonhive.items(): try: await self.runStormDmon(iden, ddef) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'initStormDmon ({iden}) failed: {e}') async def _initStormSvcs(self): for iden, sdef in self.svchive.items(): try: await self._setStormSvc(sdef) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'initStormService ({iden}) failed: {e}') async def _initCoreQueues(self): path = os.path.join(self.dirn, 'slabs', 'queues.lmdb') slab = await s_lmdbslab.Slab.anit(path) self.onfini(slab.fini) self.multiqueue = await slab.getMultiQueue('cortex:queue', nexsroot=self.nexsroot)
[docs] async def setStormCmd(self, cdef): await self._reqStormCmd(cdef) return await self._push('cmd:set', cdef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('cmd:set') async def _onSetStormCmd(self, cdef): ''' Set pure storm command definition. Args: cdef (dict): A Pure Stormcmd definition dictionary. Notes: The definition dictionary is formatted like the following:: { 'name': <name>, 'cmdargs': [ (<name>, <opts>), ] 'cmdconf': { <str>: <valu> }, 'storm': <text>, } ''' name = cdef.get('name') await self._setStormCmd(cdef) await self.cmdhive.set(name, cdef) async def _reqStormCmd(self, cdef): name = cdef.get('name') if not s_grammar.isCmdName(name): raise s_exc.BadCmdName(name=name) await self.getStormQuery(cdef.get('storm')) async def _getStorNodes(self, buid, layers): # NOTE: This API lives here to make it easy to optimize # the cluster case to minimize round trips return [await layr.getStorNode(buid) for layr in layers] async def _genSodeList(self, buid, sodes, layers, filtercmpr=None): sodelist = [] if filtercmpr is not None: filt = True for layr in layers[-1::-1]: sode = sodes.get(layr.iden) if sode is None: sode = await layr.getStorNode(buid) if filt and filtercmpr(sode): return else: filt = False sodelist.append((layr.iden, sode)) return (buid, sodelist[::-1]) for layr in layers: sode = sodes.get(layr.iden) if sode is None: sode = await layr.getStorNode(buid) sodelist.append((layr.iden, sode)) return (buid, sodelist) async def _mergeSodes(self, layers, genrs, cmprkey, filtercmpr=None): lastbuid = None sodes = {} async for layr, (_, buid), sode in s_common.merggenr2(genrs, cmprkey): if not buid == lastbuid or layr in sodes: if lastbuid is not None: sodelist = await self._genSodeList(lastbuid, sodes, layers, filtercmpr) if sodelist is not None: yield sodelist sodes.clear() lastbuid = buid sodes[layr] = sode if lastbuid is not None: sodelist = await self._genSodeList(lastbuid, sodes, layers, filtercmpr) if sodelist is not None: yield sodelist async def _liftByDataName(self, name, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByDataName(name): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByDataName(name))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_buid): yield sodes async def _liftByProp(self, form, prop, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByProp(form, prop): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByProp(form, prop))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx): yield sodes async def _liftByPropValu(self, form, prop, cmprvals, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByPropValu(form, prop, cmprvals): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return def filtercmpr(sode): props = sode.get('props') if props is None: return False return props.get(prop) is not None for cval in cmprvals: genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByPropValu(form, prop, (cval,)))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx, filtercmpr): yield sodes async def _liftByPropArray(self, form, prop, cmprvals, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByPropArray(form, prop, cmprvals): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return if prop is None: filtercmpr = None else: def filtercmpr(sode): props = sode.get('props') if props is None: return False return props.get(prop) is not None for cval in cmprvals: genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByPropArray(form, prop, (cval,)))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx, filtercmpr): yield sodes async def _liftByFormValu(self, form, cmprvals, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByFormValu(form, cmprvals): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return for cval in cmprvals: genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByFormValu(form, (cval,)))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx): yield sodes async def _liftByTag(self, tag, form, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByTag(tag, form): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return if form is None: def filtercmpr(sode): tags = sode.get('tags') if tags is None: return False return tags.get(tag) is not None else: filtercmpr = None genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByTag(tag, form))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_buid, filtercmpr): yield sodes async def _liftByTagValu(self, tag, cmpr, valu, form, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByTagValu(tag, cmpr, valu, form): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return def filtercmpr(sode): tags = sode.get('tags') if tags is None: return False return tags.get(tag) is not None genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByTagValu(tag, cmpr, valu, form))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_buid, filtercmpr): yield sodes async def _liftByTagProp(self, form, tag, prop, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByTagProp(form, tag, prop): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByTagProp(form, tag, prop))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx): yield sodes async def _liftByTagPropValu(self, form, tag, prop, cmprvals, layers): if len(layers) == 1: layr = layers[0].iden async for _, buid, sode in layers[0].liftByTagPropValu(form, tag, prop, cmprvals): yield (buid, [(layr, sode)]) return def filtercmpr(sode): tagprops = sode.get('tagprops') if tagprops is None: return False props = tagprops.get(tag) if not props: return False return props.get(prop) is not None for cval in cmprvals: genrs = [] for layr in layers: genrs.append(wrap_liftgenr(layr.iden, layr.liftByTagPropValu(form, tag, prop, (cval,)))) async for sodes in self._mergeSodes(layers, genrs, cmprkey_indx, filtercmpr): yield sodes async def _setStormCmd(self, cdef): ''' Note: No change control or persistence ''' def ctor(runt, runtsafe): return s_storm.PureCmd(cdef, runt, runtsafe) # TODO unify class ctors and func ctors vs briefs... def getCmdBrief(): return cdef.get('descr', 'No description').strip().split('\n')[0] ctor.getCmdBrief = getCmdBrief ctor.pkgname = cdef.get('pkgname') ctor.svciden = cdef.get('cmdconf', {}).get('svciden', '') ctor.forms = cdef.get('forms', {}) def getStorNode(form): ndef = (, form.type.norm(cdef.get('name'))[0]) buid = s_common.buid(ndef) props = { 'doc': ctor.getCmdBrief() } inpt = ctor.forms.get('input') outp = ctor.forms.get('output') nodedata = ctor.forms.get('nodedata') if inpt: props['input'] = tuple(inpt) if outp: props['output'] = tuple(outp) if nodedata: props['nodedata'] = tuple(nodedata) if ctor.svciden: props['svciden'] = ctor.svciden if ctor.pkgname: props['package'] = ctor.pkgname pnorms = {} for prop, valu in props.items(): formprop = form.props.get(prop) if formprop is not None and valu is not None: pnorms[prop] = formprop.type.norm(valu)[0] return (buid, { 'ndef': ndef, 'props': pnorms, }) ctor.getStorNode = getStorNode name = cdef.get('name') self.stormcmds[name] = ctor await'core:cmd:change', cmd=name, act='add') async def _popStormCmd(self, name): self.stormcmds.pop(name, None) await'core:cmd:change', cmd=name, act='del')
[docs] async def delStormCmd(self, name): ''' Remove a previously set pure storm command. ''' ctor = self.stormcmds.get(name) if ctor is None: mesg = f'No storm command named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchCmd(name=name, mesg=mesg) return await self._push('cmd:del', name)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('cmd:del') async def _delStormCmd(self, name): ctor = self.stormcmds.get(name) if ctor is None: return cdef = self.cmdhive.get(name) if cdef is None: mesg = f'The storm command ({name}) is not dynamic.' raise s_exc.CantDelCmd(mesg=mesg) await self.cmdhive.pop(name) self.stormcmds.pop(name, None) await'core:cmd:change', cmd=name, act='del')
[docs] async def addStormPkg(self, pkgdef): ''' Add the given storm package to the cortex. This will store the package for future use. ''' # do validation before nexs... await self._normStormPkg(pkgdef) return await self._push('pkg:add', pkgdef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('pkg:add') async def _addStormPkg(self, pkgdef): name = pkgdef.get('name') olddef = self.pkghive.get(name, None) if olddef is not None: await self._dropStormPkg(olddef) await self.loadStormPkg(pkgdef) await self.pkghive.set(name, pkgdef)
[docs] async def delStormPkg(self, name): pkgdef = self.pkghive.get(name, None) if pkgdef is None: mesg = f'No storm package: {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchPkg(mesg=mesg) return await self._push('pkg:del', name)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('pkg:del') async def _delStormPkg(self, name): ''' Delete a storm package by name. ''' pkgdef = await self.pkghive.pop(name, None) if pkgdef is None: return await self._dropStormPkg(pkgdef)
[docs] async def getStormPkg(self, name): return self.stormpkgs.get(name)
[docs] async def getStormPkgs(self): return list(self.pkghive.values())
[docs] async def getStormMods(self): return self.stormmods
[docs] async def getStormMod(self, name, reqvers=None): mdef = self.stormmods.get(name) if mdef is None or reqvers is None: return mdef pkgvers = mdef.get('pkgvers') if pkgvers is None: mesg = f'getStormMod: requested storm module {name}@{reqvers}' \ 'has no version information to check.' logger.warning(mesg) return if isinstance(pkgvers, tuple): pkgvers = '%d.%d.%d' % pkgvers if s_version.matches(pkgvers, reqvers): return mdef
[docs] def getDataModel(self): return self.model
async def _tryLoadStormPkg(self, pkgdef): try: await self._normStormPkg(pkgdef, validstorm=False) await self.loadStormPkg(pkgdef) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: name = pkgdef.get('name', '') logger.exception(f'Error loading pkg: {name}, {str(e)}') async def _reqStormPkgDeps(self, pkgdef): deps = pkgdef.get('depends') if deps is None: return name = pkgdef.get('name') requires = deps.get('requires', ()) for require in requires: pkgname = require.get('name') cmprvers = require.get('version') cpkg = await self.getStormPkg(pkgname) if cpkg is not None: cver = cpkg.get('version') if s_version.matches(cver, cmprvers): continue mesg = f'Storm package {name} requires {pkgname}{cmprvers}.' raise s_exc.StormPkgRequires(mesg=mesg) conflicts = deps.get('conflicts', ()) for conflict in conflicts: pkgname = conflict.get('name') cpkg = await self.getStormPkg(pkgname) if cpkg is None: continue cmprvers = conflict.get('version') if cmprvers is None: mesg = f'Storm package {name} conflicts with {pkgname}.' raise s_exc.StormPkgConflicts(mesg=mesg) cver = cpkg.get('version') if s_version.matches(cver, cmprvers): mesg = f'Storm package {name} conflicts with {pkgname}{cmprvers}.' raise s_exc.StormPkgConflicts(mesg=mesg) async def _normStormPkg(self, pkgdef, validstorm=True): ''' Normalize and validate a storm package (optionally storm code). ''' version = pkgdef.get('version') if isinstance(version, (tuple, list)): pkgdef['version'] = '%d.%d.%d' % tuple(version) await self._reqStormPkgDeps(pkgdef) pkgname = pkgdef.get('name') # Check minimum synapse version minversion = pkgdef.get('synapse_minversion') if minversion is not None and tuple(minversion) > s_version.version: mesg = f'Storm package {pkgname} requires Synapse {minversion} but ' \ f'Cortex is running {s_version.version}' raise s_exc.BadVersion(mesg=mesg) # Validate storm contents from modules and commands mods = pkgdef.get('modules', ()) cmds = pkgdef.get('commands', ()) onload = pkgdef.get('onload') svciden = pkgdef.get('svciden') if onload is not None and validstorm: await self.getStormQuery(onload) for mdef in mods: mdef.setdefault('modconf', {}) if svciden: mdef['modconf']['svciden'] = svciden if validstorm: modtext = mdef.get('storm') await self.getStormQuery(modtext) for cdef in cmds: cdef['pkgname'] = pkgname cdef.setdefault('cmdconf', {}) if svciden: cdef['cmdconf']['svciden'] = svciden if validstorm: cmdtext = cdef.get('storm') await self.getStormQuery(cmdtext) # Validate package def (post normalization) s_storm.reqValidPkgdef(pkgdef)
