Source code for synapse.axon

import json
import asyncio
import hashlib
import logging
import tempfile
import contextlib

import aiohttp
import aiohttp_socks

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.cell as s_cell
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.const as s_const
import synapse.lib.share as s_share
import synapse.lib.config as s_config
import synapse.lib.hashset as s_hashset
import synapse.lib.httpapi as s_httpapi
import synapse.lib.urlhelp as s_urlhelp
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.lmdbslab as s_lmdbslab
import synapse.lib.slabseqn as s_slabseqn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * s_const.mebibyte
MAX_SPOOL_SIZE = CHUNK_SIZE * 32  # 512 mebibytes
MAX_HTTP_UPLOAD_SIZE = 4 * s_const.tebibyte

[docs]class AxonHttpUploadV1(s_httpapi.StreamHandler):
[docs] async def prepare(self): self.upfd = None if not await self.allowed(('axon', 'upload')): await self.finish() # max_body_size defaults to 100MB and requires a value self.request.connection.set_max_body_size(MAX_HTTP_UPLOAD_SIZE) self.upfd = await self.cell.upload() self.hashset = s_hashset.HashSet()
[docs] async def data_received(self, chunk): if chunk is not None: await self.upfd.write(chunk) self.hashset.update(chunk) await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] def on_finish(self): if self.upfd is not None and not self.upfd.isfini: self.cell.schedCoroSafe(self.upfd.fini())
[docs] def on_connection_close(self): self.on_finish()
async def _save(self): size, sha256b = await fhashes = {htyp: hasher.hexdigest() for htyp, hasher in self.hashset.hashes} assert sha256b == s_common.uhex(fhashes.get('sha256')) assert size == self.hashset.size fhashes['size'] = size return self.sendRestRetn(fhashes)
[docs] async def post(self): ''' Called after all data has been read. ''' await self._save() return
[docs] async def put(self): await self._save() return
[docs]class AxonHttpHasV1(s_httpapi.Handler):
[docs] async def get(self, sha256): if not await self.allowed(('axon', 'has')): return resp = await self.cell.has(s_common.uhex(sha256)) return self.sendRestRetn(resp)
reqValidAxonDel = s_config.getJsValidator({ 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'sha256s': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '(?i)^[0-9a-f]{64}$'} }, }, 'additionalProperties': False, 'required': ['sha256s'], })
[docs]class AxonHttpDelV1(s_httpapi.Handler):
[docs] async def post(self): if not await self.allowed(('axon', 'del')): return body = self.getJsonBody(validator=reqValidAxonDel) if body is None: return sha256s = body.get('sha256s') hashes = [s_common.uhex(s) for s in sha256s] resp = await self.cell.dels(hashes) return self.sendRestRetn(tuple(zip(sha256s, resp)))
[docs]class AxonHttpBySha256V1(s_httpapi.Handler):
[docs] async def get(self, sha256): if not await self.allowed(('axon', 'get')): return sha256b = s_common.uhex(sha256) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream') self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment') try: async for byts in self.cell.get(sha256b): self.write(byts) await self.flush() await asyncio.sleep(0) except s_exc.NoSuchFile as e: self.set_status(404) self.sendRestErr('NoSuchFile', e.get('mesg')) return
[docs] async def delete(self, sha256): if not await self.allowed(('axon', 'del')): return sha256b = s_common.uhex(sha256) if not await self.cell.has(sha256b): self.set_status(404) self.sendRestErr('NoSuchFile', f'SHA-256 not found: {sha256}') return resp = await self.cell.del_(sha256b) return self.sendRestRetn(resp)
[docs]class UpLoad(s_base.Base): ''' An object used to manage uploads to the Axon. ''' async def __anit__(self, axon): # type: ignore await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.axon = axon self.fd = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=MAX_SPOOL_SIZE) self.size = 0 self.sha256 = hashlib.sha256() self.onfini(self._uploadFini) def _uploadFini(self): self.fd.close() def _reset(self): if self.fd._rolled or self.fd.closed: self.fd.close() self.fd = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=MAX_SPOOL_SIZE) else: # If we haven't rolled over, this skips allocating new objects self.fd.truncate(0) self.size = 0 self.sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
[docs] async def write(self, byts): ''' Write bytes to the Upload object. Args: byts (bytes): Bytes to write to the current Upload object. Returns: (None): Returns None. ''' self.size += len(byts) self.sha256.update(byts) self.fd.write(byts)