[docs] async def loadStormPkg(self, pkgdef): ''' Load a storm package into the storm library for this cortex. NOTE: This will *not* persist the package (allowing service dynamism). ''' self.modsbyiface.clear() name = pkgdef.get('name') mods = pkgdef.get('modules', ()) cmds = pkgdef.get('commands', ()) if pkgdef.get('perms'): self.permdefs = None self.permlook = None # now actually load... self.stormpkgs[name] = pkgdef pkgvers = pkgdef.get('version') # copy the mods dict and smash the ref so # updates are atomic and dont effect running # storm queries. stormmods = self.stormmods.copy() for mdef in mods: mdef = mdef.copy() modname = mdef.get('name') mdef['pkgvers'] = pkgvers stormmods[modname] = mdef self.stormmods = stormmods for cdef in cmds: await self._setStormCmd(cdef) onload = pkgdef.get('onload') if onload is not None and self.isactive: async def _onload(): try: async for mesg in self.storm(onload): if mesg[0] in ('print', 'warn'): logger.warning(f'onload output: {mesg}') await asyncio.sleep(0) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'onload failed for package: {name}') self.schedCoro(_onload())
async def _dropStormPkg(self, pkgdef): ''' Reverse the process of loadStormPkg() ''' self.modsbyiface.clear() for mdef in pkgdef.get('modules', ()): modname = mdef.get('name') self.stormmods.pop(modname, None) for cdef in pkgdef.get('commands', ()): name = cdef.get('name') await self._popStormCmd(name) pkgname = pkgdef.get('name') self.stormpkgs.pop(pkgname, None)
[docs] def getStormSvc(self, name): ssvc = self.svcsbyiden.get(name) if ssvc is not None: return ssvc ssvc = self.svcsbyname.get(name) if ssvc is not None: return ssvc ssvc = self.svcsbysvcname.get(name) if name is not None: return ssvc
[docs] async def waitStormSvc(self, name, timeout=None): ssvc = self.getStormSvc(name) return await s_coro.event_wait(ssvc.ready, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def addStormSvc(self, sdef): ''' Add a registered storm service to the cortex. ''' iden = sdef.get('iden') if iden is None: iden = sdef['iden'] = s_common.guid() if self.svcsbyiden.get(iden) is not None: mesg = f'Storm service already exists: {iden}' raise s_exc.DupStormSvc(mesg=mesg) return await self._push('svc:add', sdef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('svc:add') async def _addStormSvc(self, sdef): iden = sdef.get('iden') ssvc = self.svcsbyiden.get(iden) if ssvc is not None: return ssvc.sdef ssvc = await self._setStormSvc(sdef) await self.svchive.set(iden, sdef) return ssvc.sdef
[docs] async def delStormSvc(self, iden): sdef = self.svchive.get(iden) if sdef is None: mesg = f'No storm service with iden: {iden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchStormSvc(mesg=mesg, iden=iden) return await self._push('svc:del', iden)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('svc:del') async def _delStormSvc(self, iden): ''' Delete a registered storm service from the cortex. ''' sdef = self.svchive.get(iden) if sdef is None: # pragma: no cover return try: if self.isactive: await self.runStormSvcEvent(iden, 'del') except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'service.del hook for service {iden} failed with error: {e}') sdef = await self.svchive.pop(iden) await self._delStormSvcPkgs(iden) name = sdef.get('name') if name is not None: self.svcsbyname.pop(name, None) ssvc = self.svcsbyiden.pop(iden, None) if ssvc is not None: self.svcsbysvcname.pop(ssvc.svcname, None) await ssvc.fini() async def _delStormSvcPkgs(self, iden): ''' Delete storm packages associated with a service. ''' oldpkgs = [] for _, pdef in self.pkghive.items(): pkgiden = pdef.get('svciden') if pkgiden and pkgiden == iden: oldpkgs.append(pdef) for pkg in oldpkgs: name = pkg.get('name') if name: await self._delStormPkg(name)
[docs] async def setStormSvcEvents(self, iden, edef): ''' Set the event callbacks for a storm service. Extends the sdef dict. Args: iden (str): The service iden. edef (dict): The events definition. Notes: The edef is formatted like the following:: { <name> : { 'storm': <storm> } } where ``name`` is one of the following items: add Run the given storm '*before* the service is first added (a la service.add), but not on a reconnect. del Run the given storm *after* the service is removed (a la service.del), but not on a disconnect. Returns: dict: An updated storm service definition dictionary. ''' sdef = self.svchive.get(iden) if sdef is None: mesg = f'No storm service with iden: {iden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchStormSvc(mesg=mesg) sdef['evts'] = edef await self.svchive.set(iden, sdef) return sdef
async def _runStormSvcAdd(self, iden): sdef = self.svchive.get(iden) if sdef is None: mesg = f'No storm service with iden: {iden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchStormSvc(mesg=mesg) if sdef.get('added', False): return try: await self.runStormSvcEvent(iden, 'add') except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'runStormSvcEvent service.add failed with error {e}') return sdef['added'] = True await self.svchive.set(iden, sdef)
[docs] async def runStormSvcEvent(self, iden, name): assert name in ('add', 'del') sdef = self.svchive.get(iden) if sdef is None: mesg = f'No storm service with iden: {iden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchStormSvc(mesg=mesg) evnt = sdef.get('evts', {}).get(name, {}).get('storm') if evnt is None: return opts = {'vars': {'cmdconf': {'svciden': iden}}} coro = s_common.aspin(self.storm(evnt, opts=opts)) if name == 'add': await coro else: self.schedCoro(coro)
async def _setStormSvc(self, sdef): ssvc = await s_stormsvc.StormSvcClient.anit(self, sdef) self.onfini(ssvc) self.svcsbyiden[ssvc.iden] = ssvc self.svcsbyname[] = ssvc return ssvc
[docs] def getStormSvcs(self): return list(self.svcsbyiden.values())
# Global stormvars APIs
[docs] async def getStormVar(self, name, default=None): return self.stormvars.get(name, default=default)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('stormvar:pop') async def popStormVar(self, name, default=None): return await self.stormvars.pop(name, default=default)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('stormvar:set') async def setStormVar(self, name, valu): return await self.stormvars.set(name, valu)
[docs] async def itemsStormVar(self): for item in self.stormvars.items(): yield item
async def _cortexHealth(self, health): health.update('cortex', 'nominal') async def _loadExtModel(self): self.extforms = await (await'cortex', 'model', 'forms'))).dict() self.extprops = await (await'cortex', 'model', 'props'))).dict() self.extunivs = await (await'cortex', 'model', 'univs'))).dict() self.exttagprops = await (await'cortex', 'model', 'tagprops'))).dict() for formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo in self.extforms.values(): try: self.model.addType(formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo) form = self.model.addForm(formname, {}, ()) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Extended form ({formname}) error: {e}') else: if form.type.deprecated: mesg = f'The extended property {formname} is using a deprecated type {} which will' \ f' be removed in 3.0.0' logger.warning(mesg) for form, prop, tdef, info in self.extprops.values(): try: prop = self.model.addFormProp(form, prop, tdef, info) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'ext prop ({form}:{prop}) error: {e}') else: if prop.type.deprecated: mesg = f'The extended property {prop.full} is using a deprecated type {} which will' \ f' be removed in 3.0.0' logger.warning(mesg) for prop, tdef, info in self.extunivs.values(): try: self.model.addUnivProp(prop, tdef, info) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'ext univ ({prop}) error: {e}') for prop, tdef, info in self.exttagprops.values(): try: self.model.addTagProp(prop, tdef, info) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'ext tag prop ({prop}) error: {e}')
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def watcher(self, wdef): iden = wdef.get('view', self.view.iden) view = self.views.get(iden) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=iden) async with await s_queue.Window.anit(maxsize=10000) as wind: tags = wdef.get('tags') if tags is not None: tglobs = s_cache.TagGlobs() [tglobs.add(t, True) for t in tags] async def ontag(mesg): name = mesg[1].get('tag') if not tglobs.get(name): return await wind.put(mesg) for layr in self.view.layers: layr.on('tag:add', ontag, base=wind) layr.on('tag:del', ontag, base=wind) yield wind
[docs] async def watch(self, wdef): ''' Hook cortex/view/layer watch points based on a specified watch definition. ( see docs for details ) ''' async with self.watcher(wdef) as wind: async for mesg in wind: yield mesg
[docs] async def addUnivProp(self, name, tdef, info): # the loading function does the actual validation... if not name.startswith('_'): mesg = 'ext univ name must start with "_"' raise s_exc.BadPropDef(name=name, mesg=mesg) base = '.' + name if base in self.model.props: raise s_exc.DupPropName(mesg=f'Cannot add duplicate universal property {base}', prop=name) await self._push('model:univ:add', name, tdef, info)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:univ:add') async def _addUnivProp(self, name, tdef, info): self.model.addUnivProp(name, tdef, info) await self.extunivs.set(name, (name, tdef, info)) await'core:extmodel:change', prop=name, act='add', type='univ')
[docs] async def addForm(self, formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo): if not formname.startswith('_'): mesg = 'Extended form must begin with "_"' raise s_exc.BadFormDef(form=formname, mesg=mesg) if self.model.form(formname) is not None: mesg = f'Form name already exists: {formname}' raise s_exc.DupFormName(mesg=mesg) return await self._push('model:form:add', formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:form:add') async def _addForm(self, formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo): self.model.addType(formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo) self.model.addForm(formname, {}, ()) await self.extforms.set(formname, (formname, basetype, typeopts, typeinfo)) await'core:extmodel:change', form=formname, act='add', type='form')