[docs] async def save(self): ''' Save the currently uploaded bytes to the Axon. Notes: This resets the Upload object, so it can be reused. Returns: tuple(int, bytes): A tuple of sizes in bytes and the sha256 hash of the saved files. ''' sha256 = self.sha256.digest() rsize = self.size if await self.axon.has(sha256): self._reset() return rsize, sha256 def genr(): while True: if self.isfini: raise s_exc.IsFini() byts = if not byts: return yield byts await, genr()) self._reset() return rsize, sha256
[docs]class UpLoadShare(UpLoad, s_share.Share): # type: ignore typename = 'upload' async def __anit__(self, axon, link): await UpLoad.__anit__(self, axon) await s_share.Share.__anit__(self, link, None)
[docs]class UpLoadProxy(s_share.Share): async def __anit__(self, link, upload): await s_share.Share.__anit__(self, link, upload) self.onfini(upload)
[docs] async def write(self, byts): return await self.item.write(byts)
[docs] async def save(self): return await
[docs]class AxonApi(s_cell.CellApi, s_share.Share): # type: ignore async def __anit__(self, cell, link, user): await s_cell.CellApi.__anit__(self, cell, link, user) await s_share.Share.__anit__(self, link, None)
[docs] async def get(self, sha256): ''' Get bytes of a file. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Examples: Get the bytes from an Axon and process them:: buf = b'' async for bytz in axon.get(sha256): buf =+ bytz await dostuff(buf) Yields: bytes: Chunks of the file bytes. Raises: synapse.exc.NoSuchFile: If the file does not exist. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'get')) async for byts in self.cell.get(sha256): yield byts
[docs] async def has(self, sha256): ''' Check if the Axon has a file. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: boolean: True if the Axon has the file; false otherwise. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) return await self.cell.has(sha256)
[docs] async def size(self, sha256): ''' Get the size of a file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: int: The size of the file, in bytes. If not present, None is returned. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) return await self.cell.size(sha256)
[docs] async def hashset(self, sha256): ''' Calculate additional hashes for a file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing hashes of the file. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) return await self.cell.hashset(sha256)
[docs] async def hashes(self, offs, wait=False, timeout=None): ''' Yield hash rows for files that exist in the Axon in added order starting at an offset. Args: offs (int): The index offset. wait (boolean): Wait for new results and yield them in realtime. timeout (int): Max time to wait for new results. Yields: (int, (bytes, int)): An index offset and the file SHA-256 and size. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) async for item in self.cell.hashes(offs, wait=wait, timeout=timeout): yield item
[docs] async def history(self, tick, tock=None): ''' Yield hash rows for files that existing in the Axon after a given point in time. Args: tick (int): The starting time (in epoch milliseconds). tock (int): The ending time to stop iterating at (in epoch milliseconds). Yields: (int, (bytes, int)): A tuple containing time of the hash was added and the file SHA-256 and size. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) async for item in self.cell.history(tick, tock=tock): yield item
[docs] async def wants(self, sha256s): ''' Get a list of sha256 values the axon does not have from a input list. Args: sha256s (list): A list of sha256 values as bytes. Returns: list: A list of bytes containing the sha256 hashes the Axon does not have. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) return await self.cell.wants(sha256s)
[docs] async def put(self, byts): ''' Store bytes in the Axon. Args: byts (bytes): The bytes to store in the Axon. Notes: This API should not be used for files greater than 128 MiB in size. Returns: tuple(int, bytes): A tuple with the file size and sha256 hash of the bytes. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'upload')) return await self.cell.put(byts)
[docs] async def puts(self, files): ''' Store a set of bytes in the Axon. Args: files (list): A list of bytes to store in the Axon. Notes: This API should not be used for storing more than 128 MiB of bytes at once. Returns: list(tuple(int, bytes)): A list containing tuples of file size and sha256 hash of the saved bytes. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'upload')) return await self.cell.puts(files)