[docs] async def delForm(self, formname): if not formname.startswith('_'): mesg = 'Extended form must begin with "_"' raise s_exc.BadFormDef(form=formname, mesg=mesg) if self.model.form(formname) is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=formname) return await self._push('model:form:del', formname)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:form:del') async def _delForm(self, formname): for layr in self.layers.values(): async for item in layr.iterFormRows(formname): mesg = f'Nodes still exist with form: {formname}' raise s_exc.CantDelForm(mesg=mesg) self.model.delForm(formname) self.model.delType(formname) await self.extforms.pop(formname, None) await'core:extmodel:change', form=formname, act='del', type='form')
[docs] async def addFormProp(self, form, prop, tdef, info): if not prop.startswith('_') and not form.startswith('_'): mesg = 'Extended prop must begin with "_" or be added to an extended form.' raise s_exc.BadPropDef(prop=prop, mesg=mesg) _form = self.model.form(form) if _form is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(mesg='Form {form} does not exist.', name=form) if _form.prop(prop): raise s_exc.DupPropName(mesg=f'Cannot add duplicate form prop {form} {prop}', form=form, prop=prop) await self._push('model:prop:add', form, prop, tdef, info)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:prop:add') async def _addFormProp(self, form, prop, tdef, info): _prop = self.model.addFormProp(form, prop, tdef, info) if _prop.type.deprecated: mesg = f'The extended property {_prop.full} is using a deprecated type {} which will' \ f' be removed in 3.0.0' logger.warning(mesg) await self.extprops.set(f'{form}:{prop}', (form, prop, tdef, info)) await'core:extmodel:change', form=form, prop=prop, act='add', type='formprop')
[docs] async def delFormProp(self, form, prop): full = f'{form}:{prop}' pdef = self.extprops.get(full) if pdef is None: mesg = f'No ext prop named {full}' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(form=form, prop=prop, mesg=mesg) return await self._push('model:prop:del', form, prop)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:prop:del') async def _delFormProp(self, form, prop): ''' Remove an extended property from the cortex. ''' full = f'{form}:{prop}' pdef = self.extprops.get(full) if pdef is None: return for layr in self.layers.values(): async for item in layr.iterPropRows(form, prop): mesg = f'Nodes still exist with prop: {form}:{prop}' raise s_exc.CantDelProp(mesg=mesg) self.model.delFormProp(form, prop) await self.extprops.pop(full, None) await'core:extmodel:change', form=form, prop=prop, act='del', type='formprop')
[docs] async def delUnivProp(self, prop): udef = self.extunivs.get(prop) if udef is None: mesg = f'No ext univ named {prop}' raise s_exc.NoSuchUniv(name=prop, mesg=mesg) return await self._push('model:univ:del', prop)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:univ:del') async def _delUnivProp(self, prop): ''' Remove an extended universal property from the cortex. ''' udef = self.extunivs.get(prop) if udef is None: return univname = '.' + prop for layr in self.layers.values(): async for item in layr.iterUnivRows(univname): mesg = f'Nodes still exist with universal prop: {prop}' raise s_exc.CantDelUniv(mesg=mesg) self.model.delUnivProp(prop) await self.extunivs.pop(prop, None) await'core:extmodel:change', name=prop, act='del', type='univ')
[docs] async def addTagProp(self, name, tdef, info): if self.exttagprops.get(name) is not None: raise s_exc.DupPropName(name=name) return await self._push('model:tagprop:add', name, tdef, info)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:tagprop:add') async def _addTagProp(self, name, tdef, info): if self.exttagprops.get(name) is not None: return self.model.addTagProp(name, tdef, info) await self.exttagprops.set(name, (name, tdef, info)) await'core:tagprop:change', name=name, act='add')
[docs] async def delTagProp(self, name): pdef = self.exttagprops.get(name) if pdef is None: mesg = f'No tag prop named {name}' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name) return await self._push('model:tagprop:del', name)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('model:tagprop:del') async def _delTagProp(self, name): pdef = self.exttagprops.get(name) if pdef is None: return for layr in self.layers.values(): if await layr.hasTagProp(name): mesg = f'Nodes still exist with tagprop: {name}' raise s_exc.CantDelProp(mesg=mesg) self.model.delTagProp(name) await self.exttagprops.pop(name, None) await'core:tagprop:change', name=name, act='del')
[docs] async def addNodeTag(self, user, iden, tag, valu=(None, None)): ''' Add a tag to a node specified by iden. Args: iden (str): A hex encoded node BUID. tag (str): A tag string. valu (tuple): A time interval tuple or (None, None). ''' buid = s_common.uhex(iden) async with await self.snap(user=user) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='tag:add', user=snap.user.iden): node = await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden) await node.addTag(tag, valu=valu) return node.pack()
[docs] async def addNode(self, user, form, valu, props=None): async with await self.snap(user=user) as snap: node = await snap.addNode(form, valu, props=props) return node.pack()
[docs] async def delNodeTag(self, user, iden, tag): ''' Delete a tag from the node specified by iden. Args: iden (str): A hex encoded node BUID. tag (str): A tag string. ''' buid = s_common.uhex(iden) async with await self.snap(user=user) as snap: with s_provenance.claim('coreapi', meth='tag:del', user=snap.user.iden): node = await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden) await node.delTag(tag) return node.pack()
async def _onCoreFini(self): ''' Generic fini handler for cortex components which may change or vary at runtime. ''' if self.axon: await self.axon.fini()
[docs] async def syncLayerNodeEdits(self, iden, offs, wait=True): ''' Yield (offs, mesg) tuples for nodeedits in a layer. ''' layr = self.getLayer(iden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=iden) async for item in layr.syncNodeEdits(offs, wait=wait): yield item
[docs] async def syncLayersEvents(self, offsdict=None, wait=True): ''' Yield (offs, layriden, STYP, item, meta) tuples for nodeedits for *all* layers, interspersed with add/del layer messages. STYP is one of the following constants: SYNC_NODEEDITS: item is a nodeedits (buid, form, edits) SYNC_LAYR_ADD: A layer was added (item and meta are empty) SYNC_LAYR_DEL: A layer was deleted (item and meta are empty) Args: offsdict(Optional(Dict[str,int])): starting nexus/editlog offset by layer iden. Defaults to 0 for unspecified layers or if offsdict is None. wait(bool): whether to pend and stream value until this layer is fini'd ''' async def layrgenr(layr, startoff, endoff=None, newlayer=False): if newlayer: yield layr.addoffs, layr.iden, SYNC_LAYR_ADD, (), {} wait = endoff is None if not layr.isfini: async for ioff, item, meta in layr.syncNodeEdits2(startoff, wait=wait): if endoff is not None and ioff >= endoff: # pragma: no cover break yield ioff, layr.iden, SYNC_NODEEDITS, item, meta if layr.isdeleted: yield layr.deloffs, layr.iden, SYNC_LAYR_DEL, (), {} # End of layrgenr async for item in self._syncNodeEdits(offsdict, layrgenr, wait=wait): yield item
[docs] async def syncIndexEvents(self, matchdef, offsdict=None, wait=True): ''' Yield (offs, layriden, <STYPE>, <item>) tuples from the nodeedit logs of all layers starting from the given nexus/layer offset (they are synchronized). Only edits that match the filter in matchdef will be yielded, plus EDIT_PROGRESS (see layer.syncIndexEvents) messages. The format of the 4th element of the tuple depends on STYPE. STYPE is one of the following constants: SYNC_LAYR_ADD: item is an empty tuple () SYNC_LAYR_DEL: item is an empty tuple () SYNC_NODEEDIT: item is (buid, form, ETYPE, VALS, META)) or (None, None, s_layer.EDIT_PROGRESS, (), ()) For edits in the past, events are yielded in offset order across all layers. For current data (wait=True), events across different layers may be emitted slightly out of offset order. Note: Will not yield any values from layers created with logedits disabled Args: matchdef(Dict[str, Sequence[str]]): a dict describing which events are yielded. See layer.syncIndexEvents for matchdef specification. offsdict(Optional(Dict[str,int])): starting nexus/editlog offset by layer iden. Defaults to 0 for unspecified layers or if offsdict is None. wait(bool): whether to pend and stream value until this layer is fini'd ''' async def layrgenr(layr, startoff, endoff=None, newlayer=False): ''' Yields matching results from a single layer ''' if newlayer: yield layr.addoffs, layr.iden, SYNC_LAYR_ADD, () wait = endoff is None ioff = startoff if not layr.isfini: async for ioff, item in layr.syncIndexEvents(startoff, matchdef, wait=wait): if endoff is not None and ioff >= endoff: # pragma: no cover break yield ioff, layr.iden, SYNC_NODEEDIT, item if layr.isdeleted: yield layr.deloffs, layr.iden, SYNC_LAYR_DEL, () # End of layrgenr async for item in self._syncNodeEdits(offsdict, layrgenr, wait=wait): yield item
async def _syncNodeEdits(self, offsdict, genrfunc, wait=True): ''' Common guts between syncIndexEvents and syncLayersEvents First, it streams from the layers up to the current offset, sorted by offset. Then it streams from all the layers simultaneously. Args: offsdict(Dict[str, int]): starting nexus/editlog offset per layer. Defaults to 0 if layer not present genrfunc(Callable): an async generator function that yields tuples that start with an offset. The input parameters are: layr(Layer): a Layer object startoff(int); the starting offset endoff(Optional[int]): the ending offset newlayer(bool): whether to emit a new layer item first wait(bool): when the end of the log is hit, whether to continue to wait for new entries and yield them ''' catchingup = True # whether we've caught up to topoffs layrsadded = {} # layriden -> True. Captures all the layers added while catching up todo = set() # outstanding futures of active live streaming from layers layrgenrs = {} # layriden -> genr. maps active layers to that layer's async generator # The offset to start from once the catch-up phase is complete topoffs = max(layr.nodeeditlog.index() for layr in self.layers.values()) if offsdict is None: offsdict = {} newtodoevent = asyncio.Event() async with await s_base.Base.anit() as base: def addlayr(layr, newlayer=False): ''' A new layer joins the live stream ''' genr = genrfunc(layr, topoffs, newlayer=newlayer) layrgenrs[layr.iden] = genr task = base.schedCoro(genr.__anext__()) task.iden = layr.iden todo.add(task) newtodoevent.set() def onaddlayr(mesg): etyp, event = mesg layriden = event['iden'] layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if catchingup: layrsadded[layr] = True return addlayr(layr, newlayer=True) self.on('core:layr:add', onaddlayr, base=base) # First, catch up to what was the current offset when we started, guaranteeing order genrs = [genrfunc(layr, offsdict.get(layr.iden, 0), endoff=topoffs) for layr in self.layers.values()] async for item in s_common.merggenr(genrs, lambda x, y: x[0] < y[0]): yield item catchingup = False if not wait: return # After we've caught up, read on genrs from all the layers simultaneously todo.clear() for layr in self.layers.values(): if layr not in layrsadded: addlayr(layr) for layr in layrsadded: addlayr(layr, newlayer=True) # Also, wake up if we get fini'd finitask = base.schedCoro(self.waitfini()) todo.add(finitask) newtodotask = base.schedCoro(newtodoevent.wait()) todo.add(newtodotask) while not self.isfini: newtodoevent.clear() done, _ = await asyncio.wait(todo, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for donetask in done: try: todo.remove(donetask) if donetask is finitask: # pragma: no cover # We were fini'd return if donetask is newtodotask: newtodotask = base.schedCoro(newtodoevent.wait()) todo.add(newtodotask) continue layriden = donetask.iden result = donetask.result() yield result # Re-add a task to wait on the next iteration of the generator genr = layrgenrs[layriden] task = base.schedCoro(genr.__anext__()) task.iden = layriden todo.add(task) except StopAsyncIteration: # Help out the garbage collector del layrgenrs[layriden]
[docs] async def spliceHistory(self, user): ''' Yield splices backwards from the end of the nodeedit log. Will only return user's own splices unless they are an admin. ''' layr = self.view.layers[0] count = 0 async for _, mesg in layr.splicesBack(): count += 1 if not count % 1000: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) if user.iden == mesg[1]['user'] or user.isAdmin(): yield mesg
async def _initCoreHive(self): stormvarsnode = await'cortex', 'storm', 'vars')) self.stormvars = await stormvarsnode.dict() if self.inaugural: await self.stormvars.set(s_stormlib_cell.runtime_fixes_key, s_stormlib_cell.getMaxHotFixes()) self.onfini(self.stormvars) async def _initDeprLocks(self): self.deprlocks = await self.hive.get(('cortex', 'model', 'deprlocks'), {}) # type: s_hive.Node # TODO: 3.0.0 conversion will truncate this hive key if self.inaugural: locks = ( # 2.87.0 - lock out incorrect crypto model ('crypto:currency:transaction:inputs', True), ('crypto:currency:transaction:outputs', True), ) for k, v in locks: await self._hndlsetDeprLock(k, v) for name, locked in self.deprlocks.items(): form = self.model.form(name) if form is not None: form.locked = locked prop = self.model.prop(name) if prop is not None: prop.locked = locked _type = self.model.type(name) if _type is not None: _type.locked = locked async def _initJsonStor(self): self.jsonurl = self.conf.get('jsonstor') if self.jsonurl is not None: self.jsonstor = await s_telepath.Client.anit(self.jsonurl) else: path = os.path.join(self.dirn, 'jsonstor') jsoniden = s_common.guid((self.iden, 'jsonstor')) idenpath = os.path.join(path, 'cell.guid') # check that the jsonstor cell GUID is what it should be. If not, update it. # ( bugfix for first release where cell was allowed to generate it's own iden ) if os.path.isfile(idenpath): with open(idenpath, 'r') as fd: existiden = if jsoniden != existiden: with open(idenpath, 'w') as fd: fd.write(jsoniden) conf = {'cell:guid': jsoniden} self.jsonstor = await s_jsonstor.JsonStorCell.anit(path, conf=conf, parent=self) self.onfini(self.jsonstor)
[docs] async def getJsonObj(self, path): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.getPathObj(path)
[docs] async def hasJsonObj(self, path): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.hasPathObj(path)
[docs] async def getJsonObjs(self, path): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() async for item in self.jsonstor.getPathObjs(path): yield item
[docs] async def getJsonObjProp(self, path, prop): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.getPathObjProp(path, prop)
[docs] async def delJsonObj(self, path): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.delPathObj(path)
[docs] async def delJsonObjProp(self, path, prop): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.delPathObjProp(path, prop)
[docs] async def setJsonObj(self, path, item): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.setPathObj(path, item)
[docs] async def setJsonObjProp(self, path, prop, item): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.setPathObjProp(path, prop, item)
[docs] async def getUserNotif(self, indx): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.getUserNotif(indx)
[docs] async def delUserNotif(self, indx): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.delUserNotif(indx)
[docs] async def addUserNotif(self, useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=None): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() return await self.jsonstor.addUserNotif(useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=mesgdata)
[docs] async def iterUserNotifs(self, useriden, size=None): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() async for item in self.jsonstor.iterUserNotifs(useriden, size=size): yield item
[docs] async def watchAllUserNotifs(self, offs=None): if self.jsonurl is not None: await self.jsonstor.waitready() async for item in self.jsonstor.watchAllUserNotifs(offs=offs): yield item
async def _initCoreAxon(self): turl = self.conf.get('axon') if turl is None: path = os.path.join(self.dirn, 'axon') conf = {} proxyurl = self.conf.get('http:proxy') if proxyurl is not None: conf['http:proxy'] = proxyurl self.axon = await s_axon.Axon.anit(path, conf=conf) self.axon.onfini(self.axready.clear) self.dynitems['axon'] = self.axon self.axready.set() return async def onlink(proxy: s_telepath.Proxy): logger.debug(f'Connected to remote axon {s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(turl)}') async def fini(): self.axready.clear() proxy.onfini(fini) self.axready.set() self.axon = await s_telepath.Client.anit(turl, onlink=onlink) self.dynitems['axon'] = self.axon self.onfini(self.axon) async def _initStormCmds(self): ''' Registration for built-in Storm commands. ''' self.addStormCmd(s_storm.MaxCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.MinCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.TeeCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.DiffCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.OnceCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.TreeCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.HelpCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.IdenCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.SpinCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.SudoCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.UniqCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.CountCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.GraphCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.LimitCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.MergeCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.RunAsCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.SleepCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.DivertCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.ScrapeCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.DelNodeCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.LiftByVerb) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.MoveTagCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.ReIndexCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.EdgesDelCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.ParallelCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.TagPruneCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.ViewExecCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.IntersectCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.BackgroundCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.SpliceListCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_storm.SpliceUndoCmd) self.addStormCmd(s_stormlib_macro.MacroExecCmd) for cdef in s_stormsvc.stormcmds: await self._trySetStormCmd(cdef.get('name'), cdef) for cdef in s_storm.stormcmds: await self._trySetStormCmd(cdef.get('name'), cdef) for cdef in s_stormlib_auth.stormcmds: await self._trySetStormCmd(cdef.get('name'), cdef) for cdef in s_stormlib_macro.stormcmds: await self._trySetStormCmd(cdef.get('name'), cdef) for cdef in s_stormlib_model.stormcmds: await self._trySetStormCmd(cdef.get('name'), cdef) async def _initPureStormCmds(self): oldcmds = [] for name, cdef in self.cmdhive.items(): cmdiden = cdef.get('cmdconf', {}).get('svciden') if cmdiden and self.svchive.get(cmdiden) is None: oldcmds.append(name) else: await self._trySetStormCmd(name, cdef) for name in oldcmds: logger.warning(f'Removing old command: [{name}]') await self.cmdhive.pop(name) for pkgdef in self.pkghive.values(): await self._tryLoadStormPkg(pkgdef) async def _trySetStormCmd(self, name, cdef): try: await self._setStormCmd(cdef) except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception): logger.exception(f'Storm command load failed: {name}') def _initStormLibs(self): ''' Registration for built-in Storm Libraries ''' for path, ctor in s_stormtypes.registry.iterLibs(): # Skip libbase which is registered as a default ctor in the storm Runtime if path: self.addStormLib(path, ctor) def _initSplicers(self): ''' Registration for splice handlers. ''' splicers = { 'tag:add': self._onFeedTagAdd, 'tag:del': self._onFeedTagDel, 'node:add': self._onFeedNodeAdd, 'node:del': self._onFeedNodeDel, 'prop:set': self._onFeedPropSet, 'prop:del': self._onFeedPropDel, 'tag:prop:set': self._onFeedTagPropSet, 'tag:prop:del': self._onFeedTagPropDel, } self.splicers.update(**splicers) def _initFeedFuncs(self): ''' Registration for built-in Cortex feed functions. ''' self.setFeedFunc('syn.nodes', self._addSynNodes) self.setFeedFunc('syn.splice', self._addSynSplice) self.setFeedFunc('syn.nodeedits', self._addSynNodeEdits) def _initCortexHttpApi(self): ''' Registration for built-in Cortex httpapi endpoints ''' self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/feed', s_httpapi.FeedV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm', s_httpapi.StormV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/watch', s_httpapi.WatchSockV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/call', s_httpapi.StormCallV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/nodes', s_httpapi.StormNodesV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/export', s_httpapi.StormExportV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/reqvalidstorm', s_httpapi.ReqValidStormV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/vars/set', s_httpapi.StormVarsSetV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/vars/get', s_httpapi.StormVarsGetV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/storm/vars/pop', s_httpapi.StormVarsPopV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/model', s_httpapi.ModelV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/model/norm', s_httpapi.ModelNormV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/core/info', s_httpapi.CoreInfoV1, {'cell': self})
[docs] async def getCellApi(self, link, user, path): if not path: return await self.cellapi.anit(self, link, user) # allow an admin to directly open the cortex hive # (perhaps this should be a Cell() level pattern) if path[0] == 'hive' and user.isAdmin(): return await self.hiveapi.anit(self.hive, user) if path[0] == 'layer': if len(path) == 1: # get the top layer for the default view layr = self.getLayer() return await self.layerapi.anit(self, link, user, layr) if len(path) == 2: layr = self.getLayer(path[1]) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=path[1]) return await self.layerapi.anit(self, link, user, layr) if path[0] == 'view': view = None if len(path) == 1: view = self.getView(user=user) elif len(path) == 2: view = self.getView(path[1], user=user) if view is not None: return await self.viewapi.anit(self, link, user, view) raise s_exc.NoSuchPath(path=path)
[docs] async def getModelDict(self): return self.model.getModelDict()