[docs] async def upload(self): ''' Get an Upload object. Notes: The UpLoad object should be used to manage uploads greater than 128 MiB in size. Examples: Use an UpLoad object to upload a file to the Axon:: async with axonProxy.upload() as upfd: # Assumes bytesGenerator yields bytes async for byts in bytsgenerator(): upfd.write(byts) Use a single UpLoad object to save multiple files:: async with axonProxy.upload() as upfd: for fp in file_paths: # Assumes bytesGenerator yields bytes async for byts in bytsgenerator(fp): upfd.write(byts) Returns: UpLoadShare: An Upload manager object. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'upload')) return await UpLoadShare.anit(self.cell,
[docs] async def del_(self, sha256): ''' Remove the given bytes from the Axon by sha256. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256, in bytes, to remove from the Axon. Returns: boolean: True if the file is removed; false if the file is not present. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'del')) return await self.cell.del_(sha256)
[docs] async def dels(self, sha256s): ''' Given a list of sha256 hashes, delete the files from the Axon. Args: sha256s (list): A list of sha256 hashes in bytes form. Returns: list: A list of booleans, indicating if the file was deleted or not. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'del')) return await self.cell.dels(sha256s)
[docs] async def wget(self, url, params=None, headers=None, json=None, body=None, method='GET', ssl=True, timeout=None): ''' Stream a file download directly into the Axon. Args: url (str): The URL to retrieve. params (dict): Additional parameters to add to the URL. headers (dict): Additional HTTP headers to add in the request. json: A JSON body which is included with the request. body: The body to be included in the request. method (str): The HTTP method to use. ssl (bool): Perform SSL verification. timeout (int): The timeout of the request, in seconds. Notes: The response body will be stored, regardless of the response code. The ``ok`` value in the reponse does not reflect that a status code, such as a 404, was encountered when retrieving the URL. The dictionary returned by this may contain the following values:: { 'ok': <boolean> - False if there were exceptions retrieving the URL. 'url': <str> - The URL retrieved (which could have been redirected) 'code': <int> - The response code. 'mesg': <str> - An error message if there was an exception when retrieving the URL. 'headers': <dict> - The response headers as a dictionary. 'size': <int> - The size in bytes of the response body. 'hashes': { 'md5': <str> - The MD5 hash of the response body. 'sha1': <str> - The SHA1 hash of the response body. 'sha256': <str> - The SHA256 hash of the response body. 'sha512': <str> - The SHA512 hash of the response body. } } Returns: dict: An information dictionary containing the results of the request. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'wget')) return await self.cell.wget(url, params=params, headers=headers, json=json, body=body, method=method, ssl=ssl, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def postfiles(self, fields, url, params=None, headers=None, method='POST', ssl=True, timeout=None): await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'wput')) return await self.cell.postfiles(fields, url, params=params, headers=headers, method=method, ssl=ssl, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def wput(self, sha256, url, params=None, headers=None, method='PUT', ssl=True, timeout=None): await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'wput')) return await self.cell.wput(sha256, url, params=params, headers=headers, method=method, ssl=ssl, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def metrics(self): ''' Get the runtime metrics of the Axon. Returns: dict: A dictionary of runtime data about the Axon. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'has')) return await self.cell.metrics()
[docs] async def iterMpkFile(self, sha256): ''' Yield items from a MsgPack (.mpk) file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Yields: Unpacked items from the bytes. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'get')) async for item in self.cell.iterMpkFile(sha256): yield item
[docs] async def readlines(self, sha256): ''' Yield lines from a multi-line text file in the axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file. Yields: str: Lines of text ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'get')) async for item in self.cell.readlines(sha256): yield item
[docs] async def jsonlines(self, sha256): ''' Yield JSON objects from JSONL (JSON lines) file. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file. Yields: object: Decoded JSON objects. ''' await self._reqUserAllowed(('axon', 'get')) async for item in self.cell.jsonlines(sha256): yield item