[docs] async def getModelDefs(self): return self.model.getModelDefs()
[docs] async def getFormCounts(self): ''' Return total form counts for all existing layers ''' counts = collections.defaultdict(int) for layr in self.layers.values(): layrcounts = await layr.getFormCounts() for name, valu in layrcounts.items(): counts[name] += valu return dict(counts)
[docs] def onTagAdd(self, name, func): ''' Register a callback for tag addition. Args: name (str): The name of the tag or tag glob. func (function): The callback func(node, tagname, tagval). ''' # TODO allow name wild cards if '*' in name: self.ontagaddglobs.add(name, func) else: self.ontagadds[name].append(func)
[docs] def offTagAdd(self, name, func): ''' Unregister a callback for tag addition. Args: name (str): The name of the tag or tag glob. func (function): The callback func(node, tagname, tagval). ''' if '*' in name: self.ontagaddglobs.rem(name, func) return cblist = self.ontagadds.get(name) if cblist is None: return try: cblist.remove(func) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def onTagDel(self, name, func): ''' Register a callback for tag deletion. Args: name (str): The name of the tag or tag glob. func (function): The callback func(node, tagname, tagval). ''' if '*' in name: self.ontagdelglobs.add(name, func) else: self.ontagdels[name].append(func)
[docs] def offTagDel(self, name, func): ''' Unregister a callback for tag deletion. Args: name (str): The name of the tag or tag glob. func (function): The callback func(node, tagname, tagval). ''' if '*' in name: self.ontagdelglobs.rem(name, func) return cblist = self.ontagdels.get(name) if cblist is None: return try: cblist.remove(func) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def addRuntLift(self, prop, func): ''' Register a runt lift helper for a given prop. Args: prop (str): Full property name for the prop to register the helper for. func: Returns: None: None. ''' self._runtLiftFuncs[prop] = func
[docs] async def runRuntLift(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): ''' Execute a runt lift function. Args: full (str): Property to lift by. valu: cmpr: Returns: bytes, list: Yields bytes, list tuples where the list contains a series of key/value pairs which are used to construct a Node object. ''' func = self._runtLiftFuncs.get(full) if func is not None: async for pode in func(full, valu, cmpr, view): yield pode
[docs] def addRuntPropSet(self, full, func): ''' Register a prop set helper for a runt form ''' self._runtPropSetFuncs[full] = func
[docs] async def runRuntPropSet(self, node, prop, valu): func = self._runtPropSetFuncs.get(prop.full) if func is None: raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='No prop:set func set for runt property.', prop=prop.full, valu=valu, ndef=node.ndef) ret = await s_coro.ornot(func, node, prop, valu) return ret
[docs] def addRuntPropDel(self, full, func): ''' Register a prop set helper for a runt form ''' self._runtPropDelFuncs[full] = func
[docs] async def runRuntPropDel(self, node, prop): func = self._runtPropDelFuncs.get(prop.full) if func is None: raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='No prop:del func set for runt property.', prop=prop.full, ndef=node.ndef) ret = await s_coro.ornot(func, node, prop) return ret
async def _checkLayerModels(self): mrev = s_modelrev.ModelRev(self) await mrev.revCoreLayers() async def _loadView(self, node): view = await self.viewctor(self, node) self.views[view.iden] = view self.dynitems[view.iden] = view async def fini(): self.views.pop(view.iden, None) self.dynitems.pop(view.iden, None) view.onfini(fini) return view def _calcViewsByLayer(self): # keep track of views by layer self.viewsbylayer.clear() for view in self.views.values(): for layr in view.layers: self.viewsbylayer[layr.iden].append(view) async def _initCoreViews(self): defiden = self.cellinfo.get('defaultview') for iden, node in await'cortex', 'views')): view = await self._loadView(node) if iden == defiden: self.view = view for view in self.views.values(): view.init2() # if we have no views, we are initializing. Add a default main view and layer. if not self.views: assert self.inaugural, 'Cortex initialization failed: there are no views.' ldef = {'name': 'default'} ldef = await self.addLayer(ldef=ldef, nexs=False) layriden = ldef.get('iden') role = await self.auth.getRoleByName('all') await role.addRule((True, ('layer', 'read')), gateiden=layriden, nexs=False) vdef = { 'name': 'default', 'layers': (layriden,), 'worldreadable': True, } vdef = await self.addView(vdef, nexs=False) iden = vdef.get('iden') await self.cellinfo.set('defaultview', iden) self.view = self.getView(iden) self._calcViewsByLayer()
[docs] async def addView(self, vdef, nexs=True): vdef['iden'] = s_common.guid() vdef.setdefault('parent', None) vdef.setdefault('worldreadable', False) vdef.setdefault('creator', self.auth.rootuser.iden) s_view.reqValidVdef(vdef) if nexs: return await self._push('view:add', vdef) else: return await self._addView(vdef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('view:add') async def _addView(self, vdef): s_view.reqValidVdef(vdef) iden = vdef['iden'] if iden in self.views: return for lyriden in vdef['layers']: if lyriden not in self.layers: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=lyriden) creator = vdef.get('creator', self.auth.rootuser.iden) user = await self.auth.reqUser(creator) await self.auth.addAuthGate(iden, 'view') await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=iden, logged=False) # worldreadable does not get persisted with the view; the state ends up in perms worldread = vdef.pop('worldreadable', False) if worldread: role = await self.auth.getRoleByName('all') await role.addRule((True, ('view', 'read')), gateiden=iden, nexs=False) node = await'cortex', 'views', iden)) info = await node.dict() for name, valu in vdef.items(): await info.set(name, valu) view = await self._loadView(node) view.init2() self._calcViewsByLayer() return await view.pack()
[docs] async def delView(self, iden): view = self.views.get(iden) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=iden) return await self._push('view:del', iden)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('view:del') async def _delView(self, iden): ''' Delete a cortex view by iden. Note: This does not delete any of the view's layers ''' view = self.views.get(iden, None) if view is None: return if iden == self.view.iden: raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg='Cannot delete the main view') for cview in self.views.values(): if cview.parent is not None and cview.parent.iden == iden: raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg='Cannot delete a view that has children') await self.hive.pop(('cortex', 'views', iden)) await view.delete() self._calcViewsByLayer() await self.auth.delAuthGate(iden)
[docs] async def delLayer(self, iden): layr = self.layers.get(iden, None) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=iden) return await self._push('layer:del', iden)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('layer:del', passitem=True) async def _delLayer(self, iden, nexsitem): layr = self.layers.get(iden, None) if layr is None: return for view in self.views.values(): if layr in view.layers: raise s_exc.LayerInUse(iden=iden) del self.layers[iden] for pdef in layr.layrinfo.get('pushs', {}).values(): await self.delActiveCoro(pdef.get('iden')) for pdef in layr.layrinfo.get('pulls', {}).values(): await self.delActiveCoro(pdef.get('iden')) await self.auth.delAuthGate(iden) self.dynitems.pop(iden) await self.hive.pop(('cortex', 'layers', iden)) await layr.delete() layr.deloffs = nexsitem[0]
[docs] async def setViewLayers(self, layers, iden=None): ''' Args: layers ([str]): A top-down list of of layer guids iden (str): The view iden (defaults to default view). ''' view = self.getView(iden) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=iden) await view.setLayers(layers) self._calcViewsByLayer()
[docs] def getLayer(self, iden=None): ''' Get a Layer object. Args: iden (str): The layer iden to retrieve. Returns: Layer: A Layer object. ''' if iden is None: return self.view.layers[0] # For backwards compatibility, resolve references to old layer iden == cortex.iden to the main layer # TODO: due to our migration policy, remove in 3.0.0 if iden == self.iden: return self.view.layers[0] return self.layers.get(iden)
[docs] def listLayers(self): return self.layers.values()
[docs] async def getLayerDef(self, iden=None): layr = self.getLayer(iden) if layr is not None: return await layr.pack()
[docs] async def getLayerDefs(self): return [await lyr.pack() for lyr in list(self.layers.values())]
[docs] def getView(self, iden=None, user=None): ''' Get a View object. Args: iden (str): The View iden to retrieve. Returns: View: A View object. ''' if iden is None: if user is not None: iden = user.profile.get('cortex:view') if iden is None: iden = self.view.iden # For backwards compatibility, resolve references to old view iden == cortex.iden to the main view # TODO: due to our migration policy, remove in 3.0.0 if iden == self.iden: iden = self.view.iden view = self.views.get(iden) if view is None: return None if user is not None: user.confirm(('view', 'read'), gateiden=iden) return view
[docs] def listViews(self): return list(self.views.values())
[docs] async def getViewDef(self, iden): view = self.getView(iden=iden) if view is not None: return await view.pack()
[docs] async def getViewDefs(self, deporder=False): views = list(self.views.values()) if not deporder: return [await v.pack() for v in views] def depth(view): x = 0 llen = len(view.layers) while view: x += 1 view = view.parent return (x, llen) views.sort(key=lambda x: depth(x)) return [await v.pack() for v in views]
[docs] async def addLayer(self, ldef=None, nexs=True): ''' Add a Layer to the cortex. Args: ldef (Optional[Dict]): layer configuration nexs (bool): whether to record a nexus transaction (internal use only) ''' ldef = ldef or {} ldef['iden'] = s_common.guid() ldef.setdefault('creator', self.auth.rootuser.iden) ldef.setdefault('lockmemory', self.conf.get('layers:lockmemory')) ldef.setdefault('logedits', self.conf.get('layers:logedits')) ldef.setdefault('readonly', False) s_layer.reqValidLdef(ldef) if nexs: return await self._push('layer:add', ldef) else: return await self._addLayer(ldef, (None, None))
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('layer:add', passitem=True) async def _addLayer(self, ldef, nexsitem): s_layer.reqValidLdef(ldef) iden = ldef.get('iden') if iden in self.layers: return layr = self.layers.get(iden) if layr is not None: return await layr.pack() creator = ldef.get('creator') user = await self.auth.reqUser(creator) node = await'cortex', 'layers', iden)) layrinfo = await node.dict() for name, valu in ldef.items(): await layrinfo.set(name, valu) layr = await self._initLayr(layrinfo, nexsoffs=nexsitem[0]) await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=iden, logged=False) # forward wind the new layer to the current model version await layr._setModelVers(s_modelrev.maxvers) if self.isactive: await layr.initLayerActive() else: await layr.initLayerPassive() return await layr.pack() def _checkMaxNodes(self, delta=1): if self.maxnodes is None: return remain = self.maxnodes - self.nodecount if remain < delta: mesg = f'Cortex is at node:count limit: {self.maxnodes}' raise s_exc.HitLimit(mesg=mesg) async def _initLayr(self, layrinfo, nexsoffs=None): ''' Instantiate a Layer() instance via the provided layer info HiveDict. ''' layr = await self._ctorLayr(layrinfo) layr.addoffs = nexsoffs self.layers[layr.iden] = layr self.dynitems[layr.iden] = layr if self.maxnodes: counts = await layr.getFormCounts() self.nodecount += sum(counts.values()) def onadd(): self.nodecount += 1 def ondel(): self.nodecount -= 1 layr.nodeAddHook = onadd layr.nodeDelHook = ondel await self.auth.addAuthGate(layr.iden, 'layer') for pdef in layrinfo.get('pushs', {}).values(): await self.runLayrPush(layr, pdef) for pdef in layrinfo.get('pulls', {}).values(): await self.runLayrPull(layr, pdef) await'core:layr:add', iden=layr.iden) return layr async def _ctorLayr(self, layrinfo): ''' Actually construct the Layer instance for the given HiveDict. ''' return await s_layer.Layer.anit(self, layrinfo) async def _initCoreLayers(self): node = await'cortex', 'layers')) for _, node in node: layrinfo = await node.dict() await self._initLayr(layrinfo)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('layer:push:add') async def addLayrPush(self, layriden, pdef): reqValidPush(pdef) iden = pdef.get('iden') layr = self.layers.get(layriden) if layr is None: return pushs = layr.layrinfo.get('pushs') if pushs is None: pushs = {} # handle last-message replay if pushs.get(iden) is not None: return pushs[iden] = pdef await layr.layrinfo.set('pushs', pushs) await self.runLayrPush(layr, pdef)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('layer:push:del') async def delLayrPush(self, layriden, pushiden): layr = self.layers.get(layriden) if layr is None: return pushs = layr.layrinfo.get('pushs') if pushs is None: return pdef = pushs.pop(pushiden, None) if pdef is None: return await layr.layrinfo.set('pushs', pushs) await self.delActiveCoro(pushiden)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('layer:pull:add') async def addLayrPull(self, layriden, pdef): reqValidPull(pdef) iden = pdef.get('iden') layr = self.layers.get(layriden) if layr is None: return pulls = layr.layrinfo.get('pulls') if pulls is None: pulls = {} # handle last-message replay if pulls.get(iden) is not None: return pulls[iden] = pdef await layr.layrinfo.set('pulls', pulls) await self.runLayrPull(layr, pdef)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('layer:pull:del') async def delLayrPull(self, layriden, pulliden): layr = self.layers.get(layriden) if layr is None: return pulls = layr.layrinfo.get('pulls') if pulls is None: return pdef = pulls.pop(pulliden, None) if pdef is None: return await layr.layrinfo.set('pulls', pulls) await self.delActiveCoro(pulliden)
[docs] async def runLayrPush(self, layr, pdef): url = pdef.get('url') iden = pdef.get('iden') # push() will refire as needed async def push(): async with await self.boss.promote(f'layer push: {layr.iden} {iden}', self.auth.rootuser): async with await s_telepath.openurl(url) as proxy: await self._pushBulkEdits(layr, proxy, pdef) self.addActiveCoro(push, iden=iden)
[docs] async def runLayrPull(self, layr, pdef): url = pdef.get('url') iden = pdef.get('iden') # pull() will refire as needed async def pull(): async with await self.boss.promote(f'layer pull: {layr.iden} {iden}', self.auth.rootuser): async with await s_telepath.openurl(url) as proxy: await self._pushBulkEdits(proxy, layr, pdef) self.addActiveCoro(pull, iden=iden)
async def _pushBulkEdits(self, layr0, layr1, pdef): iden = pdef.get('iden') user = pdef.get('user') gvar = f'push:{iden}' async with await s_base.Base.anit() as base: queue = s_queue.Queue(maxsize=10000) async def fill(): try: filloffs = await self.getStormVar(gvar, -1) async for item in layr0.syncNodeEdits(filloffs + 1, wait=True): await queue.put(item) await queue.close() except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'pushBulkEdits fill() error: {e}') await queue.close() base.schedCoro(fill()) async for chunk in queue.slices(): meta = {'time':, 'user': user} alledits = [] for offs, edits in chunk: # prevent push->push->push nodeedits growth alledits.extend(edits) if len(alledits) > 1000: await layr1.storNodeEdits(alledits, meta) await self.setStormVar(gvar, offs) alledits.clear() if alledits: await layr1.storNodeEdits(alledits, meta) await self.setStormVar(gvar, offs) async def _checkNexsIndx(self): layroffs = [await layr.getEditIndx() for layr in list(self.layers.values())] if layroffs: maxindx = max(layroffs) if maxindx > await self.getNexsIndx(): await self.setNexsIndx(maxindx)
[docs] async def saveLayerNodeEdits(self, layriden, edits, meta): layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: mesg = f'No layer found with iden: {layriden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(mesg=mesg) return await layr.saveNodeEdits(edits, meta)
[docs] async def cloneLayer(self, iden, ldef=None): ''' Make a copy of a Layer in the cortex. Args: iden (str): Layer iden to clone ldef (Optional[Dict]): Layer configuration overrides Note: This should only be called with a reasonably static Cortex due to possible races. ''' layr = self.layers.get(iden, None) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=iden) ldef = ldef or {} ldef['iden'] = s_common.guid() ldef.setdefault('creator', self.auth.rootuser.iden) return await self._push('layer:clone', iden, ldef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('layer:clone', passitem=True) async def _cloneLayer(self, iden, ldef, nexsitem): layr = self.layers.get(iden) if layr is None: return newiden = ldef.get('iden') if newiden in self.layers: return newpath = s_common.gendir(self.dirn, 'layers', newiden) await layr.clone(newpath) node = await'cortex', 'layers', iden)) copynode = await'cortex', 'layers', newiden)) layrinfo = await node.dict() copyinfo = await copynode.dict() for name, valu in layrinfo.items(): await copyinfo.set(name, valu) for name, valu in ldef.items(): await copyinfo.set(name, valu) copylayr = await self._initLayr(copyinfo, nexsoffs=nexsitem[0]) creator = copyinfo.get('creator') user = await self.auth.reqUser(creator) await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=newiden, logged=False) return await copylayr.pack()
[docs] def addStormCmd(self, ctor): ''' Add a synapse.lib.storm.Cmd class to the cortex. ''' if not s_grammar.isCmdName( raise s_exc.BadCmdName( self.stormcmds[] = ctor
[docs] async def addStormDmon(self, ddef): ''' Add a storm dmon task. ''' iden = s_common.guid() ddef['iden'] = iden return await self._push('storm:dmon:add', ddef)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('storm:dmon:bump') async def bumpStormDmon(self, iden): ddef = self.stormdmonhive.get(iden) if ddef is None: return False if self.isactive: dmon = self.stormdmons.getDmon(iden) if dmon is not None: await dmon.bump() return True
async def _bumpUserDmons(self, iden): ''' Bump all the Dmons for a given user. Args: iden (str): User iden. ''' for dmoniden, ddef in list(self.stormdmonhive.items()): if ddef.get('user') == iden: await self.bumpStormDmon(dmoniden)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('storm:dmon:enable') async def enableStormDmon(self, iden): dmon = self.stormdmons.getDmon(iden) if dmon is None: return False if dmon.enabled: return False dmon.enabled = True dmon.ddef['enabled'] = True await self.stormdmonhive.set(iden, dmon.ddef) if self.isactive: await return True
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('storm:dmon:disable') async def disableStormDmon(self, iden): dmon = self.stormdmons.getDmon(iden) if dmon is None: return False if not dmon.enabled: return False dmon.enabled = False dmon.ddef['enabled'] = False await self.stormdmonhive.set(iden, dmon.ddef) if self.isactive: await dmon.stop() return True
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('storm:dmon:add') async def _onAddStormDmon(self, ddef): iden = ddef['iden'] dmon = self.stormdmons.getDmon(iden) if dmon is not None: return dmon.pack() if ddef.get('user') is None: user = await self.auth.getUserByName('root') ddef['user'] = user.iden dmon = await self.runStormDmon(iden, ddef) await self.stormdmonhive.set(iden, ddef) return dmon.pack()
[docs] async def delStormDmon(self, iden): ''' Stop and remove a storm dmon. ''' ddef = self.stormdmonhive.get(iden) if ddef is None: mesg = f'No storm daemon exists with iden {iden}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(mesg=mesg) return await self._push('storm:dmon:del', iden)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('storm:dmon:del') async def _delStormDmon(self, iden): ddef = await self.stormdmonhive.pop(iden) if ddef is None: # pragma: no cover return await self.stormdmons.popDmon(iden)
[docs] def getStormCmd(self, name): return self.stormcmds.get(name)
[docs] async def runStormDmon(self, iden, ddef): # validate ddef before firing task s_storm.reqValidDdef(ddef) dmon = self.stormdmons.getDmon(iden) if dmon is not None: return dmon await self.auth.reqUser(ddef['user']) # raises if parser failure await self.getStormQuery(ddef.get('storm')) dmon = await self.stormdmons.addDmon(iden, ddef) return dmon
[docs] async def getStormDmon(self, iden): return self.stormdmons.getDmonDef(iden)
[docs] async def getStormDmons(self): return self.stormdmons.getDmonDefs()
[docs] async def getStormDmonLog(self, iden): return self.stormdmons.getDmonRunlog(iden)
[docs] def addStormLib(self, path, ctor): root = self.libroot # (name, {kids}, {funcs}) for name in path: step = root[1].get(name) if step is None: step = (name, {}, {}) root[1][name] = step root = step root[2]['ctor'] = ctor
[docs] def getStormLib(self, path): root = self.libroot for name in path: step = root[1].get(name) if step is None: return None root = step return root
[docs] def getStormCmds(self): return list(self.stormcmds.items())
[docs] async def getAxon(self): await self.axready.wait() return self.axon.iden
[docs] def setFeedFunc(self, name, func): ''' Set a data ingest function. def func(snap, items): loaditems... ''' self.feedfuncs[name] = func
[docs] def getFeedFunc(self, name): ''' Get a data ingest function. ''' return self.feedfuncs.get(name)
[docs] async def getFeedFuncs(self): ret = [] for name, ctor in self.feedfuncs.items(): # TODO - Future support for feed functions defined via Storm. doc = getattr(ctor, '__doc__', None) if doc is None: doc = 'No feed docstring' doc = doc.strip() desc = doc.split('\n')[0] ret.append({'name': name, 'desc': desc, 'fulldoc': doc, }) return tuple(ret)