[docs]class Axon(s_cell.Cell): cellapi = AxonApi confdefs = { 'max:bytes': { 'description': 'The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the Axon.', 'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1, 'hidecmdl': True, }, 'max:count': { 'description': 'The maximum number of files that can be stored in the Axon.', 'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1, 'hidecmdl': True, }, 'http:proxy': { 'description': 'An aiohttp-socks compatible proxy URL to use in the wget API.', 'type': 'string', }, 'tls:ca:dir': { 'description': 'An optional directory of CAs which are added to the TLS CA chain for wget and wput APIs.', 'type': 'string', }, } async def __anit__(self, dirn, conf=None): # type: ignore await s_cell.Cell.__anit__(self, dirn, conf=conf) # share ourself via the cell dmon as "axon" # for potential default remote use self.dmon.share('axon', self) path = s_common.gendir(self.dirn, 'axon.lmdb') self.axonslab = await s_lmdbslab.Slab.anit(path) self.sizes = self.axonslab.initdb('sizes') self.onfini(self.axonslab.fini) self.hashlocks = {} self.axonhist = s_lmdbslab.Hist(self.axonslab, 'history') self.axonseqn = s_slabseqn.SlabSeqn(self.axonslab, 'axonseqn') node = await'axon', 'metrics')) self.axonmetrics = await node.dict() self.axonmetrics.setdefault('size:bytes', 0) self.axonmetrics.setdefault('file:count', 0) self.maxbytes = self.conf.get('max:bytes') self.maxcount = self.conf.get('max:count') self.addHealthFunc(self._axonHealth) # modularize blob storage await self._initBlobStor() self._initAxonHttpApi()
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def holdHashLock(self, hashbyts): ''' A context manager that synchronizes edit access to a blob. Args: hashbyts (bytes): The blob to hold the lock for. ''' item = self.hashlocks.get(hashbyts) if item is None: self.hashlocks[hashbyts] = item = [0, asyncio.Lock()] item[0] += 1 async with item[1]: yield item[0] -= 1 if item[0] == 0: self.hashlocks.pop(hashbyts, None)
def _reqBelowLimit(self): if (self.maxbytes is not None and self.maxbytes <= self.axonmetrics.get('size:bytes')): mesg = f'Axon is at size:bytes limit: {self.maxbytes}' raise s_exc.HitLimit(mesg=mesg) if (self.maxcount is not None and self.maxcount <= self.axonmetrics.get('file:count')): mesg = f'Axon is at file:count limit: {self.maxcount}' raise s_exc.HitLimit(mesg=mesg) async def _axonHealth(self, health): health.update('axon', 'nominal', '', data=await self.metrics()) async def _initBlobStor(self): path = s_common.gendir(self.dirn, 'blob.lmdb') self.blobslab = await s_lmdbslab.Slab.anit(path) self.blobs = self.blobslab.initdb('blobs') self.onfini(self.blobslab.fini) def _initAxonHttpApi(self): self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/axon/files/del', AxonHttpDelV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/axon/files/put', AxonHttpUploadV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/axon/files/has/sha256/([0-9a-fA-F]{64}$)', AxonHttpHasV1, {'cell': self}) self.addHttpApi('/api/v1/axon/files/by/sha256/([0-9a-fA-F]{64}$)', AxonHttpBySha256V1, {'cell': self}) def _addSyncItem(self, item, tick=None): self.axonhist.add(item, tick=tick) self.axonseqn.add(item)
[docs] async def history(self, tick, tock=None): ''' Yield hash rows for files that existing in the Axon after a given point in time. Args: tick (int): The starting time (in epoch milliseconds). tock (int): The ending time to stop iterating at (in epoch milliseconds). Yields: (int, (bytes, int)): A tuple containing time of the hash was added and the file SHA-256 and size. ''' for item in self.axonhist.carve(tick, tock=tock): yield item
[docs] async def hashes(self, offs, wait=False, timeout=None): ''' Yield hash rows for files that exist in the Axon in added order starting at an offset. Args: offs (int): The index offset. wait (boolean): Wait for new results and yield them in realtime. timeout (int): Max time to wait for new results. Yields: (int, (bytes, int)): An index offset and the file SHA-256 and size. Note: If the same hash was deleted and then added back, the same hash will be yielded twice. ''' async for item in self.axonseqn.aiter(offs, wait=wait, timeout=timeout): if self.axonslab.has(item[1][0], db=self.sizes): yield item await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def get(self, sha256): ''' Get bytes of a file. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Examples: Get the bytes from an Axon and process them:: buf = b'' async for bytz in axon.get(sha256): buf =+ bytz await dostuff(buf) Yields: bytes: Chunks of the file bytes. Raises: synapse.exc.NoSuchFile: If the file does not exist. ''' if not await self.has(sha256): raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='Axon does not contain the requested file.', sha256=s_common.ehex(sha256)) fhash = s_common.ehex(sha256) logger.debug(f'Getting blob [{fhash}].', extra=await self.getLogExtra(sha256=fhash)) async for byts in self._get(sha256): yield byts