async def _addSynNodes(self, snap, items): ''' Add nodes to the Cortex via the packed node format. ''' async for node in snap.addNodes(items): pass async def _addSynSplice(self, snap, items): s_common.deprecated('addFeedData(syn.splice, ...)') for item in items: func = self.splicers.get(item[0]) if func is None: await snap.warn(f'no such splice: {item!r}') continue try: await func(snap, item) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception as e: logger.exception('splice error') await snap.warn(f'splice error: {e}') async def _onFeedNodeAdd(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') if ndef is None: await snap.warn(f'Invalid Splice: {mesg!r}') return await snap.addNode(*ndef) async def _onFeedNodeDel(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is None: return await node.delete() async def _onFeedPropSet(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') name = mesg[1].get('prop') valu = mesg[1].get('valu') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is None: return await node.set(name, valu) async def _onFeedPropDel(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') name = mesg[1].get('prop') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is None: return await node.pop(name) async def _onFeedTagAdd(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') tag = mesg[1].get('tag') valu = mesg[1].get('valu') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is None: return await node.addTag(tag, valu=valu) async def _onFeedTagDel(self, snap, mesg): ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') tag = mesg[1].get('tag') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is None: return await node.delTag(tag) async def _onFeedTagPropSet(self, snap, mesg): tag = mesg[1].get('tag') prop = mesg[1].get('prop') ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') valu = mesg[1].get('valu') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is not None: await node.setTagProp(tag, prop, valu) async def _onFeedTagPropDel(self, snap, mesg): tag = mesg[1].get('tag') prop = mesg[1].get('prop') ndef = mesg[1].get('ndef') node = await snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if node is not None: await node.delTagProp(tag, prop) async def _addSynNodeEdits(self, snap, items): s_common.deprecated('addFeedData(syn.nodeedits, ...)') for item in items: item = s_common.unjsonsafe_nodeedits(item) await snap.applyNodeEdits(item)
[docs] async def setUserLocked(self, iden, locked): retn = await s_cell.Cell.setUserLocked(self, iden, locked) await self._bumpUserDmons(iden) return retn
[docs] def getCoreMod(self, name): return self.modules.get(name)
[docs] def getCoreMods(self): ret = [] for modname, mod in self.modules.items(): ret.append((modname, mod.conf)) return ret
def _initStormOpts(self, opts): if opts is None: opts = {} opts.setdefault('user', self.auth.rootuser.iden) return opts def _viewFromOpts(self, opts, user=None): if user is None: user = self._userFromOpts(opts) viewiden = opts.get('view') if viewiden is None: viewiden = user.profile.get('cortex:view') if viewiden is None: viewiden = self.view.iden # For backwards compatibility, resolve references to old view iden == cortex.iden to the main view # TODO: due to our migration policy, remove in 3.0.0 if viewiden == self.iden: # pragma: no cover viewiden = self.view.iden view = self.views.get(viewiden) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=viewiden) user.confirm(('view', 'read'), gateiden=viewiden) return view def _userFromOpts(self, opts): if opts is None: return self.auth.rootuser useriden = opts.get('user') if useriden is None: return self.auth.rootuser user = self.auth.user(useriden) if user is None: mesg = f'No user found with iden: {useriden}' raise s_exc.NoSuchUser(mesg, iden=useriden) return user
[docs] async def count(self, text, opts=None): opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) i = 0 async for _ in view.eval(text, opts=opts): i += 1 return i
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None): ''' ''' opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) async for mesg in view.storm(text, opts=opts): yield mesg
[docs] async def callStorm(self, text, opts=None): opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) return await view.callStorm(text, opts=opts)
[docs] async def exportStorm(self, text, opts=None): opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) user = self._userFromOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) await self.boss.promote('storm:export', user=user, info={'query': text}) spooldict = await s_spooled.Dict.anit() async with await self.snap(user=user, view=view) as snap: async for pode in snap.iterStormPodes(text, opts=opts): await spooldict.set(pode[1]['iden'], pode) await asyncio.sleep(0) for iden, pode in spooldict.items(): await asyncio.sleep(0) edges = [] async for verb, n2iden in snap.iterNodeEdgesN1(s_common.uhex(iden)): await asyncio.sleep(0) if not spooldict.has(n2iden): continue edges.append((verb, n2iden)) if edges: pode[1]['edges'] = edges yield pode
[docs] async def exportStormToAxon(self, text, opts=None): async with await self.axon.upload() as fd: async for pode in self.exportStorm(text, opts=opts): await fd.write(s_msgpack.en(pode)) size, sha256 = await return (size, s_common.ehex(sha256))
[docs] async def feedFromAxon(self, sha256, opts=None): opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) user = self._userFromOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) await self.boss.promote('feeddata', user=user, info={'name': 'syn.nodes', 'sha256': sha256}) # ensure that the user can make all node edits in the layer user.confirm(('node',), gateiden=view.layers[0].iden) q = s_queue.Queue(maxsize=10000) feedexc = None async with await s_base.Base.anit() as base: async def fill(): nonlocal feedexc try: async for item in self.axon.iterMpkFile(sha256): await q.put(item) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'feedFromAxon.fill(): {e}') feedexc = e finally: await q.close() base.schedCoro(fill()) count = 0 async with await self.snap(user=user, view=view) as snap: # feed the items directly to syn.nodes async for items in q.slices(size=100): async for node in snap.addNodes(items): count += 1 if feedexc is not None: raise feedexc return count
[docs] async def nodes(self, text, opts=None): ''' A simple non-streaming way to return a list of nodes. ''' if self.isfini: # pragma: no cover raise s_exc.IsFini() opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) return await view.nodes(text, opts=opts)
[docs] async def eval(self, text, opts=None): ''' Evaluate a storm query and yield packed nodes. NOTE: This API is deprecated as of 2.0.0 and will be removed in 3.0.0 ''' s_common.deprecated('eval') opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) async for node in view.eval(text, opts=opts): yield node
[docs] async def stormlist(self, text, opts=None): return [m async for m in self.storm(text, opts=opts)]
async def _getStormEval(self, text): try: astvalu = copy.deepcopy(await s_parser.evalcache.aget(text)) except s_exc.FatalErr: logger.exception(f'Fatal error while parsing [{text}]', extra={'synapse': {'text': text}}) await self.fini() raise astvalu.init(self) return astvalu async def _getStormQuery(self, args): try: query = copy.deepcopy(await s_parser.querycache.aget(args)) except s_exc.FatalErr: logger.exception(f'Fatal error while parsing [{args}]', extra={'synapse': {'text': args[0]}}) await self.fini() raise query.init(self) await asyncio.sleep(0) return query
[docs] async def getStormQuery(self, text, mode='storm'): return await self.querycache.aget((text, mode))
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def getStormRuntime(self, query, opts=None): opts = self._initStormOpts(opts) view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) user = self._userFromOpts(opts) async with await self.snap(user=user, view=view) as snap: async with snap.getStormRuntime(query, opts=opts, user=user) as runt: yield runt
[docs] async def reqValidStorm(self, text, opts=None): ''' Parse a storm query to validate it. Args: text (str): The text of the Storm query to parse. opts (dict): A Storm options dictionary. Returns: True: If the query is valid. Raises: BadSyntaxError: If the query is invalid. ''' if opts is None: opts = {} mode = opts.get('mode', 'storm') await self.getStormQuery(text, mode=mode) return True
def _logStormQuery(self, text, user, mode): ''' Log a storm query. ''' if self.stormlog: stormlogger.log(self.stormloglvl, 'Executing storm query {%s} as [%s]', text,, extra={'synapse': {'text': text, 'username':, 'user': user.iden, 'mode': mode}})
[docs] async def getNodeByNdef(self, ndef, view=None): ''' Return a single Node() instance by (form,valu) tuple. ''' name, valu = ndef form = self.model.forms.get(name) if form is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name) norm, info = form.type.norm(valu) buid = s_common.buid((, norm)) async with await self.snap(view=view) as snap: return await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid)
[docs] def getCoreInfo(self): s_common.deprecated('Cortex.getCoreInfo') return { 'version': synapse.version, 'modeldef': self.model.getModelDefs(), 'stormcmds': {cmd: {} for cmd in self.stormcmds.keys()}, }
[docs] async def getCoreInfoV2(self): return { 'version': synapse.version, 'modeldict': await self.getModelDict(), 'stormdocs': await self.getStormDocs(), }
[docs] async def getStormDocs(self): ''' Get a struct containing the Storm Types documentation. Returns: dict: A Dictionary of storm documentation information. ''' ret = { 'libraries': s_stormtypes.registry.getLibDocs(), 'types': s_stormtypes.registry.getTypeDocs(), # 'cmds': ... # TODO - support cmd docs # 'packages': ... # TODO - Support inline information for packages? } return ret
[docs] async def addNodes(self, nodedefs, view=None): ''' Quickly add/modify a list of nodes from node definition tuples. This API is the simplest/fastest way to add nodes, set node props, and add tags to nodes remotely. Args: nodedefs (list): A list of node definition tuples. See below. A node definition tuple is defined as: ( (form, valu), {'props':{}, 'tags':{}) The "props" or "tags" keys may be omitted. ''' async with await self.snap(view=view) as snap: snap.strict = False async for node in snap.addNodes(nodedefs): yield node
[docs] async def addFeedData(self, name, items, *, viewiden=None): ''' Add data using a feed/parser function. Args: name (str): The name of the feed record format. items (list): A list of items to ingest. iden (str): The iden of a view to use. If a view is not specified, the default view is used. ''' view = self.getView(viewiden) if view is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchView(iden=viewiden) async with await self.snap(view=view) as snap: snap.strict = False await snap.addFeedData(name, items)
[docs] async def snap(self, user=None, view=None): ''' Return a transaction object for the default view. Args: user (str): The user to get the snap for. view (View): View object to use when making the snap. Notes: This must be used as an asynchronous context manager. Returns: s_snap.Snap: A Snap object for the view. ''' if view is None: view = self.view if user is None: user = await self.auth.getUserByName('root') snap = await view.snap(user) return snap
[docs] async def loadCoreModule(self, ctor, conf=None): ''' Load a single cortex module with the given ctor and conf. Args: ctor (str): The python module class path conf (dict):Config dictionary for the module ''' if conf is None: conf = {} modu = self._loadCoreModule(ctor, conf=conf) try: await s_coro.ornot(modu.preCoreModule) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception(f'module preCoreModule failed: {ctor}') self.modules.pop(ctor, None) return mdefs = modu.getModelDefs() self.model.addDataModels(mdefs) cmds = modu.getStormCmds() [self.addStormCmd(c) for c in cmds] try: await s_coro.ornot(modu.initCoreModule) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception(f'module initCoreModule failed: {ctor}') self.modules.pop(ctor, None) return await'core:module:load', module=ctor) return modu