async def _get(self, sha256): for _, byts in self.blobslab.scanByPref(sha256, db=self.blobs): yield byts
[docs] async def put(self, byts): ''' Store bytes in the Axon. Args: byts (bytes): The bytes to store in the Axon. Notes: This API should not be used for files greater than 128 MiB in size. Returns: tuple(int, bytes): A tuple with the file size and sha256 hash of the bytes. ''' # Use a UpLoad context manager so that we can # ensure that a one-shot set of bytes is chunked # in a consistent fashion. async with await self.upload() as fd: await fd.write(byts) return await
[docs] async def puts(self, files): ''' Store a set of bytes in the Axon. Args: files (list): A list of bytes to store in the Axon. Notes: This API should not be used for storing more than 128 MiB of bytes at once. Returns: list(tuple(int, bytes)): A list containing tuples of file size and sha256 hash of the saved bytes. ''' return [await self.put(b) for b in files]
[docs] async def upload(self): ''' Get an Upload object. Notes: The UpLoad object should be used to manage uploads greater than 128 MiB in size. Examples: Use an UpLoad object to upload a file to the Axon:: async with await axon.upload() as upfd: # Assumes bytesGenerator yields bytes async for byts in bytsgenerator(): await upfd.write(byts) await Use a single UpLoad object to save multiple files:: async with await axon.upload() as upfd: for fp in file_paths: # Assumes bytesGenerator yields bytes async for byts in bytsgenerator(fp): await upfd.write(byts) await Returns: UpLoad: An Upload manager object. ''' return await UpLoad.anit(self)
[docs] async def has(self, sha256): ''' Check if the Axon has a file. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: boolean: True if the Axon has the file; false otherwise. ''' return self.axonslab.get(sha256, db=self.sizes) is not None
[docs] async def size(self, sha256): ''' Get the size of a file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: int: The size of the file, in bytes. If not present, None is returned. ''' byts = self.axonslab.get(sha256, db=self.sizes) if byts is not None: return int.from_bytes(byts, 'big')
[docs] async def hashset(self, sha256): ''' Calculate additional hashes for a file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing hashes of the file. ''' if not await self.has(sha256): raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='Axon does not contain the requested file.', sha256=s_common.ehex(sha256)) fhash = s_common.ehex(sha256) logger.debug(f'Getting blob [{fhash}].', extra=await self.getLogExtra(sha256=fhash)) hashset = s_hashset.HashSet() async for byts in self._get(sha256): hashset.update(byts) await asyncio.sleep(0) return dict([(n, s_common.ehex(h)) for (n, h) in hashset.digests()])
[docs] async def metrics(self): ''' Get the runtime metrics of the Axon. Returns: dict: A dictionary of runtime data about the Axon. ''' return dict(self.axonmetrics.items())
[docs] async def save(self, sha256, genr): ''' Save a generator of bytes to the Axon. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256 hash of the file in bytes. genr: The bytes generator function. Returns: int: The size of the bytes saved. ''' assert genr is not None return await self._populate(sha256, genr)
async def _populate(self, sha256, genr, size=None): ''' Populates the metadata and save the data itself if genr is not None ''' assert genr is not None or size is not None self._reqBelowLimit() async with self.holdHashLock(sha256): byts = self.axonslab.get(sha256, db=self.sizes) if byts is not None: return int.from_bytes(byts, 'big') fhash = s_common.ehex(sha256) logger.debug(f'Saving blob [{fhash}].', extra=await self.getLogExtra(sha256=fhash)) if genr is not None: size = await self._saveFileGenr(sha256, genr) self._addSyncItem((sha256, size)) await self.axonmetrics.set('file:count', self.axonmetrics.get('file:count') + 1) await self.axonmetrics.set('size:bytes', self.axonmetrics.get('size:bytes') + size) self.axonslab.put(sha256, size.to_bytes(8, 'big'), db=self.sizes) return size async def _saveFileGenr(self, sha256, genr): size = 0 for i, byts in enumerate(genr): size += len(byts) lkey = sha256 + i.to_bytes(8, 'big') self.blobslab.put(lkey, byts, db=self.blobs) await asyncio.sleep(0) return size
[docs] async def dels(self, sha256s): ''' Given a list of sha256 hashes, delete the files from the Axon. Args: sha256s (list): A list of sha256 hashes in bytes form. Returns: list: A list of booleans, indicating if the file was deleted or not. ''' return [await self.del_(s) for s in sha256s]
[docs] async def del_(self, sha256): ''' Remove the given bytes from the Axon by sha256. Args: sha256 (bytes): The sha256, in bytes, to remove from the Axon. Returns: boolean: True if the file is removed; false if the file is not present. ''' async with self.holdHashLock(sha256): byts = self.axonslab.pop(sha256, db=self.sizes) if not byts: return False fhash = s_common.ehex(sha256) logger.debug(f'Deleting blob [{fhash}].', extra=await self.getLogExtra(sha256=fhash)) size = int.from_bytes(byts, 'big') await self.axonmetrics.set('file:count', self.axonmetrics.get('file:count') - 1) await self.axonmetrics.set('size:bytes', self.axonmetrics.get('size:bytes') - size) await self._delBlobByts(sha256) return True
async def _delBlobByts(self, sha256): # remove the actual blobs... for lkey in self.blobslab.scanKeysByPref(sha256, db=self.blobs): self.blobslab.delete(lkey, db=self.blobs) await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def wants(self, sha256s): ''' Get a list of sha256 values the axon does not have from a input list. Args: sha256s (list): A list of sha256 values as bytes. Returns: list: A list of bytes containing the sha256 hashes the Axon does not have. ''' return [s for s in sha256s if not await self.has(s)]
[docs] async def iterMpkFile(self, sha256): ''' Yield items from a MsgPack (.mpk) file in the Axon. Args: sha256 (str): The sha256 hash of the file as a string. Yields: Unpacked items from the bytes. ''' unpk = s_msgpack.Unpk() async for byts in self.get(s_common.uhex(sha256)): for _, item in unpk.feed(byts): yield item
[docs] async def readlines(self, sha256): remain = '' async for byts in self.get(s_common.uhex(sha256)): text = remain + byts.decode() lines = text.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: remain = text continue remain = lines[-1] for line in lines[:-1]: yield line if remain: yield remain
[docs] async def jsonlines(self, sha256): async for line in self.readlines(sha256): line = line.strip() if not line: continue try: yield json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.exception(f'Bad json line encountered for {sha256}') raise s_exc.BadJsonText(mesg=f'Bad json line encountered while processing {sha256}, ({e})', sha256=sha256) from None
[docs] async def postfiles(self, fields, url, params=None, headers=None, method='POST', ssl=True, timeout=None): ''' Send files from the axon as fields in a multipart/form-data HTTP request. Args: fields (list): List of dicts containing the fields to add to the request as form-data. url (str): The URL to retrieve. params (dict): Additional parameters to add to the URL. headers (dict): Additional HTTP headers to add in the request. method (str): The HTTP method to use. ssl (bool): Perform SSL verification. timeout (int): The timeout of the request, in seconds. Notes: The dictionaries in the fields list may contain the following values:: { 'name': <str> - Name of the field. 'sha256': <str> - SHA256 hash of the file to submit for this field. 'value': <str> - Value for the field. Ignored if a sha256 has been specified. 'filename': <str> - Optional filename for the field. 'content_type': <str> - Optional content type for the field. 'content_transfer_encoding': <str> - Optional content-transfer-encoding header for the field. } The dictionary returned by this may contain the following values:: { 'ok': <boolean> - False if there were exceptions retrieving the URL. 'err': <str> - An error message if there was an exception when retrieving the URL. 'url': <str> - The URL retrieved (which could have been redirected) 'code': <int> - The response code. 'body': <bytes> - The response body. 'headers': <dict> - The response headers as a dictionary. } Returns: dict: An information dictionary containing the results of the request. ''' proxyurl = self.conf.get('http:proxy') cadir = self.conf.get('tls:ca:dir') connector = None if proxyurl is not None: connector = aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector.from_url(proxyurl) if ssl is False: pass elif cadir: ssl = s_common.getSslCtx(cadir) else: # default aiohttp behavior ssl = None atimeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, timeout=atimeout) as sess: try: data = aiohttp.FormData() data._is_multipart = True for field in fields: sha256 = field.get('sha256') if sha256: valu = self.get(s_common.uhex(sha256)) else: valu = field.get('value') data.add_field(field.get('name'), valu, content_type=field.get('content_type'), filename=field.get('filename'), content_transfer_encoding=field.get('content_transfer_encoding')) async with sess.request(method, url, headers=headers, params=params, data=data, ssl=ssl) as resp: info = { 'ok': True, 'url': str(resp.url), 'code': resp.status, 'body': await, 'headers': dict(resp.headers), } return info except asyncio.CancelledError: # pramga: no cover raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'Error POSTing files to [{s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url)}]') exc = s_common.excinfo(e) mesg = exc.get('errmsg') if not mesg: mesg = exc.get('err') return { 'ok': False, 'err': mesg, 'url': url, 'body': b'', 'code': -1, 'headers': dict(), }