async def _loadCoreMods(self): mods = [] cmds = [] mdefs = [] for ctor in list(s_modules.coremods): await self._preLoadCoreModule(ctor, mods, cmds, mdefs) for ctor in self.conf.get('modules'): await self._preLoadCoreModule(ctor, mods, cmds, mdefs, custom=True) self.model.addDataModels(mdefs) [self.addStormCmd(c) for c in cmds] async def _preLoadCoreModule(self, ctor, mods, cmds, mdefs, custom=False): conf = None # allow module entry to be (ctor, conf) tuple if isinstance(ctor, (list, tuple)): ctor, conf = ctor modu = self._loadCoreModule(ctor, conf=conf) if modu is None: return mods.append(modu) try: await s_coro.ornot(modu.preCoreModule) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception(f'module preCoreModule failed: {ctor}') self.modules.pop(ctor, None) return cmds.extend(modu.getStormCmds()) model_defs = modu.getModelDefs() if custom: for _mdef, mnfo in model_defs: mnfo['custom'] = True mdefs.extend(model_defs) async def _initCoreMods(self): with s_provenance.claim('init', meth='_initCoreMods'): for ctor, modu in list(self.modules.items()): try: await s_coro.ornot(modu.initCoreModule) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception(f'module initCoreModule failed: {ctor}') self.modules.pop(ctor, None) def _loadCoreModule(self, ctor, conf=None): if ctor in self.modules: raise s_exc.ModAlreadyLoaded(mesg=f'{ctor} already loaded') try: modu = s_dyndeps.tryDynFunc(ctor, self, conf=conf) self.modules[ctor] = modu return modu except Exception: logger.exception('mod load fail: %s' % (ctor,)) return None
[docs] async def stat(self): stats = { 'iden': self.iden, 'layer': await self.getLayer().stat(), 'formcounts': await self.getFormCounts(), } return stats
[docs] async def getPropNorm(self, prop, valu): ''' Get the normalized property value based on the Cortex data model. Args: prop (str): The property to normalize. valu: The value to normalize. Returns: (tuple): A two item tuple, containing the normed value and the info dictionary. Raises: s_exc.NoSuchProp: If the prop does not exist. s_exc.BadTypeValu: If the value fails to normalize. ''' pobj = self.model.prop(prop) if pobj is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=f'The property {prop} does not exist.', prop=prop) norm, info = pobj.type.norm(valu) return norm, info
[docs] async def getTypeNorm(self, name, valu): ''' Get the normalized type value based on the Cortex data model. Args: name (str): The type to normalize. valu: The value to normalize. Returns: (tuple): A two item tuple, containing the normed value and the info dictionary. Raises: s_exc.NoSuchType: If the type does not exist. s_exc.BadTypeValu: If the value fails to normalize. ''' tobj = self.model.type(name) if tobj is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchType(mesg=f'The type {name} does not exist.', name=name) norm, info = tobj.norm(valu) return norm, info
@staticmethod def _convert_reqdict(reqdict): return {s_agenda.TimeUnit.fromString(k): v for (k, v) in reqdict.items()}
[docs] async def addCronJob(self, cdef): ''' Add a cron job to the cortex. Convenience wrapper around agenda.add A cron job is a persistently-stored item that causes storm queries to be run in the future. The specification for the times that the queries run can be one-shot or recurring. Args: query (str): The storm query to execute in the future reqs (Union[Dict[str, Union[int, List[int]]], List[Dict[...]]]): Either a dict of the fixed time fields or a list of such dicts. The keys are in the set ('year', 'month', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'hour', 'minute'. The values must be positive integers, except for the key of 'dayofmonth' in which it may also be a negative integer which represents the number of days from the end of the month with -1 representing the last day of the month. All values may also be lists of valid values. incunit (Optional[str]): A member of the same set as above, with an additional member 'day'. If is None (default), then the appointment is one-shot and will not recur. incvals (Union[int, List[int]): A integer or a list of integers of the number of units Returns (bytes): An iden that can be used to later modify, query, and delete the job. Notes: reqs must have fields present or incunit must not be None (or both) The incunit if not None it must be larger in unit size than all the keys in all reqs elements. Non-recurring jobs may also have a req of 'now' which will cause the job to also execute immediately. ''' s_agenda.reqValidCdef(cdef) iden = cdef.get('iden') appt = self.agenda.appts.get(iden) if appt is not None: raise s_exc.DupIden(mesg=f'Duplicate cron iden ({iden})') incunit = cdef.get('incunit') reqs = cdef.get('reqs') try: if incunit is not None: if isinstance(incunit, (list, tuple)): incunit = [s_agenda.TimeUnit.fromString(i) for i in incunit] else: incunit = s_agenda.TimeUnit.fromString(incunit) cdef['incunit'] = incunit if isinstance(reqs, Mapping): reqs = self._convert_reqdict(reqs) else: reqs = [self._convert_reqdict(req) for req in reqs] if incunit is not None and s_agenda.TimeUnit.NOW in reqs: mesg = "Recurring jobs may not be scheduled to run 'now'" raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg) cdef['reqs'] = reqs except KeyError: raise s_exc.BadConfValu('Unrecognized time unit') if not cdef.get('iden'): cdef['iden'] = s_common.guid() opts = {'user': cdef['creator'], 'view': cdef.get('view')} view = self._viewFromOpts(opts) cdef['view'] = view.iden return await self._push('cron:add', cdef)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('cron:add') async def _onAddCronJob(self, cdef): iden = cdef['iden'] appt = self.agenda.appts.get(iden) if appt is not None: return appt.pack() user = await self.auth.reqUser(cdef['creator']) cdef = await self.agenda.add(cdef) await self.auth.addAuthGate(iden, 'cronjob') await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=iden, logged=False) return cdef
[docs] async def moveCronJob(self, useriden, croniden, viewiden): view = self._viewFromOpts({'view': viewiden, 'user': useriden}) appt = self.agenda.appts.get(croniden) if appt is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=croniden) if appt.view == view.iden: return croniden return await self._push('cron:move', croniden, viewiden)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('cron:move') async def _onMoveCronJob(self, croniden, viewiden): await self.agenda.move(croniden, viewiden) return croniden
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('cron:del') async def delCronJob(self, iden): ''' Delete a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be deleted ''' try: await self.agenda.delete(iden) except s_exc.NoSuchIden: return await self.auth.delAuthGate(iden)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('cron:mod') async def updateCronJob(self, iden, query): ''' Change an existing cron job's query Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' await self.agenda.mod(iden, query)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('cron:enable') async def enableCronJob(self, iden): ''' Enable a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' await self.agenda.enable(iden)
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('cron:disable') async def disableCronJob(self, iden): ''' Enable a cron job Args: iden (bytes): The iden of the cron job to be changed ''' await self.agenda.disable(iden)
[docs] async def listCronJobs(self): ''' Get information about all the cron jobs accessible to the current user ''' crons = [] for _, cron in self.agenda.list(): info = cron.pack() user = self.auth.user(cron.creator) info['username'] = crons.append(info) return crons
[docs] @s_nexus.Pusher.onPushAuto('cron:edit') async def editCronJob(self, iden, name, valu): ''' Modify a cron job definition. ''' appt = await self.agenda.get(iden) # TODO make this generic and check cdef if name == 'name': await appt.setName(str(valu)) return appt.pack() if name == 'doc': await appt.setDoc(str(valu)) return appt.pack() mesg = f'editCronJob name {name} is not supported for editing.' raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=mesg)
async def _enableMigrationMode(self): ''' Prevents cron jobs and triggers from running ''' self.agenda.enabled = False self.trigson = False async def _disableMigrationMode(self): ''' Allows cron jobs and triggers to run ''' if self.conf.get('cron:enable'): self.agenda.enabled = True if self.conf.get('trigger:enable'): self.trigson = True
[docs] async def iterFormRows(self, layriden, form, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes of a single form, optionally (re)starting at startvalu. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes form (str): A form name. stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) async for item in layr.iterFormRows(form, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterPropRows(self, layriden, form, prop, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes with a particular secondary property, optionally (re)starting at startvalu. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes form (str): A form name. prop (str): A universal property name. stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) async for item in layr.iterPropRows(form, prop, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterUnivRows(self, layriden, prop, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields buid, valu tuples of nodes with a particular universal property, optionally (re)starting at startvalu. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes prop (str): A universal property name. stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) async for item in layr.iterUnivRows(prop, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs] async def iterTagRows(self, layriden, tag, form=None, starttupl=None): ''' Yields (buid, (valu, form)) values that match a tag and optional form, optionally (re)starting at starttupl. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes tag (str): the tag to match form (Optional[str]): if present, only yields buids of nodes that match the form. starttupl (Optional[Tuple[buid, form]]): if present, (re)starts the stream of values there. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, (valu, form))] Note: This yields (buid, (tagvalu, form)) instead of just buid, valu in order to allow resuming an interrupted call by feeding the last value retrieved into starttupl ''' layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) async for item in layr.iterTagRows(tag, form=form, starttupl=starttupl): yield item
[docs] async def iterTagPropRows(self, layriden, tag, prop, form=None, stortype=None, startvalu=None): ''' Yields (buid, valu) that match a tag:prop, optionally (re)starting at startvalu. Args: layriden (str): Iden of the layer to retrieve the nodes tag (str): tag name prop (str): prop name form (Optional[str]): optional form name stortype (Optional[int]): a STOR_TYPE_* integer representing the type of form:prop startvalu (Any): The value to start at. May only be not None if stortype is not None. Returns: AsyncIterator[Tuple(buid, valu)] ''' layr = self.getLayer(layriden) if layr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchLayer(iden=layriden) async for item in layr.iterTagPropRows(tag, prop, form=form, stortype=stortype, startvalu=startvalu): yield item
[docs]@contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def getTempCortex(mods=None): ''' Get a proxy to a cortex backed by a temporary directory. Args: mods (list): A list of modules which are loaded into the cortex. Notes: The cortex and temporary directory are town down on exit. This should only be called from synchronous code. Returns: Proxy to the cortex. ''' with s_common.getTempDir() as dirn: async with await Cortex.anit(dirn) as core: if mods: for mod in mods: await core.loadCoreModule(mod) async with core.getLocalProxy() as prox: yield prox