[docs] async def wput(self, sha256, url, params=None, headers=None, method='PUT', ssl=True, timeout=None, filename=None, filemime=None): ''' Stream a blob from the axon as the body of an HTTP request. ''' proxyurl = self.conf.get('http:proxy') cadir = self.conf.get('tls:ca:dir') connector = None if proxyurl is not None: connector = aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector.from_url(proxyurl) if ssl is False: pass elif cadir: ssl = s_common.getSslCtx(cadir) else: # default aiohttp behavior ssl = None atimeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, timeout=atimeout) as sess: try: async with sess.request(method, url, headers=headers, params=params, data=self.get(sha256), ssl=ssl) as resp: info = { 'ok': True, 'url': str(resp.url), 'code': resp.status, 'headers': dict(resp.headers), } return info except asyncio.CancelledError: # pramga: no cover raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'Error streaming [{sha256}] to [{s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url)}]') exc = s_common.excinfo(e) mesg = exc.get('errmsg') if not mesg: mesg = exc.get('err') return { 'ok': False, 'mesg': mesg, }
[docs] async def wget(self, url, params=None, headers=None, json=None, body=None, method='GET', ssl=True, timeout=None): ''' Stream a file download directly into the Axon. Args: url (str): The URL to retrieve. params (dict): Additional parameters to add to the URL. headers (dict): Additional HTTP headers to add in the request. json: A JSON body which is included with the request. body: The body to be included in the request. method (str): The HTTP method to use. ssl (bool): Perform SSL verification. timeout (int): The timeout of the request, in seconds. Notes: The response body will be stored, regardless of the response code. The ``ok`` value in the reponse does not reflect that a status code, such as a 404, was encountered when retrieving the URL. The dictionary returned by this may contain the following values:: { 'ok': <boolean> - False if there were exceptions retrieving the URL. 'url': <str> - The URL retrieved (which could have been redirected) 'code': <int> - The response code. 'mesg': <str> - An error message if there was an exception when retrieving the URL. 'headers': <dict> - The response headers as a dictionary. 'size': <int> - The size in bytes of the response body. 'hashes': { 'md5': <str> - The MD5 hash of the response body. 'sha1': <str> - The SHA1 hash of the response body. 'sha256': <str> - The SHA256 hash of the response body. 'sha512': <str> - The SHA512 hash of the response body. } } Returns: dict: An information dictionary containing the results of the request. ''' logger.debug(f'Wget called for [{url}].', extra=await self.getLogExtra(url=s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url))) proxyurl = self.conf.get('http:proxy') cadir = self.conf.get('tls:ca:dir') connector = None if proxyurl is not None: connector = aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector.from_url(proxyurl) atimeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout) if ssl is False: pass elif cadir: ssl = s_common.getSslCtx(cadir) else: # default aiohttp behavior ssl = None async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, timeout=atimeout) as sess: try: async with sess.request(method, url, headers=headers, params=params, json=json, data=body, ssl=ssl) as resp: info = { 'ok': True, 'url': str(resp.url), 'code': resp.status, 'headers': dict(resp.headers), } hashset = s_hashset.HashSet() async with await self.upload() as upload: async for byts in resp.content.iter_chunked(CHUNK_SIZE): await upload.write(byts) hashset.update(byts) size, _ = await info['size'] = size info['hashes'] = dict([(n, s_common.ehex(h)) for (n, h) in hashset.digests()]) return info except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'Failed to wget {s_urlhelp.sanitizeUrl(url)}') exc = s_common.excinfo(e) mesg = exc.get('errmsg') if not mesg: mesg = exc.get('err') return { 'ok': False, 'mesg': mesg, }